Friday, August 28, 2020

Catholic teaching: Catholics may never vote for Pro-Abortion candidates for any reason

Father Stephen Torraco explains:

"If a political candidate supported abortion, or any other moral evil, such as assisted suicide and euthanasia, for that matter, it would not be morally permissible for you to vote for that person. This is because, in voting for such a person, you would become an accomplice in the moral evil at issue.

For this reason, moral evils such as abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are examples of a 'disqualifying issue.' A disqualifying issue is one which is of such gravity and importance that it allows for no political maneuvering. It is an issue that strikes at the heart of the human person and is non-negotiable. A disqualifying issue is one of such enormity that by itself renders a candidate for office unacceptable regardless of his position on other matters. You must sacrifice your feelings on other issues because you know that you cannot participate in any way in an approval of a violent and evil violation of basic human rights.

A candidate for office who supports abortion rights or any other moral evil has disqualified himself as a person that you can vote for. You do not have to vote for a person because he is pro-life. But you may not vote for any candidate who supports abortion rights. Key to understanding the point above about "disqualifying issues" is the distinction between policy and moral principle. On the one hand, there can be a legitimate variety of approaches to accomplishing a morally acceptable goal. For example, in a society’s effort to distribute the goods of health care to its citizens, there can be legitimate disagreement among citizens and political candidates alike as to whether this or that health care plan would most effectively accomplish society’s goal. In the pursuit of the best possible policy or strategy, technical as distinct (although not separate) from moral reason is operative. Technical reason is the kind of reasoning involved in arriving at the most efficient or effective result. On the other hand, no policy or strategy that is opposed to the moral principles of the natural law is morally acceptable. Thus, technical reason should always be subordinate to and normed by moral reason, the kind of reasoning that is the activity of conscience and that is based on the natural moral law."

This point is understood by authentic Catholics.  Unfortunately, thanks to priest-idiots such as the clown cited here, some who pretend to be Catholic continue to justify their vote for pro-abortion candidates such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The teaching of Christ's Church has always been crystal clear to practicing Catholics with a modicum of intelligence:

"It is true that it is not the task of the law to choose between points of view or to impose one rather than another. But the life of the child takes precedence over all opinions. One cannot invoke freedom of thought to destroy this life...

The role of law is not to record what is done, but to help in promoting improvement. It is at all times the task of the State to preserve each person's rights and to protect the weakest. In order to do so the State will have to right many wrongs. The law is not obliged to sanction everything, but it cannot act contrary to a law which is deeper and more majestic than any human law: the natural law engraved in men's hearts by the Creator as a norm which reason clarifies and strives to formulate properly, and which one must always struggle to understand better, but which it is always wrong to contradict. Human law can abstain from punishment, but it cannot declare to be right what would be opposed to the natural law, for this opposition suffices to give the assurance that a law is not a law at all...

It must in any case be clearly understood that whatever may be laid down by civil law in this matter, man can never obey a law which is in itself immoral, and such is the case of a law which would admit in principle the liceity of abortion. Nor can he take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it. Moreover, he may not collaborate in its application.

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Procured Abortion, November 18, 1974, nos. 19-22

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe Biden: Servant of the Father of Darkness

From Lifesite News:

"During his acceptance speech at the widely-criticized Democratic National Convention last night, 77-year-old Joe Biden promised that if he was elected the next president of the United States he’d be 'an ally of the light, not the darkness.'

'I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,' the former Vice President said. 'I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness…make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.'

The convention drove the point home all week that Biden is the candidate who will restore America to a more wholesome period. Michelle Obama called him a 'profoundly decent' human being in her remarks while video montages shared stories about Biden’s Catholic upbringing and his friendship with Republican lawmakers like John McCain.

There’s only one major problem here: The past four years haven’t been a period of darkness…and Joe Biden is anything but a light-bearer.

Not only is Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris puppets for the open borders, Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce crowd, he’s an angel of death whose presidency would hasten the demise of the United States. Think I’m being too extreme? Here’s just a few of the many anti-Christian policies Joe Biden has promised to support if elected:

He wants abortion on demand until birth.
He would restore billions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.

He’s promised to force religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor to violate their conscience and provide abortion-inducing drugs.

He’s pledged to pass the pro-LGBT, anti-religious liberty 'Equality Act.'

