Saturday, January 17, 2009

Persecution Watch

As explained by the Associated Press, "Americans entering the military often receive Bibles, courtesy of the Gideons International. But the Gideons have been told that while they can leave complimentary Bibles at most military induction stations, they cannot stay there to proselytize or preach to the recruits."

Remember Navy chaplain Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt and his battle with the U.S. Navy over praying in his naval uniform and invoking the name Jesus? See here. As I stated in a previous post, "In the name of 'tolerance,' the New World Order seeks to impose its rebellion from truth on all. It will not tolerate any dissent, any disagreement. Coercion is an acceptable tool in a dictatorship. Soon, the New Order will use violence to achieve its goals and not just coercion and propaganda. In the end, every dictatorship must rely on violence in its vain attempt to hold onto power."

I served this nation honorably in the United States Air Force. I have always been proud of my service to America and proud of the United States military. But this new policy doesn't fill me with pride. It only makes me sad.


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Deja vu? Will it happen again over the Catholic bishops' current anti-FOCA card campaign? If so, how will it "go" this time?

    In the summer of 1996, the Roman Catholic Church launched the "Project Life Postcard Campaign." The Church's goal was to defeat President William J. Clinton's veto of a bill that would have banned certain abortions. The Church asked its priests to urge parishioners to send postcards to Congressmen asking them to override the veto.
    Father Vincent J. Rigdon was a Roman Catholic priest and lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve who preached at Andrews Air Force base in Washington, D.C. In response to the Church's campaign, the military ordered Rigdon and all other chaplains not to participate in the postcard campaign. The military said the campaign violated rules that prevent military personnel from lobbying for or against legislation in Congress.
    Rigdon sued the armed forces to challenge the order. He said it violated his First Amendment rights to free speech and religion. A Catholic officer, an Air Force rabbi, and the Muslim American Military Association joined Rigdon in his lawsuit. They feared the order would prevent chaplains from discussing important issues during sermons, counseling, and confessions.
    The military said the order did not prevent chaplains from discussing moral issues during sermons and religious teaching. On 7 April 1997, however, the federal district court ruled against the military and in favor of Rigdon and his fellow chaplains. The court said chaplains are allowed to urge congregants to write letters to Congress on important moral issues. The court said, "There is no need for [the government's] heavy handed censorship."

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Christian preaching isn't allowed but homosexuality is. The military, as with the broader culture, is dying.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Expect the Obama administration to place aditional restrictions on the free speech rights of Christians. Especially the right to say that homosexuality is a sin. The new "hate crime" law, if passed, would place such restrictions on Christians free speech.
