Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Opposing the Luciferic Great Reset

 As Lifesite News notes:

"Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Regarding the desire of the Alberta court that Pawlowski not contradict the government narrative when speaking publicly about COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, the pastor stated, 'This is compelled speech the judge ordered like in China and North Korea … I won’t comply and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.'

Alberta Justice Adam Germain’s 12-page ruling contained instructions for what the court expects Pawlowski to say about COVID-related topics. According to the judge, if he speaks against any of the recommendations laid out by Alberta Health Services, he is supposed to state the following:

'I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.'

Pawlowski’s lawyer, Sarah Miller, intends to appeal the 'compelled speech and unconstitutional' sentencing in a separate court challenge. An appeal of Germain’s guilty verdict for the Pawlowksis’ contempt of court charges has already been filed.

Canadian lawyer and Rebel Media chief Ezra Levant wrote: 'In a bizarre, 40-minute rant, Justice Adam Germain ordered that for the next 18 months, whenever Pastor Artur talks about lockdowns, the pandemic or vaccines — in tweets, in speeches, in media interviews — he must immediately repudiate himself, and give the ‘official’ government view condemning himself.'

Levant added that 'he must argue against himself. He must condemn himself. Or go back to jail.' And 'it’s compelled speech, like a Maoist “struggle session” in Communist China. You have to say what the government tells you to say.'"


Inflated in their rebellion against the God-Man, the Sons of Satan, those committed toward the atheistic program of attacking the Church from without and undermining it from within in preparation for the Man-God, will continue to intensify their persecution of craftiness and subversion until it reaches its culmination in an explosion of hate-filled rage which will bear much blood and death. Father Livio Fanzaga, writing about the Antichrist, says that, "Catholicism alone will resist him. How then do we destroy this superstition which alone obstructs the world's self-revelation? How do we destroy this superstition which divides mankind and which prevents man from being truly brotherly and free? The true Antichrist is revealed in the replies to these questions. Here is perceived his profound being as the man of iniquity. He will not tolerate the idea of men who adore any god other than himself. His intolerance obliges him to make an exception to his pacifism and his philosophy of non-violence. He is the greatest pacifist in the history of the human race, but because peace and justice really reign on earth he will make an exception to kill and destroy the great superstition of Catholicism, once and for all time..." (Wrath of God: The Days of the Antichrist, p. 124).

On September 15, 1992, Our Lady told Father Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests that, "..It is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, my dearly beloved Daughter.  How grievously the Church is suffering in these times, as she carries her great cross and climbs the bloodstained Calvary of her passion and her bloody immolation!  Never before, as today, has the Church been made so utterly like my Son Jesus.  She is like Him in solitude and abandonment; she is like Him in denial and betrayal; she is like Him in contempt and condemnation; she is like Him in her crucifixion and in her agony.  This is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, because the hour of her redemptive passion has come.  It is the gour of my great sorrow for humanity, so ill and so reduced to slavery by the spirits of evil.  The diabolical powers are ruling the earth and producing everywhere the wicked fruits of their dark reign.  And thus this humanity has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years of its redemption and of the first announcement of the Gospel of salvation.  Faithlessness and impiety again cover it; sins wound it; evil poisons it; pride rules it; impurity seduces it; egoism and hatred enchain it; Satan reduces it more and more to slavery and reigns over you with his diabolical power...This is the hour of my great sorrow for all of you, my poor children, because the time of your great suffering has come.  Take refuge in me.  Hasten to the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, because we must live together through the hour of the greatest trial, which has now come for you, for the Church and for all humanity."

Increasingly,  we are witnessing the truth being censored by governments,  social media and big tech.  The Luciferic State will not permit anyone to question its Satanic regime or its pseudo-science in the service of the demon and population control zealots.

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