Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mass attendance in the United States: A sign of the times

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  It is intrinsic to the Catholic religion, that before one can become a member, he must satisfy himself that the answers to all questions of faith or morals are contained in a Deposit of Faith which has been revealed by God and entrusted to a Custodian established by God Himself and endowed with infallible protection against any change or error. There are many who consider themselves to be "Catholic" even as they reject the Church's teaching while striving to erect a church in their own image and likeness.  According to a new survey published in the National "Catholic" Reporter, Mass attendance among the most devout, older Catholics has fallen from 64 percent in 1999 to just over 50 percent in 2011 and 86 percent of respondents stated they believe that a Catholic "can disagree with aspects of Church teachings and still remain loyal to the Church."

These sophomoric souls should reflect very carefully on the words of Pope Paul VI, in a discourse given to a general audience on September 1, 1971: "...He who thinks he can remain a Christian by his own efforts, deserting the institutional bonds of the visible and hierarchical Church, or who imagines he can remain faithful to the mind of Christ by fashioning for himself a Church conceived according to his own ideas, is on the wrong track, and deceives himself. He compromises and perhaps ruptures, and makes others rupture, real communion with the People of God, losing the pledge of its promises."

The Church is a communion of persons with the Living God, brought about by the Lord Jesus in the Holy Spirit. And, as Pope John Paul II teaches in Christifideles Laici, No. 64, " awareness of a commonly shared Christian dignity, an ecclesial consciousness brings a sense of belonging to the mystery of the Church as Communion. This is a basic and undeniable aspect of the life and mission of the Church. For one and all, the earnest prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper, 'That all may be one' (Jn 17: 21), ought to become daily a required and undeniable program of life and action."

When we understand what is meant by the Church's communion, the words of Pope Benedict XVI make perfect sense: "..In order to remain in unity with the crucified and risen Lord, the practical sign of juridical unity, 'remaining in the teaching of the apostles' is indispensable." (Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion, p. 69, Ignatius Press). But the false prophets of the "new morality," which is neither new nor morality, continue to insist that we are now living in a new era in which men have "come of age." These mental and moral midgets, anxious to baptize abortion, homosexuality, contraception and a host of other evils, argue that there is now before us a new way, an easy way of following God which permits all things in the name of "love."

It was Fr. Vincent Miceli who warned that: "The West has divinized Security and Technocracy; the East, Science and Revolution. But in both camps atheistic humanism has become the State religion. And both of these systems of secular humanism eclipse the person, eliminate his freedom, deny his human-divine value and subject him to the tyranny of technological impersonalism. The alarming signs of the times testify to a fierce spirit of evil advancing everywhere. It is the spirit of rebellion against God and man. Hitherto the powers of government in each country, as yet relying on God and reason, were firm and vigorous eough to restrain this rebellion. But today many agnostic countries can barely contain that lawless spirit, while many others have actually legalized the principle of lawlessness itself, the principle of license masquerading as liberty.

We are reminded of St. Paul's warning to the Thessalonians. In the last days there will be an aweful, unparalleled outbreak of evil everywhere. This will be called the Great Apostasy. In the midst of this general falling away a certain Man of Sin, having the image of Satan and breathing hatred toward God and man, will appear. He will exercise frightening preternatural powers of destruction against the just. This Child of Perdition will be so special and singular an enemy of Christ that he will be called Antichrist. For just as types of Christ went before Jesus, heralding his coming, so shadows of Antichrist have already preceded him....

But compared to the final Antichrist all forerunners of him were so many mini-Antichrists. This Arch-Antichrist will orchestrate revolutions so expertly that the very framework of society will shatter into pieces under his wicked hand. In a stunningly evil way, he will knit together his totalitarian rule of heresy, sedition, revolution, schism, war - indeed of every evil movement - and hurl them effectively against the Church. Preceded by apostasy, conceived in apostasy, gestated in apostasy, born in apostasy, the Man of Sin will come to power through a General Apostasy. In other words, Antichrist could never have existed except for the decision of the majority of persons in East and West to apostatize from God and to join the forces of atheism.." (Essay entitled "Detente All Around: Prelude to Antichrist?").

