Saturday, January 22, 2005

More on the Saint Benedict Center

A friend of mine was visiting the website of the Saint Benedict Center out of curiosity the other day. He informed me how he typed the word "Jew" into the search engine at this site just out of curiosity - since Mr. Douglas Bersaw, the Center's founder, would appear to deny the reality of the Holocaust.

The results? The very first article listed in the series was an article entitled "The Secret of the Masons and the Jews." an article which first appeared in a periodical called "The Point." In this article, readers are told that, "From the time the Apostles first began to evangelize the nations, the Catholic Church has had one great, fierce, and enduring enemy. That enemy is the Jews - the people who rejected their King and their God, who crucified Him, and who prophesied the stain that should forever mark them, in their defiant shout, 'His Blood be upon us and upon our children.'....For twenty centuries the Jews have never ceased to reiterate their rejection of Jesus. With concentrated Hebrew intensity they have bent themselves to the task of assaulting the Church which He founded and in which He lives. It is that purpose that has bound the Jews together - a stubborn, alien knot that refuses to be dissolved into any society. Throughout history the Jews have been the soul of every anti-Christian movement. There has not been a single important program or organization aimed at the overthrow of the Catholic Church in which they cannot be found lurking." ( ).

And so, according to this article - found through the search engine at the Saint Benedict Center website, the Jewish people are:

1. The Catholic Church's "one great, fierce, and enduring enemy."

2. A people who crucified Christ

3. A people who are stained with the Blood of Jesus

4. A people bent on assaulting the Catholic Church

5. A people whose mutual hatred of the Church is what has bound them together, this is their purpose.

6. A people whose stubborness constitutes an "alien knot" which prevents them from being assimilated into a society.

7. A people who are the "soul" of every anti-Christian movement.

8. A people who are "found lurking" behind every single important program or organization "aimed at the overthrow of the Catholic Church."

The friend who sent me this article actually visited the Saint Benedict Center recently and told me that the community appears to be fascinated with the Jewish community and that there are talks given at the Center which are usually very unflattering toward the Jewish community. Could it be that residents of the town of Richmond, New Hampshire, who indicated in a recent article published in The Keene Sentinel that they have serious concerns regarding the Center, have reason to be concerned after all?

Paul Anthony Melanson