Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"I shall be pleased to break the pride of the wicked much more when the world will be most hostile to all that is supernatural"

It is becoming ever more clear that America is suffering through a series of earthly and spiritual scourges as part of the chastisement in the broad sense, a chastisement which will reach its peak with a divine intervention with Three Days Darkness.  Blessed Anna Maria Taigi said that after a series of earthly punishments, a heavenly scourge will come which will de directed solely against the impenitent.  "This scourge," said the great mystic, "will be far more frightful and terrible...it will be mitigated by nothing, but it will take place and act in its full rigor."

We are now living in the times foretold by Elizabeth Canori-Mora when, "God will employ the powers of hell for the extermination of those impious and heretical persons who desire to overthrow the Church and destroy it to its very foundation....He will punish these impious blasphemers by giving permission to the infernal spirits to come out from Hell.  Innumerable legions of demons shall overrun the earth, and shall execute the orders of Divine Justice by causing terrible calamities and disasters; they shall injure individual persons and entire families: they shall devastate property and alimentary productions, cities and villages."

Do we believe this?  Even with the devastation witnessed in Oklahoma?  Because America is entrenched in sin, even the earth is revolting: "Because their land has become defiled, I am punishing it for its wickedness, by making it vomit out its inhabitants." (Leviticus 18: 25).

America is too proud.  And this pride will be shattered completely.  We consider ourselves to be "strong" when we should  be striving instead to be holy.  See here.

Martha Robin, the famous stigmatist who subsisted on the Eucharist alone from 1928 to 1981 and who had apparitions of Christ, Mary and St. Therese the Little Flower, was told by Our Lord: "I play with the plans of men.  My right hand prepares miracles and My name shall be glorified in all the world.  I shall be pleased to break the pride of the wicked much more when the world will be most hostile to all that is supernatural.  And much more admirable and extraordinary will be the event that will come out of our encounter.  In place of the throne of the Beast two glorious thrones will arise, one of My Sacred Heart and the other of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Then it will be understood that neither human power nor demons nor genius of industry will end the conflict, but that will end only when reparation has been consummated.  Be courageous!  The Kingdom of God is near.  It will begin with something that will come so suddenly as to be entirely unexpected." 

Atheists and counterfeit Catholics refuse to believe this.  Such have lost their faith in supernatural realities.  But these will come to believe.  Their pride will be broken.  And every knee shall bend at the name of Jesus. - every knee (Philippians 2:10).


  1. Brian Schweiss4:21 PM

    Paul, what's the best way to explain the Oklahoma situation to people in regards to God's will? What I mean is, while this (I believe) was a chastisement that was allowed by God, certainly he doesn't like the deaths of people, including eight children. We have no way of knowing of course the spiritual states of those who died yesterday, but it reminds me of when Jesus talked in the Gospel about several examples of people dying (when the tower fell on them, etc.) Jesus said that they weren't worse sinners then other people, but if we don't daily repent of our sins, we will also die (both a physical and a spiritual death).
    In the midst of yesterday's events, and (sadly, I believe) more to come, I'm striving to do the best I can every day to live personal holiness, and pray for and encourage others to do the same. I see how much worse our country is getting, especially with abortion, fake marriage, euthanasia (I see that Vermont just made that law in their state) and all the violence and sexual immorality, much less corruption even in the Catholic Church! :( It would be so easy to despair or get upset, but I know that those things only come from the devil. If we don't keep praying, who else will? Back to my rosaries! :)

  2. See my post here Brian:


  3. Thanks, as always, Paul. I'm struggling though. I see Minnesota legalizing a sin that cries out to heaven. I see the media reaction to Gosnell by saying the real problem is that people don't have enough options to murder their child. I see Obama say to Planned Parenthood "God Bless you!" Blasphemy! God is not mocked.
    But For my part I'm gettin tired. Tired of trying to argue in charity that I love homosexuals, so much so that I want to help them understand that there are eternal realities I'm thinking of. I'm tired of explaining that it is *children* that are being murdered.
    I feel like, if there's persecution coming, let's get it on. That the United States has no desire to pull a Ninevah, repent, and put on sackcloth and fast and penance. So let's get it on!
    I'm sure that's not the attitude to have. I have many, many, friends, family, and enemies(!) to pray for, offer masses for. I also am a terrible, terrible sinner, so who am I to wonder what's taking God so long to bring this nation to its knees?!? I guess I'm just getting worn out by all the spiritual warfare. Or something. :-/
    Thanks again Paul. I guess I just needed to get some stuff out too.


    I, will cry you a river
    And much much more
    My dear dear America,
    Once so beautiful !
    You sold your soul
    To a bunch of mercenaries
    Which entered your sheep-fold
    As wolves and goats
    You sold your skin
    To the highest bidder
    You resemble a harlot
    The new BABYLON
    Eating and drinking
    With the rich of this world
    Prostituting yourself
    For money and power
    And became a den
    Of thieves and murderers
    You forgot all about
    The One Who blessed
    You so abundantly
    Biting the Hand of the Blesser
    Embarrassed to mention His Name !
    Did He not teach you
    To be wise as a serpent
    And harmless as a dove
    Why then do you behave
    As a silly goose ??
    He invited you to His dinner Table
    He so diligently prepared
    But, you made light of it
    And went your worldly, haughty ways
    One to his farm,
    Another to his business.
    But as the Father of Fathers
    He waits for your return
    The return of His prodigal daughter
    Humble your pride
    And follow the Way, the Life and the Truth !!!
    Or, I SHALL cry you a river
    A river of bloody tears
    And much much more !!!

    Rita Biesemans 02/17/2003