Dangerous times.  Troubled times.  Continue to place yourself under Our Lady's mantle.  Frequent the sacraments as often as possible.  Confess your sins and be reconciled with God.  Pray the Rosary daily.  Adore Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.  The effort to eradicate Christianity continues and will reach its zenith when the Man of Sin appears. As Romano Guardini said in The Lord, "One day the Antichrist will come: a human being who introduces an order of things in which rebellion against God will attain its ultimate power. He will be filled with enlightenment and strength. The ultimate aim of all aims will be to prove that existence witout Christ is possible - nay rather, that Christ is the enemy of existence, which can be fully realized only when all Christian values have been destroyed. His arguments will be so impressive, supported by means of such tremendous power - violent and diplomatic, material and intellectual - that to reject them will result in almost insurmountable scandal, and everyone whose eyes are not opened by grace will be lost. Then it will be clear what the Christian essence really is: that which stems not from the world, but from the heart of God; victory of grace over the world; redemption of the world, for her true essence is not to be found in herself, but in God, from whom she has received it. When God becomes all in all, the world will finally burst into flower."

Anyone whose eyes are not opened by grace will be lost!  We should meditate upon these words every day.  For they constitute a most grave warning!


  1. "86 percent of respondents stated they believe that a Catholic "can disagree with aspects of Church teachings".
    I am sorry to acknowledge that I may be included in these 86 p.c. when the Vatican's teachings are stamped with the modernist heresy.
    Is it a shame?

  2. Ted Loiseau7:31 PM

    Dissent, whether from the liberal/modernist or conservative/SSPX/Feeneyite camps, is always opposed to ecclesial communion.

  3. Ted, Who went astray from the true Faith since 50 years? The feeneyites and the SSPX or the modernists?
    Is the SSPX heretical? No in any way with respect to the Church's dogmas and Tradition.
    Is the SSPX schismatic? No longer since our Holy Father lifted the excommunications.
    Who were disciplined systematically for 50 years, the conservatives or the heretic modernists?

  4. Ted Loiseau2:01 PM

    My point is that the Lefebvrists and the Feeneyites both dissented from the magisterial teaching of the Church. And dissent from Church teaching is never acceptable.

  5. The Lefebvrites never dissent from any Magisterial teaching. They only disobeyed the Vatican in ordaining priests and bishops without the Vatican's permission. That is the reason of the excommunication.
    Now it has been lifted by our Holy Father, the matter is settled.
    One cannot find any heretical statement coming from the SSPX, while there are many controversial (to say the least) ones coming from the post conciliar Church, even from top ranked prelates.
    I must say eagerly that I am not a Lefebvrite nor a sedevacantist because "Ubi Petrus, ubi Ecclesia".
    But this doesn't hinder me to see where the errors are.

  6. ShrewsburyCatholic1:33 PM

    Jac, you are just wrong. Reflect on this:

    "That which makes Vatican II valid is what made Vatican I, the Council of Trent, and every other council valid. To accept one council is to accept them all; to reject one . . . is to reject . . . all; we cannot have pick-and-choose conciliarism.
    The teachings of Vatican II are as official as the others, which is what makes the Lefebvrite dissent "incoherent.'"


  7. ShrewsburyCatholic1:35 PM

    Jac, you are just wrong. Reflect on this:

    "That which makes Vatican II valid is what made Vatican I, the Council of Trent, and every other council valid. To accept one council is to accept them all; to reject one . . . is to reject . . . all; we cannot have pick-and-choose conciliarism.
    The teachings of Vatican II are as official as the others, which is what makes the Lefebvrite dissent "incoherent.'"