And that’s just the beginning. During his 40+ years in elected office, Biden’s voted for bills that have undermined middle-class families and communities. He supported NAFTA, helped make China an economic superpower, and has waged an imperialist foreign policy that has (and will continue to) put American young men and women into harm's way. He’ll continue these disastrous policies should he win the presidency. Moreover, Biden has failed to condemn Antifa and the violent mobs destroying American cities these last few months. How is he in any way 'an ally of the light'?

Scripture tells us there are four sins that cry to heaven for justice, two of which are homosexual acts and murder. It also says that 'righteousness exalts a nation but sin makes a nation miserable' (Proverbs 14:34.)

The pro-gay, pro-abortion, anti-family policies promoted by Joe Biden would not only lead the United States away from God, but would bring down God’s wrath upon it. 'Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness,' Isaiah 5:20 says.

Contrast the anti-Christian country a Biden administration would usher in to the following policies and actions taken by President Trump over these last 'dark' four years:

He denied the United Nations millions in taxpayer dollars for abortion.

He spoke at the 2020 March for Life and adressed the 2019 March for Life by video.

He visited Catholic churches and promised to prosecute those who commit ‘sacrilegious acts’ of vandalism.

He delivered a pro-God, pro-Christianity speech in Poland in 2017.

He’s rooted out human traffickers and other abusers.

He defended the religious liberty of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

He called churches 'essential' during COVID-19 while Democratic governors sought to shut them down.

He stood in solidarity with people of faith by holding up a Bible outside a Washington D.C. church attacked by Antifa.

He thanked Archbishop Vigano for his letter exposing the 'Deep Church' and the 'Deep State.'

He’s worked to protect American workers and has pressured U.S. companies that ship job overseas."


For more on How Biden's hypocrisy, see here.

As Dr. Germain Crises explains, "If those who lack virtue and holiness simulate what they lack, they practice hypocrisy, seeking by mere outward show to keep their reputation and to receive undeserved honor.  As deceptive communication, all hypocrisy is at least venially sinful.  The New Testament, however, condemns as a most grave sin a certain kind of hypocrisy: the pretense of sincere Faith by those who sinfully reject or pervert Jesus' gospel.  While the enormity of their sin lay in their unbelief more than in their pretense, hypocrisy nevertheless can be a grave matter even without rejection of Faith.  For those who are role models, sinning gravely in ways others can observe, while hypocritically maintaining that their behavior is not sinful, clearly is grave matter, because it is scandalous."

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Lying and homicide: The marks of the Devil and today's Democratic Socialist Party

Writing for The Wanderer last year, Rey Flores noted that, "The Democrats really do not understand the American people at all, at least not the sane ones. It’s probably not so much that they do not understand people like you and me, but that they refuse to try and accept the reality which so justly keeps backfiring on them every time they think they’ve got us beat.

From the ludicrous Russian collusion fairytales to the Supreme Court nominations and hearings, Democrat socialists, which are one and the same, have no agenda to make America better. They have proven to be the party of absolutely nothing other than hate, lies, and spite. Their hatred for outsider President Trump is greater than any love any of them may have ever had — but it’s very doubtful — for our nation and her people.

They are embarrassingly still smarting from the smashing defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and have had no sleep ever since. The news and entertainment media, and the social media tech giants, which are basically extensions of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), have been working overtime, plotting their next move against our president.

Again, remember that when they are going after Trump, they are coming after all of us. This means everyone from millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders, to America-hater Kamala Harris and that sodomite mayor from Indiana who bears an uncanny resemblance to Mad Magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman. They are all way off the charts.

Then there’s former Vice President Joe Biden who has spent more than half of his adult life in public office and still has the gall to announce that unless he becomes president, the country will continue to fail. It’s exactly people like Biden who have had more than enough chances to lead, but instead they just become another do-nothing D.C. swamp creature.

It’s interesting how the left has declared war against rich, old white guys, yet two of their strongest contenders — which isn’t saying much with that whole bunch — are both rich and old white guys. I know others have pointed this irony out, but I think it’s worth repeating just to rub their hypocritical noses in that steaming hot pile of you-know-what that they just made on the front lawn of our political system.

