Tuesday, April 07, 2015

When man will glorify himself.....

From The Stumbling Block :

InfoWars reports:

"Officials within the UN are pushing the notion that the human population should be reduced in order to effectively combat climate change.

The long standing notion has been continually pushed by Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). In 2013, Figueres had a conversation with Climate One founder Greg Dalton regarding “fertility rates in population,” as a contributor to climate change.
For ‘planners’ everything is a system with inputs and outputs.  Make this intervention here, and the humans will provide that targeted output there.  We are to be pushed, molded, formed, crushed.

“Obviously less people would exert less pressure on the natural resources,” Figueres answered, also noting that estimates suggest the Earth’s population will rise to nine billion by 2050.

Dalton then questioned whether that figure could in some way be stalled or halted.

“So is nine billion a forgone conclusion? That’s like baked in, done, no way to change that?” he asked Figueres.

“There is pressure in the system to go toward that; we can definitely change those, right? We can definitely change those numbers,” Figueres said in response.

Really, we should make every effort to change those numbers because we are already, today, already exceeding the planet’s planetary carrying capacity.” she also claimed.
What kind of sweeping, arrogant, ignorant statement is that?  Is the Earth some Airbus to Hell where you can only carry on one bag and a computer?  Someone told her the ‘planet’s planetary capacity’ and she believed it – and look, we’ve exceeded it already!  That must be why we have all that warming which no-one can feel or detect. Humans have already ruined the climate so humans must cease.

“So yes we should do everything possible. But we cannot fall into the very simplistic opinion of saying just by curtailing population then we’ve solved the problem. It is not either/or, it is an and/also.” the UN official also said.
There is one thing liberals never are and it’s simple.  They are always complex and complicated and we are simple. That must be why Pope Francis told us on Good Friday to:

“enter into the mystery of the empty tomb”, to “seek a deeper meaning, an answer, and not an easy one, to the questions which challenge our faith, our fidelity and our very existence.”
Truth is so complicated it can’t even be known or believed.  To have faith is far too simple a solution.  We must always question, question, question.

That must also be why Pope Francis, author of the upcoming encyclical on the climate and sustainability, recently warned against breeding like rabbits.  I think three-children is the “number experts say is important to keep the population going,” he advised.

Why we must get this kind of moral advice from someone who has such weak discernment, who relates to UN overlords with planetary egos and systemic ignorance, I have no idea; but he’s the Pope foisted on us upon Benedict’s abdication, and we have to size up the situation for what it is.

Climate change ‘c’atholicism coming up next, you dirty rabbits."


It was Romano Guardini [in his classic The Lord, p. 513] who reminded us that:

"One day the Antichrist will come: a human being who introduces an order of things in which rebellion against God will attain its ultimate power. He will be filled with enlightenment and strength. The ultimate aim of all aims will be to prove that existence witout Christ is possible - nay rather, that Christ is the enemy of existence, which can be fully realized only when all Christian values have been destroyed. His arguments will be so impressive, supported by means of such tremendous power - violent and diplomatic, material and intellectual - that to reject them will result in almost insurmountable scandal, and everyone whose eyes are not opened by grace will be lost. Then it will be clear what the Christian essence really is: that which stems not from the world, but from the heart of God; victory of grace over the world; redemption of the world, for her true essence is not to be found in herself, but in God, from whom she has received it. When God becomes all in all, the world will finally burst into flower."

Our Lady told Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests:

"I am weeping because the Church is continuing along the road of division, of loss of the true faith, of apostasy and of errors which are being spread more and more without anyone offering opposition to them. Even now, that which I predicted at Fatima and that which I have revealed here in the third message confided to a little daughter of mine (i.e. Sister Lucia) is in the process of being accomplished. And so, even for the Church the moment of its great trial has come, because the man of iniquity will establish himself within it and the abomination of desolation will enter into the holy temple of God." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 362, September 15, 1987, p. 572.)

