Friday, June 13, 2008

Does an economic depression loom?

Related reading:


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    May Lord have mercy on the people. People need to see Jesus Christ, not merely old-fashioned taboos. They need to see holiness and love, not malice or sneering.

  2. I hope you don't view Christ's Commandments and His teaching (which is made known through the Magisterium of His Church) as merely "old-fashioned taboos" while believing that moral opposition toward homosexuality constitutes "malice" and "sneering."

    Such characterizations add nothing fruitful to a calm and reasoned discussion of the issues.

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I did not intend such insinuations, Paul. Again, I was awkward and I apologize. I think of such taboos as forbidding women from entering public life or dominating people of color. Surely it is irresponsible to deny that those traits have existed in traditional society. But the sad fact is that too many people see the Church's teaching as collection of old-fashioned taboos. The one-dimensional preaching of self-styled pundits has often unintentionally given that impression. If you've actually examined examples of conservative punditry, you'll see plenty of sneering instead of ministering. One example that I can recall is Michael Savage's screeches. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself and conduct dialog instead of immediately writing me off as a liberal or a communist.

  4. There are plenty of liberal pundits which come to mind as well (e.g., Al Franken and Michael Moore). There have been excesses on both sides. But far more excess on the liberal side.

    Taboos "forbidding women from entering public life or dominating people of color"? Such discrimination didn't arise from the Gospel message or the Church founded by Christ. The civil rights movement in this country was led by a Christian minister. Pope John Paul II wrote often about the genius of women in his Encyclicals and the Church has honored women from the very beginning (recall how Jesus' attitude toward women contrasted with that of the people of that day).

    It is interesting that you make no mention of abortion. Doesn't abortion victimize women as well as innocent children? Doesn't it also victimize the fathers? And yet, liberals in this country embrace the killing of children in the womb. Trying to find a liberal with the moral integrity to acknowledge that abortion is murder and that this country has been engaged in genocide against the unborn innocents is like trying to find a stick with one end. And how many liberals refuse to acknowledge the gravely sinful nature of homosexual acts or the fact that marriage is an institution created by God for the union of one man and one woman?

    Yes, there are excesses all around us. Which is why we should adhere to the Magisterial teaching of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is not a pundit. He is Truth. He can neither deceive nor be deceived. Why then do we not embrace everything He teaches us?

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I do accept everything that Christ teaches. I accept that abortion is murder. I do accept that homosexual activity is wrong. Sadly, too many people assume that the Church cares only about those issues. I try to educate people on the breadth and depth of the Gospel, but I'm afraid that rightist pundits will continue to shout over me. I shouldn't say more and risk embarrassing myself again. Thank you again for dialogging with me.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Brian writes, "I do accept everything that Christ teaches. I accept that abortion is murder. I do accept that homosexual activity is wrong. Sadly, too many people assume that the Church cares only about those issues. I try to educate people on the breadth and depth of the Gospel, but I'm afraid that rightist pundits will continue to shout over me. I shouldn't say more and risk embarrassing myself again. Thank you again for dialogging with me."

    But why would any sane person think that the Church is ONLY concerned with issues such as abortion and homosexuality? The Church has consistently spoken out on a mutitude of issues such as the social justice issues: feeding and clothing the poor, the need for a just wage, equality for all etc. Our sinful society usually ignores these calls for equality and justice for all. But which issues are really more important than the abortion and homosexuality issues? Abortion is the direct and intentional killing of an INNOCENT human child. Homosexuality, and especially same-sex "marriage" represents a direct attack on the family - the cornerstone and foundation of society.

    Rightist pundits? What about the leftist pundits who not only shout loudly but who control the mainstream media? They exercise an almost total control (or monopoly) of television, radio, magazines and newspapers and Brian is apparently totally unconcerned over this and can only see "evil" in the "rightist" pundits?