While it’s fun to watch the leftists make complete fools of themselves, it’s no laughing matter when they are enacting all types of legislation taking abortion extremism into entirely new hellish realms.

What the Democrats are doing now in states like New York, Illinois, and Virginia is taking their rage out on the unborn citizens of our country. The passage of recent infanticide laws in those states further proves that Democrats’ main strategy in the 2020 races is mainly to “out-abort” each other.

As we have all watched in horror, this isn’t just about aborting innocent children in the womb — these bloodthirsty savages on the left have officially crossed the line from abortion into infanticide. Thank God for the leadership in states like Alabama and Georgia who are countering the tide of human sacrifice going on in other parts of our country!

When a nation can rationalize the kinds of abortion and infanticide laws which are worsening at every step Democrats take today, I say it’s time to take the fight to them at every level. Where are the activist judges on our side? Why is it that we have allowed things to get as ugly as they are when it comes to defending and protecting the sanctity of human life?

Since 2016, many Americans have joined the #WalkAway movement which has seen countless citizens walk away from the Democrat left and join the Republican Party. Now just to make it clear, I’m not a big fan of political parties, but in today’s political climate, I think it’s easy to see which side of the aisle we need to stand on as Catholics and other God-fearing Christians.
2020 is right around the corner. If you think it’s a long way off and that we still have time to be complacent and still win, you are sorely mistaken. Now is the time to make sure that you and everyone who sides with us is registered to vote. Now is the time to start raising awareness about the dreadful future that awaits us if these crooked Democrats steal the election.

Get Busy!"

Lying and homicide, the marks of the Devil (See John 8). These two marks are enshrined within today's Democratic Party.

The Moloch State, which the Democratic Party serves and which is being prepared for the arrival of the Man of Sin, will not tolerate Christian opposition to abortion and homosexuality.    As Fr. Miceli explains, "..a religious pagan state that claims total jurisdiction over man is a state directed by demons through the actions of rulers who justify their tyranny by having recourse to their Moloch god.  Such a state provides its subjects not with law and justice, but with order - a man-centered, oppressive, demonic order.  It begets the totalitarian state.  The modern world everywhere is succumbing to the power of such a Moloch state.  For secular, rational and occult humanism denies that there is any really transcendent, higher-than-human voice of authority that cares for man.  Secular and occult humanists are at one in denying the true God.  They are at one in divinizing man, the secularist through science, the occultist through demonic powers.  Both seek power.  The secularist seeks political power in the name of humanity; the occultist seeks the power of the underworld in the name of humanity.  Both seek power for their own benefit.  And both eventually come together to create the super-instrument of power, the modern omnicompetent state which claims absolute authority over the life and death of each citizen."

We know what we have to do.  As Mr. Flores has said, "get busy."  Pray, witness to the truth of the Gospels, resist the Democratic Party with its Satanic platform. And those pseudo-Catholics who pretend at serving Christ while voting for the Party of the Devil.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Senator Kamala Harris: Sick anti-Catholic bigot

Lifesite News reports:

"Bishop Joseph Strickland sent out a tweet suggesting that Joe Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, reminds him of former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who famously called conservatives 'deplorables,' at the height of her 2016 campaign. 

'Catholics take note....reminds me of another candidate calling us ‘the deplorables’....we need to be awake to this.....Kamala’s Anti-Catholic Assault Previews Her Potential Administration,' wrote Bishop Strickland..(on Twitter)."

More on Senator Harris' anti-Catholic bigotry at The Federalist here.


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the problem Sen. Kamala Harris will have with Catholics:

Once Catholic voters learn more about Kamala Harris’ positions on an array of moral issues, Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick will have a hard time winning them over.

To begin with, Harris has tainted herself with the brush of anti-Catholicism. In 2018, she sought to stop a Trump nominee for a seat on the federal bench simply because he was Catholic. In doing so, she invoked a religious test for the bench, a patently unconstitutional act.

Here is how I characterized the Catholic League’s effort to help the nominee for a federal district job; my remarks were published in the Catholic League’s “2019 Year in Review.”We were among the first to come to bat for [Brian] Buescher, and our effort paid off. After much haggling, he was seated on the court in August [2019].”

The day after Christmas, 2018, I unloaded on Harris for questioning the suitability of Buescher for the job. His offense? His affiliation with the Knights of Columbus. She objected to his membership in the Knights because it is pro-life. Of course it is—it is a Catholic entity. In short, her real target was the Catholic Church.

