Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Educating is very demanding...But educating becomes a marvelous mission if it is done in collaboration with God.."

Pope Benedict XVI, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, exhorted parents to understand that prayer is the first step in educating children and said that, "Educating is very demanding...But educating becomes a marvelous mission if it is done in collaboration with God, who is the first and true educator of every man...It is very important for you parents and also for you godfathers and godmothers to believe strongly in the presence and the action of the Holy Spirit, to call upon him and welcome him in you through prayer and the sacraments...He is the one in fact who enlightens the mind, who makes the heart of the educator burn so that he or she knows how to transmit the knowledge of the love of Christ. Prayer is the first condition for educating, because in praying we create the disposition in ourselves of letting God have the initiative, of entrusting our children to him, who knows them before we do and better than us, and knows perfectly what their true good is. And, at the same time, when we pray we open ourselves to the inspirations of God to do our part better, which in any case is our duty and we must accomplish. The sacraments, especially Eucharist and Penance, permit us to perform the educative action in union with Christ, in communion with him and continually renewed by his forgiveness.."

Our Holy Father has said it: educating children becomes a marvelous mission if it is done in collaboration with God.  But can homosexual parents honestly be said to be collaborating with God in the mission of transmitting the knowledge of the love of Christ when they are engaging in gravely sinful acts and doing violence to their children?  The Archdiocese of Boston has said that homosexual parents can collaborate with God in the task of educating children.  See here.

This is most unfortunate.  The CDF has said, quite clearly, that adoption of children by homosexuals "would actually mean doing violence to these children," by placing them "in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development."  Besides being gravely immoral, adoption of children by homosexuals violates the principle that "the weaker and more vulnerable party" must always be favored and protected. (Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, No. 7).

How can those who are actually doing violence to children be said to be collaborating with God?

Cardinal O'Malley?


  1. Michelle8:38 AM

    Can we really expect students whose parents are having homosexual intercourse to accept the Church's teaching on homosexuality and its teaching on all sex outside of marriage?

    I don't think so.

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Because of your homophobia you will never be permitted to discern a vocation to the priesthood here in N.E.

    Perhaps when you learn to keep an open mind.

  3. Jonathan11:30 AM

    Far more likely anonymous that you suffer from Christianophobia.

  4. "The Archdiocese of Boston has said that homosexual parents can collaborate with God in the task of educating children."

    Will the Achbp of Boston ever be disciplined by the Vatican for saying that nonsense?
    I bet that he will not.
    No wonder why.

  5. No Jac, because you are losing. It's only a matter of time before gay sex is celebrated everywhere. Email me at: Sistertemptation@yahoo.com

    It is a New Age.
