Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gardasil may not cause mental retardation but listening to mainstream media propaganda just might

By now most of you have heard how Michelle Bachmann, in criticizing Texas Governor Rick Perry for mandating that sixth grade girls in his state be vaccinated against HPV - a sexually transmitted disease that has been linked to the development of cervical cancer - implied that Gardasil could lead to mental retardation.  Granted that was a stupid thing to say.  But equally troubling is the response of the mainstream media to this fiasco.  In their zeal to denounce Bachmann, certain media types have ignored the fact that vaccination with Gardasil can have disastrous consequences.

According to Dr. Mercalo, "There have been a total of 47 deaths linked to Gardasil since it was brought to market in 2006, according to a press release issued by Judicial Watch, which says it has obtained records from the FDA. In 2008 alone 28 women and girls died after receiving Gardasil injections (up from 19 deaths in 2007). In all the FDA documented 6,723 adverse events related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered "serious," and 142 considered "life threatening,” the group reported. Further, as Barbara Loe Fisher reported, by the summer of 2009 Gardasil had already caused more than 15,000 reports of vaccine reactions, including more than 3,000 injuries and 48 deaths.

However, it’s estimated that only between 1 percent and 10 percent of vaccine adverse events are ever reported, which means there could actually be anywhere from 150,000 to 1.5 million vaccine injuries related to Gardasil." (See here).

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has said that, "With cervical cancer causing about one percent of all cancer deaths in American women due to routine pap screening, it was inappropriate for the FDA to fast track Gardasil.  It is way too early to direct all young girls to get three doses of a vaccine that has not been proven safe or effective in their age group."
Reliable sources have reported that Governor Rick Perry has received $21,000 from Merck's political action committee.  See here.

Granted, Michelle Bachmann is not a scientist.  Her suggestion that Gardasil may be linked to mental retardation was simply wrong.  But far more disturbing is the attitude of the mainstream media to a vaccine which has been linked to serious injury and even death.

Disastrous consequences indeed!


  1. Derek6:52 AM

    No, the liberal media are notorious for ignoring what they deem "inconvenient truths." Shameful!

  2. TexasMom7:16 AM

    This is really shameful. Rather than attacking Bachmann for her error, why not address the very serious health implications which may result from the Gardasil vaccine?


  3. Wendy7:49 AM

    I think it's just another example of the media playing politics with girl's/women's health. Even though numerous studies have demonstrated a link between abortion and breast cancer, the media ignore these studies or bury them because they would do damage to the Planned Parenthood/liberal establishment ideology of sexual promiscuity.

    If I listened solely to the liberal media, I would believe that Gardasil is really harmless. The experts interviewed on the major networks made no mention of doctor Mercalo or the National Vaccine Information Center's concerns regarding Gardasil.

    I guess they feel we don't have the right to know this information. So you're daughter may not become developmentally impaired because of a Gardasil vaccine, she might just die instead. No big deal.


  4. Catherine S.8:46 AM

    How about usurping parental rights? Imagine if Gov. Perry had tried to mandate prayer in schools? How would the biased liberal media have reacted to that?

    I don't see any difference here. Given the studies exposing the dangers of Gardasil, this is really alarming. Where does the state have the right to usurp my rights as a parent and inflict a potentially deadly vaccine upon my daughter?

    Governor Perry is dangerous.

  5. Jonathan10:09 AM

  6. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Just because someone quotes a Dr. doesn't make their info really truthful. What is not reported here, is that there have been over 35 million doses given, with only 32 reported deaths confirmed, and there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination.

  7. Wrong. 48 deaths. Read the whole post. The relevant pasage:

    According to Dr. Mercalo, "There have been a total of 47 deaths linked to Gardasil since it was brought to market in 2006, according to a press release issued by Judicial Watch, which says it has obtained records from the FDA. In 2008 alone 28 women and girls died after receiving Gardasil injections (up from 19 deaths in 2007). In all the FDA documented 6,723 adverse events related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered "serious," and 142 considered "life threatening,” the group reported. Further, as Barbara Loe Fisher reported, by the summer of 2009 Gardasil had already caused more than 15,000 reports of vaccine reactions, including more than 3,000 injuries and 48 deaths.

    However, it’s estimated that only between 1 percent and 10 percent of vaccine adverse events are ever reported, which means there could actually be anywhere from 150,000 to 1.5 million vaccine injuries related to Gardasil."

    There are deep and serious concerns regarding Gardasil. Which is why the NVIC and other organizations have sounded the alarm.