And again:"The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy. This Masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church. If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 406, June 13, 1989, p. 649)

The false church Our Lady refers to was also foretold by Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun, stigmatist, and miracle-worker, who subsisted entirely on water and Holy Communion for many years. Venerable Emmerich received numerous visions of the future crisis in the Church and the infiltration of the Masons. In her visions, she describes men in aprons destroying the Church with a trowel, The Masons wear aprons and their symbol is the Mason's trowel. The following excerpts are from page 565 of the Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Vol. 1, by Rev. K.E. Schmöger, Tan Books, 1976:

"I saw St. Peter's. A great crowd of men was trying to pull it down whilst others constantly built it up again. Lines connected these men one with another and with others throughout the whole world. I was amazed at their perfect understanding." The demolishers, mostly apostates and members of different sects, broke off whole pieces and worked according to rules and instructions. They wore WHITE APRONS bound with blue riband. In them were pockets and they had TROWELS stuck in their belts. The costumes of the others were various."There were among the demolishers distinguished men wearing uniforms and crosses. They did not work themselves but they marked out on the wall with a TROWEL where and how it should be torn down. To my horror, I saw among them Catholic Priests. Whenever the workmen did not know how to go on, they went to a certain one in their party. He had a large book which seemed to contain the whole plan of the building and the way to destroy it. They marked out exactly with a TROWEL the parts to be attacked, and they soon came down. They worked quietly and confidently, but slyly, furtively and warily. I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered..."

We have witnessed the gradual emergence of this false church within Christ's Church. And that which this false church proposes is a new religion in which man, and not God, is the object of worship. And all will be accomplished in the name of humanitarianism. Through one of his characters in his prophetic book The Lord of the World, Fr. Robert Hugh Benson describes this humanitarian religion:

"Humanitarianism...is becoming an actual religion itself, though anti-supernatural. It is a pantheism. Pantheism deifies all nature, God is the world, but naturally, man above all is God since he is the highest expression of nature. It is a religion devoid of the 'super' natural, because since God is nature itself, there is no longer a distinction between Creator and creature. The creature is God* and hence arbitrator of his own destiny and establishes the moral law for himself. Nature, and man is its highest expression, has all the divine attributes. Humanitarianism is a religion devoid of the supernatural. It is developing a ritual under Freemasonry; it has a creed, 'God is man'; and the rest. It has, therefore, a real food of a sort to offer religious cravings: it idealizes, and yet makes no demands upon the spiritual faculties. Then, they have the use of all the churches except ours, and of all the Cathedrals; and they are beginning at last to encourage sentiment. Then they may display their symbols and we may not: I think they will be established legally in another ten years" (Introduction, p. xvii).

*Genesis 3:5.
We must watch and pray. Prayer [and especially Holy Mass and the Rosary] is the most fundamental weapon for the great battle of the end times. In the words of Fr. Livio Fanzaga, "When man will glorify himself and proclaim the Antichrist as God made man, the supernatural principle will be preserved only by those who cling to the divine presence in prayer....In the time of Antichrist, the power of suggestion will cloud reason. Only those who intimately experience the supernatural in prayer will have the strength to acknowledge God's existence, despite the apparent evidence to the contrary."



    Our Lord and His Holy Mother
    are weeping bloody tears
    as their children don't bother
    to live in perdition gears

    the tears splatter on rocky hearts
    on a demeanor of "who cares"
    as long as we don't feel the smarts
    we'll take care of our own affairs

    walking farther and farther away
    spitting and mocking God in His Face
    denying He made us out of the clay
    worshipping gods of the human race

    we think ourselves so enlightened
    we don't need no Heavenly God
    no more need to be so frightened
    we join gladly the evil one's squad

    while Heaven is crying
    the devils laugh
    the unrepentant dying
    join the devils' staff

    The day will come
    that HE will say :
    "enough, enough
    no more rebuff "

    Then the earthlings
    will cry to no avail
    Joe 6 packs nor Kings
    will escape eternal wail.

    Rita Biesemans April 26 2013 Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel

  2. Anonymous1:50 AM

    They are already using sterling chemicals in vaccines in the third world. Beware when vaccines will become mandatory and all chumps listen to the media and their educators decrying those who don't get vaccines as dangers to society and anti-science.

  3. Hard core persecution coming soon to a neighborhood near you. And the telling part of this whole 'war on Christians' is the lack of leadership in the Church of Christ. They seem to be leaving the cross out of the same fear that the Apostles had when they fled from the crucifixion of Our Lord. (all but John) The Church is now on the way to Golgotha living through Her own passion. Are we going to steadfastly stand under the Cross of Christ with Mary and John come what may? We will have to make the decision and boldly proclaim our allegiance soon even if we are 'turned over' by family and friends, which will indeed happen. Pray for spiritual courage and faithfulness till the end.
