Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Francis "Mercy" Bishop: Ordain women and accept same-sex "marriage"

In his book Communism and the Conscience of the West, Archbishop Fulton John Sheen warned that, "He [Satan] will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the Mystical Body of Christ...Then will be verified a paradox - the very objections with which men in the last century rejected the Church will be the reasons why they will now accept the counterchurch." (pp. 24-25).

Those of us who haven't lost our faith and who battle it out in the trenches know full well that all is not well.  "Erit enim tempus, cum sanam doctrinam non sustinebunt, sed ad sua desideria coacervabunt sibi magistros, prurientes auribus. Et a veritate quidem auditum avertent, ad fabulas autem convertentur." (2 Timothy 4: 3-4).

And that time is now. New Age philosophies are spreading throughout the Church. Homosexuality and lesbianism are celebrated. Even in some Catholic parishes. Intoxicated with their own knowledge and learning, those who have succumbed to friendship with the world tell us that we must leave behind the "old complexes" and reject 'backward thinking' so that we may evolve into more "civilized" beings who may then build an earthly paradise. These misguided souls are not interested in knowledge for the sake of truth, but for power and possession.

A society that is turned on its head.  A society in which good becomes evil and evil becomes good.  Have we not already arrived at such a society?  Abortion, the killing of innocents, is extolled as a good.  Homosexuality, a sin which cries to Heaven for vengeance, is called "gay," merely an "alternative lifestyle."  Catholics who stand with the Magisterium are deemed to be harmful to the community while those who dissent from Church teaching are praised and given top posts within the Church.

The words of Isaiah condemn our sin-sick society:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own sight, and prudent in their own esteem!" (Isaiah 5: 20, 21).

Francis the Destroyer appointed this Bishop who tacitly approved of same-sex "marriage" and who is now calling for women's ordination.

And yet, some who label themselves Catholic continue to blindly advance his pontificate and his notion of "mercy," a false construct that embraces a false compassion.  See here.


  1. Orange Catholic6:27 AM

    This is the hypocritical "church of nice" espoused by many at Saint Mary's here in Orange. Father Shaun intoned again about loving others but the parish continues to ostracize faithful Catholics who actually believe what they read in the Catechism.

    It's a fake "mercy" that welcomes everyone except faithful Catholics. That's why you and I - and many others - have been excluded from parish life and never welcomed.

  2. Beacon Street Catholic9:07 AM

    The Francis revolution in pictures:




Penance Penance Penance
to avoid Divine vengeance
for not showing any remorse
and trying our will to enforce


The reign of the Impostor has arrived
the Church, of TRUTH is being deprived
the whole world hangs on his lips
while being readied for a total eclipse


The true followers of Christ
trying to pull off the heist
are persecuted for non-compliance
and being countered with defiance


When it will seem that all is lost

    everything sacred has been tossed

    God will deliver us from our agony
and reign forever in all His Majesty


Rita Biesemans, written December 19 2013