Her craving for abortion rights is so strong that in 2019 she bludgeoned pro-life activist David Daleiden for his undercover video work showing how abortion operatives harvest and sell aborted fetal organs. Unlike the American people, the vast majority of whom want restrictions on abortion, Harris insists there should be none. She led the fight against a 20-week abortion ban.

Last September, following a Democratic presidential candidate debate, Harris criticized ABC panelists for not asking about abortion. The debate, she said, “was three hours long and not one question about abortion or reproductive rights.” She is so pro-abortion that in 2015, in her capacity as California’s Attorney General, she sought to cripple crisis pregnancy centers with draconian regulations. She was sued and lost in the Supreme Court three years later.

Catholics will be delighted to know that Harris is a co-sponsor of “The Equality Act,” legislation that would effectively gut Catholic hospitals. As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops said, it would put freedom of speech, belief, and thought “at risk,” thus vitiating conscience rights. It would also disable the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, making mince meat out of religious liberty.

Harris’ passion for gay rights led her to become the keynote speaker at the 2017 Human Rights Campaign dinner, the prominent homosexual entity. She thrilled the crowd, saying, “Together we’ll fight when Planned Parenthood clinics are being threatened to shut down.” The audience was ecstatic when she boasted that she “felt patriotic when on Valentine’s weekend in 2004, I performed marriages of gay couples at San Francisco Hall.”

What about men who think they are women, and vice versa? She’s fine with that. Do they belong in the military? Sure. What about biological males who think they are girls competing against real girls in girls’ sports? She loves it.

Harris’ persona is something to keep an eye on. She will fight to the end of the earth to keep black kids trapped in public schools, denying them the same school choice options she has exercised. Yet her stepchildren attended an elite private school in Los Angeles, Wildwood School, that costs about $44,000 a year. She made sure not to stick them in a public school.

If this shows her classist streak, her penchant for believing any sexual allegation made against men shows her sexist side. When Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Harris said about Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations, “I believe her.” That was before Kavanaugh testified. A year later, after Ford’s tale was blown wide open, Harris tweeted that Kavanaugh “lied.”

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is another man whom Harris smeared. When he was charged with sexual assault, she immediately labeled it a “credible account.” The accusation died on the vine. He still has his job.

More seriously, when her running mate was charged with sexual assault last year, Harris said of his accusers, “I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.” She has never taken that back. Does she still believe Biden is a predator? If she hasn’t changed her mind, what does that make her?

Finally, Harris supports reparations for African Americans. That would not include her: her father is Jamaican and her mother was born in India. So she wouldn’t get a dime. But she would have to fork up lots of cash. Why? As her father disclosed—he is a Stanford University professor—one of her ancestors, Hamilton Brown, was a slave owner.

In fairness, then, if the average American has to pay X amount for slavery, Harris should at least have to pay 10X. Isn’t this what redistributive justice is all about? Catholics need to know.


Joe Biden's choice for Vice President is a vicious, rabid anti-Catholic bigot who promotes legalized prostitution, see here. This should come as no surprise.  For Joe Biden is a Catholic in name only with his own disdain for Catholics and Catholic teaching.  An ageing sick opportunist with a lust for power who will say or do anything to get elected.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

"The inability to kneel is seen as the very essence of the diabolical..."

Lifesite News reports:

"A Catholic church in the United States’ island territory of Guam is forbidding the faithful from kneeling in prayer during church services in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A parishioner sent LifeSiteNews a photo of one of the pews at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Parish in Sinajana, bearing a sign asking the faithful, 'PLEASE DO NOT KNEEL.' The parishioner also said that a priest at the church had stopped administering Holy Communion on the tongue.

A July 12 notice published to the church’s Facebook page lists 'do not use kneelers to pray' among a list of health rules for indoor services, which also includes mandatory face masks and temperature screenings, hand sanitizer at the entrances, and forbidding handshakes during the 'sign of peace.'

'I didn’t go back the following Sundays because of the sign,' said one parishioner, who wished to remain anonymous. 'I decided to go to another church that does not post such nonsense.' The parishioner added that posting the signs 'indicates to me lack of faith in the Eucharist.'"


