Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Supernatural vision in Boston or betrayal?

In my previous post, I noted how the new policy of the Boston Archdiocese which prohibits "discrimination" against students who come from a homosexual household is not in accordance with Canon Law.  Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, in an article entitled "Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools," writes:

"The Church sees education as a process that, in light of man's transcendent destiny, forms the whole child and seeks to fix his or her eyes on heaven. The specific purpose of a Catholic education is the formation of boys and girls who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor and enriching society with the leaven of the gospel, and who will also be citizens of the world to come, thus fulfilling their destiny to become saints. In a speech addressed to American Catholic educators in New Orleans, Pope John Paul II presented them with the pressing challenge of clearly identifying the aims of Catholic education, and applying proper methods in Catholic elementary and secondary education. . . . It is the challenge of fully understanding the educational enterprise, of properly evaluating its content, and of transmitting the full truth concerning the human person, created in God's image and called to life in Christ through the Holy Spirit.

An emphasis on the inalienable dignity of the human person -- above all on his or her spiritual dimension -- is especially necessary today. Unfortunately, far too many in government, business, the media, and even the educational establishment perceive education to be merely an instrument for the acquisition of information that will improve the chances of worldly success and a more comfortable standard of living. Such an impoverished vision of education is not Catholic.

If Catholic educators, parents, and others who dedicate themselves to this apostolate fail to keep in mind a high supernatural vision, all their talk about Catholic schools will be no more than "a gong booming or a cymbal clashing" (1 Cor. 13:1)."  See here.

Did you get that?  But how is it possible for Catholic schools to maintain a Catholic identity and to "keep in mind a high supernatural vision" if they attempt to partner with parents or guardians who are not commited to this same goal?    The U.S. Bishops have stated clearly that, "Catholic schools collaborate with parents and guardians" to equip young people with "..a sound education, rooted in the Gospel message, the Person of Jesus Christ" so that these same young people will have "the foundation to live morally and uprightly in our complex modern world." See here. p.3.

But how can homosexual couples be honestly committed to this supernatural vision when they are engaging in an illicit same-sex relationship?  Homosexual acts are not rooted in the Gospel message.  Can the Church partner with individuals who are not committed to Church teaching and who are determined to embrace acts which the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches are "intrinsically disordered" and constitute "acts of grave depravity"? (CCC, 2357).


  1. Stewart7:21 AM

    It is betrayal pure and simple. Boston is drifting into infidelity more and more.

  2. Speaking to The Boston Globe, Michael B. Reardon of the "Catholic" Schools Foundation said that the new policy "promotes what is essential to Catholic education, which is inclusivity."

    Read Archbishop Miller's article [which relies heavily on Magisterial teaching] and ask yourself, "Is inclusivity really one of the five essential marks of a Catholic school"?

    How quickly the very idea of a supernatural vision is jettisoned by those who have their own agendas.

  3. It is a betrayal. The spirit of Judas has overcome the Church in Boston. The Gospel is being sold out as the leadership there pursues a policy of accommodation to the world. A counterfeit "gospel," a masonic message for a counterfeit church is being erected.

    Anne Catherine Emmerich had a vision in October of 1820 and said, "I see more martyrs, not now but in the future...I saw the secret sect relentlessly undermining the great Church. Near them I saw a horrible beast coming up from the sea..."

    That beast is the Antichrist. The sea represents the world of politics. We are now witnessing the wholesale betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church by apostates, schismatics and heretics who are working to undermine the Church from within.

  4. "Not everyone is aware however, that the marvelous appearance on the gable of the Knock Church came on the day when the parish priest, Archdeacon Cavanagh, finished offering, as he had promised, 100 consecutive Masses for the suffering souls in Purgatory! A few months before the apparition the Archdeacon began to offer 100 Masses for the poor souls whom Our Lady wished most to release. It was on the day of the one hundredth Mass was offered Our Lady came to visit Knock."

    "The REASON the parish priest turned in this way to the Holy Souls was a painful problem similar to what affects many countries today. A secret organization resorting to violence had threatened the priest by letter for preaching against their tactics. They resented his condemnation of violence, which prevented them from gaining recruits in the Knock parish. In his distress, he turned to the suffering souls and called on his parishioners to fill the church for 100 days of these offered Masses. And what an answer he was given from Heaven!"


    Why not have Masses said for the Holy Souls in Purgatory as a means of striking a blow against the 'horrible beast'?

  5. An excellent suggestion Steve. Every day I offer a Rosary for the souls in Purgatory. These holy souls will, in turn, pray for those of us who remembered them.
