Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Paula D'Arcy to speak at the "Gather Us In" Conference

In previous posts, which may be found here and here, I have shown why there is reason to be concerned about the Worcester Diocesan Commission for Women and its agenda. Another guest speaker to appear at the Commission's 2009 "Gather Us In" Conference is Paula D'Arcy. As noted here, Ms. D'Arcy has worked with dissident Catholic priest Fr. Richard Rohr (read this article to see how disturbing his theology really is), who has promoted the occult Enneagram and has officiated at a lesbian "wedding."

Ms. D'Arcy has promoted the labyrinth, which is a pagan-based prayer method. See here. For more on the occult nature of this pagan-based prayer method, read here.
As Donna Steichen noted in her important book entitled "Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism": "Among America's educated elites, including Catholic elites, religion is now understood as a symbol for personal opinion, faith as a metaphor for imagination, mysticism as altered consciousness however achieved: meditation on the self, sensory deprivation, hallucinatory drugs, vigorous exercise or standing on one's head. The religious impulse is turned away from the transcendent Creator to center on subjective consciousness as the source of spiritual truth, the principle of moral judgment, the object of veneration and service and the explanation for the persistence of traditional belief among the simple peasantry. Every man is his own god, every woman her own goddess. Little interest is shown in questions of ontological truth; many believe there is no truth, and the rest behave as though they agree. Accordingly, individual feelings outweigh intellectual and moral criteria, and it is to emotion rather than objective truth that public debate is directed." (p. 193).
Before the Man of Sin reveals himself, the Church must be undermined from within.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I read the article on Fr. Rohr from New Oxford Review and this really struck me hard: Fr. Rohr believes that the crucifixion of our Lord was not necessary for redemption.

    Oh my God.

  2. Yvette1:08 PM

    I came across an article in a Townsend publication which mentioned your Blog. Very interesting stuff. I am Catholic and have been so terribly disappointed with the Diocese. It seems that "everything goes" at times. Where is the Bishop in all of this? That would be my question. Can we really be surprised that so many have left the Church? I'm not suggetsing that they were right. There is no valid reason for leaving the Church really. But I mean so many have been just disgusted with sexual abuse and all the other nonsense. When is the Bishop going to acknowledge this? It is really disappointing. Thank you for covering all of this.


  3. Brad Lucier5:59 AM

    The Commission for Women has a guest speaker list which reads like one you might find at Call To Action, FutureChurch or the Women's Ordination Conference. Is this the best the Worcester diocese has to offer.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The excellent and duly answer.
