Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sex Ed and Modesty

Back in August, I wrote a piece on Transfiguration Parish in Manchester and various links which were to be found at the parish website. These links were to websites which were geared toward teens and which discussed sexual matters in graphic and inappropriate detail. In an email dated November 3, 2005, Rev Edward Arsenault of the Diocese of Manchester wrote a Catholic laywoman who lives within the Diocese and said:

"Dear Ms. Tremblay,

Thank you for calling my attention to the links on the website
for the Parish of Transfiguration. They have been removed.

Fr. Arsenault"

Let us all thank the Lord Jesus for this happy development.

Paul Anthony Melanson

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:56 PM sickens me how revolting some sex ed programs are and what some parishes are offering their children. I will pray for you.