I've said this many times before, masonic forces seek to subvert the Church from within and to create a 'new church' created in the image and likeness of man. The new humanitarian religion will result from a quiet revolution within the Church. This new religion will be anti-supernatural. And it will embrace the Socialistic New World Order and the Reign of Antichrist. This is the false church Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich saw in her visions.

In this false church within the True Church, the cancer within the Mystical Body of Christ, there is a loss of the sense of the sacred.  Which is why Fr. Miceli wrote that, "Much of the new liturgy has been drained of the numinous and the sacred.  The new forms are without splendor, flattened, undifferentiated.  Why was kneeling replaced by standing?  Jesus himself fell on his knees and on his face as he prayed to his heavenly Father.  Satan too knows the meaning of worship and man's need for it.  He tried to get Jesus to fall down and worship him.  Why has the liturgical year and the Mass been so unfortunately mutilated against the wishes of the faithful?  In fact, the faithful are now confused about the Mass, the feast of the saints, the holy seasons.  Why was the Gloria, that prayer of total consecration on God's Majesty and Goodness, restricted practically to Sundays alone, and only to those Sundays outside of Lent? Moreover, is the faith really renewed and vivified by by obscuring our sense of community with the Christians of apostolic and ancient times?  The new liturgy no longer draws us into the true experience of reliving the Life of Christ.  We are deprived of this experience through the elimination of the hierarchy of feasts and the at random changing of the dates of famous feasts....

Then too, the new forms are the result of experimentation.  But one experiments with things, with objects that one wants to analyze.  Experimentation is the method of science.  The wretched idolatry and vulgarity of tinkering with sacred realities has, unfortunately, penetrated the Church and produced a mediocrity-ridden liturgy, a show for spectators that distracts from the holy, frustrates intimate communion with God and trivializes, where it does not suppress, sacred actions, symbols, music and words.

In reality, such diminished liturgies have renewed nothing.  Rather these innovations have emptied churches, dried up vocations to the priesthood and sisterhood, driven off converts and opened the doors wide to a flood of renegades.  Even though valid in its essence, such a new liturgy cannot inspire for it is colorless, artificial, banal, without the odor and flavor of sanctity.  A humanized and popularized, man-oriented liturgy will never produce saints.  Only a divinized, God-oriented liturgy can accomplish that miracle.  One suspects that many priests realize the banality of the new liturgy.  That is why they often become, during the Mass and other ceremonies, actors and entertainers.  They put on a show in order to gain the attention of the congregation.  These comedians in chasubles preach a utopian Christianity rather than the true Christianity.  Their treasure is man rather than God; their emphasis this-worldly rather than other-worldly; their goal progress rather than sanctity; their apostolate is immanent rather than transcendent; their means to their goal is the way of revolution rather than the way of the cross; they preach a secular Church instead of the Sacred Church founded by Christ; the essence of their morality is self-assertion rather than self-denial; the Christ they present to the congregation is the Humanist Christ rather than the God-Man crucified Christ...they genuflect before the world and stand before Christ...they are moved by resentment and envy instead of radiating the joy of Christ.."

In his book The Spirit of the Liturgy, Pope Benedict XVI (then Cardinal Ratzinger) wrote: "..there is a story that comes from the sayings of the Desert Fathers, according to which the devil was compelled by God to show himself to a certain Abba Apollo. He looked black and ugly, with frighteningly thin limbs, but most strikingly, he had no knees. The inability to kneel is seen as the very essence of the diabolical.  See here for example.

But I do not want to go into more detail. I should like to make just one more remark. The expression used by Saint Luke to describe the kneeling of Christians (theis ta gonata) is unknown in classical Greek. We are dealing here with a specifically Christian word. With that remark, our reflections turn full circle to where they began. It may well be that kneeling is alien to modern culture — insofar as it is a culture, for this culture has turned away from the faith and no longer knows the one before whom kneeling is the right, indeed the intrinsically
necessary gesture. The man who learns to believe learns also to kneel, and a faith or a liturgy no longer familiar with kneeling would be sick at the core. Where it has been lost, kneeling must be rediscovered, so that, in our prayer, we remain in fellowship with the apostles and martyrs, in fellowship with the whole cosmos, indeed in union with Jesus Christ Himself."