Monday, June 07, 2010

More and more Americans, including Catholics, are coming to accept homosexuality

On December 31, 1994, Our Lady told Father Gobbi, "I am a sorrowful Mother, as I see this poor humanity, so far away from its Lord, a humanity which, with great irresponsibility and indifference, is walking along the road of sin and evil, of impurity and godlessness, of hatred and war. How great is the danger of humanity reaching the point of destroying itself by its own hands! I see your roads bathed with blood, while violence and hatred hurl themselves like a terrible hurricane upon the life of families and nations.

I am a sorrowful Mother, as I see the Church, my dearly beloved Daughter, prostrate beneath the cross of a most painful agony. How many deny and betray her! How many abandon and condemn her! How many revile and crucify her!

Among these are even some of my beloved sons: bishops and priests who repeat and renew the deed of Judas who betrays, or that of Peter who denies, or of the Apostles who flee out of cowardice....I am a concerned Mother because the time of the final events has now come. Until now, I have been able to put off the beginning of the great trial, through the response which I have received in every part of the world from my littlest children. But now you must enter into, and live out, the final time of the great tribulation.." (December, 1994).

It was Pope Paul VI, in an address given on the sixtieth anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, who warned that, "The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit. Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the Church."

The faithful are becoming a true remnant.

Related reading: Pope Benedict XVI has warned of a growing aversion to Christianity.

1 comment:

  1. From Mark Mallette:

    According to some of the Church Father’s, the Two Witnesses will eventually confront Antichrist who will hand them over to death.

    When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the abyss will wage war against them and conquer them and kill them. (Rev 11:7)

    And thus will unfold the last half of Daniel’s week, "a 42 month" reign in which Antichrist sets out to "desolate the world." The Antichrist’s betrayal will lead to Christianity itself brought before the courts of the world (Lk 21:12), symbolized by Pontius Pilate. But first, the remnant will be tried in the "court of opinion" among the members of the Church who have apostasized. The Faith itself will be on trial, and among the faithful will be countless people falsely judged and condemned: The chief priests, elders, and scribes—Christ’s fellow members of the Temple—mocked and spat upon Jesus, raising all kinds of false accusations against Him. Then they asked Him:

    Are you the Messiah the son of the Blessed One? (Mk 14:61)

    So too, the Body of Christ will be condemned for not acquiescing to the New World Order and its "religious" tenets which are opposed to God’s moral order. The Russian prophet, Vladimir Solovev, whose writings Pope John Paul II praised, said that "Antichrist is a religious imposter” who will impose a vague “spiritualism." For rejecting it, the true followers of Jesus will be mocked and spat upon and excluded as was Christ their Head. The voices of accusation will mockingly ask them if they belong to the Messiah, to His moral teachings on abortion and marriage and whatever else. The Christian’s answer is what will draw out the wrath and condemnation of those who have rejected the Faith:
