Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt denies Holy Communion to Homosexual Activists

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its document entitled Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, warns that even where homosexual unions have been legalized, "clear and emphatic opposition is a duty." (No. 5).  This important document stresses that, "any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws" and even any "material cooperation on the level of their application" must be avoided.  "In this area," states the document, "everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection."

Considerations makes it abundantly clear that, "The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to considerations of homosexual unions." (No. 11).  In other words, there can be no doubt that all Catholics have a moral duty to oppose the homosexual agenda.  Homosexual activists are not properly disposed to receive the Eucharist, which is "properly the sacrament of those who are in full communion with the Church." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1395; Canon 915, CIC).

Since all Catholics have a moral duty to oppose the homosexual agenda, Father Thomas Massaro's involvement with the Cambridge Peace Commission may be seen as all the more disturbing.  As I noted in a previous post:

It should be noted that Father Massaro is a member of the Cambridge Peace Commission, an organization intimately linked with the GLBT agenda.  Recently the Cambridge Lavender Alliance honored Cathy Hoffman of the Cambridge Peace Commission for her "exemplary activism."  Additionally, this past May the Cambridge Peace Commission held its 12th Cambridge Peace and Justice Awards and an award was given to Sarav Chidambaram of the Cambridge GLBT Commission.  Mr. Chidambaram "was chosen for his work as an advocate and activist within the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community." 

Mr. Chidambaram is on the Board of Directors of MassEquality, a radical homosexual activist group which promotes same-sex "marriage."  Did Fr. Massaro vote for Mr. Chidambaram to receive an award for his homosexual activism?  Is Cardinal Sean O'Malley concerned at all about this?


  1. David6:50 AM

    Apparently His Eminence isn't concerned at all. Fr. Massaro has been invited to participate in Fr. Hehir's Social Justice Conference to be held on the 9th of this month.

    I guess it doesn't bother the Cardinal that Fr. Massaro's "Peace Commission" has awarded a radical homosexual activist for his work promoting sodomite "marriage."

    This is simply abominable.

  2. Michelle7:04 AM

    While some in the Church are attempting to undermine the Church's clear teaching regarding homosexuality, the mainstream media are trying to blame Christianity for recent suicides of teen homosexuals. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League refutes this hate-filled attempt to silence the Gospel:

    NEW YORK, NY (Catholic League) - Catholic League president Bill Donohue takes on those who are blaming churches for five recent gay suicides:

    "On his CNN show last night (Monday), Larry King opened a segment with Wanda Sykes, Kathy Griffin, Tim Gunn, Lance Bass and others on five recent suicides committed by young gay men. Throughout the hour, the guests blamed the suicides on religion, Christianity receiving the bulk of the blame.

    No one was more explicit than Kathy Griffin. Saying, "we really want people to connect the dots," she confidently asserted "that's why I believe there's a connection between Prop 8, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', and now the string of teen suicides." She added that "a lot of the so-called religious leaders play into it."

    These people need a reality check. First, in most of the suicides it is far from clear that anti-gay bullying was the cause. Though it appears that Seth Walsh hung himself after being bullied, the reason the police did not press criminal charges is because the boys never "expected an outcome such as this."

    According to several reports, the Rutgers student who jumped off a bridge was non-plussed after he learned that his gay tryst was surreptitiously taped by his roommate and shown online; not long before he killed himself, he even wrote on a gay chat site that his roommate was "a pretty decent" guy. Reportedly, Asher Brown's family says their boy was "picked on because of his size, his religion [he was a Buddhist who recently converted to Christianity] and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes."

    Raymond Chase's brother told ABC News that his suicide "was not brought on by bullying." In the case of Indiana's Billy Lucas, both the coroner and the school district said there "is no evidence bullying led up to the suicide."

    All of these deaths are tragic, but it is factually wrong to say that all were the result of anti-gay bullying. Worse, it is libelous to suggest that because Christianity (and Judaism and Islam) is opposed to homosexuality that somehow it should be held responsible for whatever bullying did go on. Indeed, to suggest culpability is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to stifle religious speech."

  3. BostonCatholic20117:29 AM

    I am also concerned about the archdiocese honoring Mayor Menino who is supportive of the homosexual agenda (and abortion)and has marched with homosexual activists. What does the Cardinal have to say about this? I haven't seen any concern whatsoever from him regarding this scandal.

  4. Jonathan12:15 PM

    The scandal from all the dissent within the Boston archdiocese is what is harming the community and sowing confusion and anger. The Cardinal is not living up to his vocation and bringing people together in truth. He is allowing the seeds of dissent to bear fruit and to tear at the fabric of the local Church.

    What a shame.
