Saturday, September 03, 2005

A world passing away.....

"Life is passing away....Eternity is advancing in great strides....Soon we shall live the very life of Jesus....After having drunk at the fountain of all sorrows, we shall be deified at the very fountain of all joys, all delights....Soon, little sister, with one look, we shall be able to understand what is taking place within the inner depths of our being!....

The image of this world is passing away....Soon we shall see new heavens, and a more radiant Sun will light up with its splendors ethereal oceans and infinite horizons!...Immensity will be our domain....We shall no longer be prisoners on this earth of exile....All will have passed away!...With our heavenly Spouse, we shall sail on lakes without any shores....Infinity has no limits, no bottom, no shore!...(Courage, Jesus can hear the very last echo of our sorrow.) Our harps, at this moment, are hung on the willows which border the river of Babylon....But on the day of our deliverance, what songs will be heard....with what joy shall we make the strings of our instruments vibrate!"

- St. Therese of Lisieux to Celine, Carmel, March 12, 1889.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I always love the many thoughts of St. Therese of the Child Jesus...especially this one.... Thanks for posting!!!!
