Sunday, September 03, 2017

Francis moves from tolerance to the legitimization of specific rights for cohabitating homosexual persons...

Francis is indicating his support for homosexual civil unions.  As reported here, he has said that, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. This is the precise term. Lets call unions between the same sex ‘civil unions’.”

And so, Francis is "okay" with same-sex civil unions.

But, as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has stated:

"Moral conscience requires that, in every occasion, Christians give witness to the whole moral truth, which is contradicted both by approval of homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons. Therefore, discreet and prudent actions can be effective; these might involve: unmasking the way in which such tolerance might be exploited or used in the service of ideology; stating clearly the immoral nature of these unions; reminding the government of the need to contain the phenomenon within certain limits so as to safeguard public morality and, above all, to avoid exposing young people to erroneous ideas about sexuality and marriage that would deprive them of their necessary defences and contribute to the spread of the phenomenon. Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil.

In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. One must refrain from any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application. In this area, everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection."

Where is the clear and emphatic opposition from Francis?  Not only is he not opposing this evil, but he appears to be recognizing same-sex civil unions in his comments.



    Not a single day passes without killings
    done in the most cold and horrific ways
    each country has its dangerous villains
    driven to perform their latest craze

    Satan is a murderer and a thief
    he is spitting God in His Face
    he’s the devils commander in chief
    in the war against the human race

    The world drenched in total insanity
    is guided by leaders in moral decay
    causing the demise of us, humanity
    bringing us closer to Judgment Day

    O Lord, our Creator and Savior
    how long will You let this go on
    block this disgusting behavior
    of our new luciferian Babylon

    The world is a dangerous place
    morals are under satan’s antenna
    loving God is seen as a disgrace
    they choose to live in a Gehenna

    Satan knows his empire will end
    thus works like crazy to collect
    plenty of souls out of God’s Hand
    but soon his plans will be wrecked.

    Patiently,- not always o:( - waiting for
    Jesus’ return.
    Rita Biesemans, July 30 2016


    The world has gone nuts
    each one acts like a klutz
    it’s all about me, only me
    thus destroying the family

    There are no more virtues
    the vices know no curfews
    each is his own god, master
    causing the world’s disaster

    They often act as wild animals
    Even dare to live as cannibals
    Everything that once was Holy
    is looked upon as if too lowly

    Pastors abandoning the flock
    discord is splitting the rock
    causing the sheep to be lost
    sacred values being tossed

    A small remnant lives hidden
    overt creed being forbidden
    waiting for God’s intervention
    for cleansing and redemption

    We cry out loud to You
    our Lord and Savior do
    please hasten Your coming
    hear our desperate longing

    Rita Biesemans
    October 24 2015
    Feast Day of saint Raphael

  3. Orange Catholic9:28 AM

    That's okay, the folks over at Saint Mary's proclaim that Francis is the "legitimate successor of the Roman Pontiff." Therefore, should he decide that abortion and contraception are no longer evil, they would cease to be evil.

    This is papolatry.

    The fact that they find it necessary to proclaim this at Mass is most significant. This because so many have doubts about this.

    Apparently so do they. Hence they are desperate to convince even themselves. They never referred to previous Popes in this manner because there was NO DOUBT.


  5. Stephanie12:22 PM

    Many are waking up now.

  6. I hope Pope Francis' Reign of Terror ends soon.

  7. With the non-profit organization, Mary's Advocates, I work to reduce unilateral no-fault divorce and support those who are unjustly abandoned. I could not find any contact information for the author of I would like to correspond with you via e-mail. Could you please write me?

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