Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quod erat demonstrandum...

On June 8, 1991, Our Lady warned Father Stefano Gobbi that the Church had, "..strayed from the spirit of Christ and has allowed itself to be seduced by the spirit of the world, which has penetrated it deeply and has pervaded it entirely."

Our Lady warned as well that, "..the proud force of the great and the learned..seduced by a false science and by vainglory, have torn to pieces the Gospel of Jesus, by pronouncing an interpretation of it which is rationalistic, humanistic, and entirely erroneous."

As a result, the Queen of Heaven said, "The times foretold by Saint Paul have come, times when many announce false and strange doctrines, and thus they go running after these fables and stray away from the truth of the Gospel."

Years ago, I was virtually alone in echoing this message.  I was called an "alarmist" and routinely mocked in comments left at this Blog.

What a difference a few years make.  See here.

Eleven years ago, I noted that:

"In the 1820's, Sister Emmerick had visions of the Church in the future. On September 12, 1820, Sister Emmerick said:

"I saw a strange church being built against every rule....No angels were supervising the building operations. In that church nothing came from high above....There was only division and chaos. It's probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox church of Rome, which seems of the same kind....I saw again the strange big church that was being built there [in Rome]. There was nothing holy in it....Everything was being done according to human reason. I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous, and violent about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single angel nor a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which said: 'Do build it as solid as you can; we will pull it to the ground.'"

Is this "future church" a preparation for the Man of Sin, the Antichrist? From August to October of 1820, Sister Emmerick says: "I see more martyrs, not now but in the future....I saw the secret sect relentlessly undermining the great Church. Near them I saw a horrible beast coming up from the sea....When the Church had been for the most past destroyed [by the secret sect], and when only the sanctuary and altar were still standing, I saw the wreckers enter the Church with the Beast. There they met a Woman of noble carriage who seemed to be with child because she walked slowly. At this sight, the enemies were terrorized, and the Beast could not take but another step forward. It projected its neck towards the Woman as if to devour her, but the Woman turned about and bowed down [towards the altar], her head touching the ground. Thereupon, I saw the Beast taking flight towards the sea again, and the enemies were fleeing in the greatest confusion....Then I saw that the Church was being promptly rebuilt, and she was more magnificent than ever before."

The armies are poised for battle. On the one side, Satan and his cohort (which includes many priests and religious as well as lay people) who are building a church in their own image and likeness, a "FutureChurch" where sin is not confessed but celebrated and where lying and homicide serve as ersatz "sacraments." On the other, the Immaculata and her little children who are humble and despised by the world.

Satan and his followers have their tactics which revolve around the false idols of money, power, lust, and greed all clothed in the mantle of pride. The Immaculata and her cohort have their own tactics: prayer, fasting, penance, reconciliation, humility and a smallness which is clothed in the mantle of love."

The camps have formed.  The battle has begun.  Laudetur Jesus Christe!


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    As promised in Fatima.

    "In the end my Immaculate Heart shall triumph."

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Madre Maria, ruega por nosotros en El Nombre de Cristo, Amen.

  3. In La Salette Our Lady said : "Rome will loose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist"

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    My Queen,

    My Mother,

    My Dearest Lady,

    Your children cry for your loving guidance, that they may finally flee from the darkness that chockes them.

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    This is an excellent article. God bless you.

  6. Today is also the FEAST DAY of the EXALTATION of the HOLY CROSS


    O Mary, your bitter tears
    my heart do pierce
    Our Mother is crying
    Her Son is dying
    to save us humanity
    from complete insanity.
    At the foot of the Cross
    for words I feel at a loss
    our sins are causing You distress
    I'm begging You for forgiveness
    I offer You my fears and mishap
    crawling on Your Mother's lap
    O my Jesus, I need You, I need You
    satan plans coup after coup
    to destroy me, hoping I'd revolt
    he scares me like a thunderbolt
    but while walking in Your footstep
    on satan's knuckles I will rap
    enough, enough, I do tell him
    the cup is stored unto the brim.
    Kneeling at His Cross's foot
    Jesus tells me to stay put
    "Let My Graces thee overflow
    My Cross gave satan the final blow"
    I love you so much My child
    and while dying He even smiled.
    Thank You, Mary for this gift,
    and by this my soul did lift.

    Rita Biesemans, Good Friday 3/29/2013
