Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Church can unconsciously discriminate against single people: Just ask the folks at St. Joseph's Parish in Fitchburg

"Being single. For some of us it is the way we live our Vocation. For others it is a temporary state. For some it brings much joy. For others sadness and a feeling of incompleteness. Not all single folks are called to a Vocation of priesthood or consecrated life. Single people come in all age ranges, from the 20's through old age. Single people have needs and goals. We don't always fit into the society we live in. Sometimes there is a perception that we cannot be happy or fulfilled while we are single. We can buy into that perception. The Church can be quite helpful to us. Sometimes it can hinder us as well.

It is true that much is said about married life, children, teenagers and other groups within the Church, but not much about single people. The Church can unconsciously discriminate against single people by sponsoring mostly "couples only" events, inviting "families" to bring up the gifts, or seeing singles as the pool from which to draw helpers to complete tasks nobody else wants to do."  - Fr. Pat Umberger.

This weekend's bulletin for Saint Joseph's Parish in Fitchburg includes the following meditation: "Made in the image and likeness of God, all persons are sacred...Ask yourself - Do I recognize the face of Christ reflected in all others around me whatever their race, class, age, or abilities?"

An excellent question.  And one which we must all ask ourselves.  When I attempted to participate in parish life at Saint Joseph's, I was excluded because of my fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church.  I guess the folks over at St. Joe's couldn't see the face of Christ in me.

Meditation: James 2:9.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy3:54 PM

    As a single person in the Church, I can relate exactly to what you're saying. And if one is very orthodox in one's faith and takes a stand against the silly liberal innovations and liturgical wreckovation, one can REALLY expect to be marginalized. Fidelity comes with a price. But your to be commended for standing up for truth. God bless you!
