Thursday, September 08, 2016

The supernatural principle will be preserved only by those who cling to the divine essence in prayer...

Today, a growing army of lost souls - the children of Belial - are feverishly preparing a world which will be ready and eager to accept the reign of Antichrist, a rule which will be thoroughly saturated with witchcraft and occultism, a demon-state where daily libations of human bodies and blood will be offered in satanic worship to placate the Man-God and his master Satan.  Under the banner of a political and militarily organized atheism, this army of secular and occult humanists are uniting to deny the true God and His plan for humanity.

Only those who remain faithful to prayer will persevere to the end.  This explains why so many who once professed the Christian faith have now abandoned the faith altogether or remain in the Church only in a bodily manner (see Lumen Gentium, No. 14).

Father Livio Fanzaga reminds us that, "Prayer is another fundamental weapon for the great battle of the end times. When man will glorify himself and proclaim the Antichrist as God made man, the supernatural principle will be preserved only by those who cling to the divine presence in prayer.  These will 'experience' God, His existence, lordship, power and glory.  In the time of Antichrist, the power of suggestion will cloud reason.  Only those who intimately experience the supernatural in prayer will have the strength to acknowledge God's existence, despite the apparent evidence to the an era marked by the seduction of the heart, of a general obscuring of the mind, and of the folly of reason, only those who have had a strong experience of God in prayer will preserve the faith.  In that supernatural experience the faith will be conserved and you will conform to it.  If you look to the sun and see the light, even if man denies the existence of the sun, what can you say?  Having seen the sun you will not vacillate in the faith.  You will be a rock in the waves of the sea." (Wrath of God: The Days of the Antichrist, pp. 149, 150).

Romano Guardini, in his classic work entitled The Lord, warns us that the Antichrist's arguments, "will be so impressive, supported by means of such tremendous power - violent and diplomatic, material and intellectual - that to reject them will result in almost insurmountable scandal, and everyone whose eyes are not opened by grace will be lost." (p. 513).

We pray because we love the Lord Jesus and desire to have an intimate relationship with Him.  Our prayer is rooted in love.  And this love will preserve us from the Man of Sin (even if we lose our bodies to martyrdom).  This is the love that has made the martyrs, virgins, apostles and all the saints.  St. Paul assures us that because of this love, "Neither death, nor life, nor angels...nor things present, nor things to come, nor might...nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus Our Lord." (Romans 8: 35).

In my last post, I quoted Marian Horvat, referring to Francis' Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei Quaerere, which she correctly observes, "effectively asks all contemplative women to embrace the social agenda of the post-conciliar Popes, which eschews prayer for conversion to the Catholic Faith and the primary goal of contemplative life in the past: becoming victim souls to appease the just anger of Our Lord for the sins of individuals and nations...

A new signpost is erected: to offer “intercessory prayer for prisoners, migrants, refugees and victims of persecution.” These intercessory prayers must also extend to the unemployed, the poor, sick, drug addicts, AIDS victims and others in such “urgent” situations. That is to say, the contemplative sisters are to change their focus from prayer for conversion and salvation of souls to prayer for the social well-being and health of bodies. (n. 16)

Persevere in prayer and in fidelity to the Lord Jesus. Dark days are ahead. Soon, all will appear to be lost.  For the Church, like her Master, must pass through Calvary.  Soon, the Mass will be suppressed.  Blood will flow in the streets. But afterward will come Resurrection.  And then, finally, the world will burst into flower.


  1. What is written here is so true, so very true. It is prayer which unites us with God in the deepest recesses of our own soul, and it is the only way to be enabled to withstand the force of evil in which souls are immersed in this age of the antichrist. I pray that each of us can understand how very important this article is.

  2. W W J D


    Lord that doesn’t sound like you !
    “Of course not, child, I’m imitating
    the behavior of members of my crew
    it bothers Me it’s very irritating”

    Lord it’s urgent I’m in dire strait !
    “and I am in a meeting, child”
    the only thing for you is “to wait”
    Just “keep on trying” He then smiled

    “BTW you didn’t give Church tithing
    my representatives are really upset”
    Why ? oh Lord I’m barely surviving
    my job is gone, I’m in a lot of debt

    Your pastors, Lord, nowadays
    are consumed by worldly matters
    they put the needy in the sick bays
    far away avoiding nasty scatters

    “I know all to well what’s going on
    the day is close in justice I will come
    then they’ll long for times foregone
    Wanting it or not, they will succumb”

    Jesus You never needed a steeple
    Your word is not bound to a temple
    You preached in front of the people
    You’ve always been a living example

    “My child, just come to Me day or night
    I love you, I’m always there for you
    your future kiddy will be ever so bright
    pray for My pastors, only a few do”

    “I will never forsake you, My loved devotee
    I see everything, I know everything
    remember “nothing is impossible” for Me
    I give you my Royal Heavenly Blessing”

    Jesus, I offer you my pains and mishaps for the Church
    Rita Biesemans, September 18 2014
    written after a very bad experience with a representative-(priest) of my diocese, I was mocked and pushed away !!!

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    No man can tame the tongue that speaks words of vile disgrace.

    Niether can he surpress the tounge that speaks words of purity.

    The devils and their blind slaves may throw us into a dungeon, but they can never prevent us from being Catholics.

    True Catholics.

    1. Cyn M7:34 AM

      Amen and amen. Speak the Truth always. God's word shall not return void.


    This world is so possessed
    by the spirit of the anti-Christ
    most earthlings are obsessed
    with one or another poltergeist

    God’s Commandments
    are completely ignored
    they make evil amendments
    to the Laws of our Lord

    He said : “Thou shalt not kill”
    but almost nobody cares
    they follow their own will
    even murder their own heirs

    “Thou shalt not commit adultery”
    but they live like wild animals
    only pursuing carnal flattery
    living as fleshy cannibals

    They worship themselves as gods
    only the me me and myself counts
    but God will use His avenging rods
    when perversity His line surmounts

    I refuse to partake in this netherworld
    I belong to Jesus my God and Savior,
    while walking on ways hard but pearled
    He is forgiving my stubborn behavior

    I try hard not to upset You my Lord
    but I’m still living here on this earth
    You've redeemed and not abhorred
    prayerful waiting for a spiritual rebirth

    Oh Lord hasten Your coming on the Clouds
    I’m getting impatient, forgive me please
    Rita Biesemans, June 13 2016
