Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Signs: Radiation leaks lead to panic in Tokyo

On July 3, 1987, Our Lady gave a dire message to her priests who were gathered in Valdragone (San Marino) for their annual spiritual exercises in the form of a continuous cenacle [Marian Movement of Priests].  She said, "My Times Have Arrived…Come back, O humanity so far away and depraved; come back along the road of conversion and of a return to the Lord of your salvation! These are the times of my great admonition, and you are here because I want to make you instruments of this appeal of mine.As you go down from this mountain, to all whom you will meet in all the countries to which you will return, you must proclaim and spread this motherly, anxious and urgent message of mine: Come back immediately to the God of salvation and of peace! The time that is granted to you for your conversion is almost over; the days are counted. Walk along the road of return to the Lord if you want to be saved. These are the times of the great chastisement. The cup of divine justice is full, is more than full, is flowing over. Iniquity covers the whole earth; the Church is darkened by the spread of apostasy and of sin. The Lord, for the triumph of his mercy, must as of now purify with his strong action of justice and of love. The most painful, most bloody hours are in preparation for you. These times are closer than you think. (…) These are the times of the great mercy: they are therefore the times of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. It is for this that I have again wanted you up here. Now you must go down to be the apostles of my message. Bring to every part of the earth my pressing request to gather together, all of you, in the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, to prepare yourselves to live the awaited vigil of the new times which are now at the doors. Do not become discouraged by the difficulties which you encounter. I am your comfort. I am the Mother of Consolation. One by one, I welcome you and with you the souls who are entrusted to you, your dear ones, the persons whom you love, your brothers who are furthest away.

Do not forget anyone; come to me together, because I am the Mother of all, and you are only the instruments, chosen by me, to bring all my children to my Immaculate Heart.With your dear ones, with those who have been entrusted to you, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."


  1. Stewart6:37 PM

    The Surgeon General is telling Californians to get iodide.


  2. Jonathan6:06 PM

    Stewart, despair is turning into anger in Japan as everything disintegrates. Visit this link
