Saturday, August 24, 2019

FemChurch hates orthodoxy and masculinity

Crisis Magazine on the radical feminist attack on orthodoxy and masculinity here.

Today’s radical feminism was born from Marxism. And its disciples believe that, in order to establish a Marxist society, men need to be marginalized." - Sharon Ambrose, from her essay entitled "Man Down."

And the marginalization of men continues unabated throughout our sin-sick culture. And this includes the Church.

Only effeminate, emasculated "men" are deemed acceptable in the New Church. Men who have a backbone or who act like men are deemed a threat by radical feminists who demand absolute control of a church made in their image and likeness.

While on a retreat several years ago, a Religious Sister (a Presentation Sister) told me that she hates men. Presumably this would include Jesus and His Apostles as well as Saint Joseph and every single Pope and male saint since the Church's founding.

Imagine if a priest gave a homily and proclaimed that he hated women. How would such a statement be received?

The Church is sick with a virus my friends. The virus of anti-masculinity. I have witnessed this misandry firsthand as I attempted to volunteer at my parish only to be turned down so that a woman could serve instead.  My Diocese won't even let me APPLY to the priesthood.  The fact that I'm a military veteran who refuses to embrace the homosexual agenda is most likely a major factor in this discrimination.

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke has said that, "the radical feminism which has assaulted the Church and society since the 1960s has left men very marginalized...Unfortunately, the radical feminist movement strongly influenced the Church, leading the Church to constantly address women’s issues at the expense of addressing critical issues important to men; the importance of the father, whether in the union of marriage or not; the importance of a father to children; the importance of fatherhood for priests; the critical impact of a manly character; the emphasis on the particular gifts that God gives to men for the good of the whole society.

The goodness and importance of men became very obscured, and for all practical purposes, were not emphasized at all. This is despite the fact that it was a long tradition in the Church, especially through the devotion of St. Joseph, to stress the manly character of the man who sacrifices his life for the sake of the home, who prepares with chivalry to defend his wife and his children and who works to provide the livelihood for the family. So much of this tradition of heralding the heroic nature of manhood has been lost in the Church today."

Lost because of a demonic movement which seeks to effeminize the Church and render it impotent before the Devil.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Men are stoic, we do not complaint, we take it, but at this point, we owe it to ourselves, our families and to God that we be who God want us to be and how God made us. Feminists started by saying that we have equal rights in everything, then to "we are the same", to "we are better" and now not needing to deny our differences "why aren't you (men) like us (women) and there is something wrong, sick and dangerous about "masculinity (toxic)". A fact: testosterone is not a hormone of aggression but one of dominance, of taking risks and or of being competitive. This is the nature of masculinity. It does not put down the dignity or the differences that women have. It defines the nature and the roles of the male genders. Being a priest, a president or a king does not mean that that person is better than his followers, it only means that that person is taking a role, which is really the role of a servant to his people. In a sociobiological perspective, dominance and testosterone go hand in hand. There are more women in leadership positions (54%), colleges and white collar positions and earn more money (it is a deceit that they earn less). Women will have more testosterone (though much less than men) but will be more infertile, (in addition to focusing on career, etc..). On the other hand, men will have less testosterone and will also have less testosterone and become infertile. In a generation, the rate of fertility will continue to go further down, traditional families will be the exceptions and there will be not enough young people who could support the elderly. Immigrants will be needed and the structure of society. It happened in China with the one child policy (now two) and in Japan with stagnant fertility rates. When in the last year a feminist leader was asked who is the enemy of feminists today, she answered "it is religion". Wiki mention that Feminists consider the scriptures and the bible to be sexist books. Patriarchy will soon be considered a "hateful speech". If Washington, and Jefferson' are attacked today because they had slaves, tomorrow Solomon, David and Abraham will be bad names because they were patriarchs. Christ called God His "Father" and taught us to pray the Lord's prayer with the words "Our Father". Feminists's infiltration in the churches are influencing some denominations not to call God 'a father"!. Those who do not find themselves in the gospels are not of the Gospels but are of this world. Seventy percent of divorces are initiated by women, abortion "is labeled "freedom of choice", etc.. The vices of feminism much outnumber any virtues. The percent of depression among women did not change whether a woman works at home or outside her home. If men should love their wives like Christ loves His church, so too wives needs to love their husband as the church loves Christ. The relation between God and the church is the same as the relationship between a husband and his wife. If you change one you destroy the other. The wave will continue and will be av strong force, we (society) will have to ride it. The outcome will certainly threatens the survival of our society. Those among us who are able to discern, should stay steadfast and proud in what we believe in and vigilant like snakes, protecting others from the deceipts. All deceptions come from the evil one.
