Friday, August 16, 2013

Pope Francis: "If there's a private (homosexual) union, then third parties and society aren't affected."

 "The real responsibility, then, lies with individuals.."

In his book entitled On Heaven and Earth, published in 2010, Pope Francis, speaking about homosexual sex, wrote: "If there's a private union, then third parties and society aren't affected."  And some argue that he is in full continuity with Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.  See here.

Im beginning to wonder.

Pope Francis should understand that at the root of all social injustice is personal sin.  When people deny God and objective moral limits, they have a tendency to become selfish and to regard others as mere instruments to their own ends.  The teaching magisterium explains: "Having become his own centre, sinful man tends to assert himself and to satisfy his desire for the infinite by the use of things: wealth, power and pleasure, despising other people and robbing them unjustly and treating them as objects or instruments.  Thus he makes his own contribution to the creation of those very structures of exploitation and slavery which he claims to condemn." (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation, No. 42).

Pope John Paul II, in his Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, No. 36, says further, "If the present situation can be attributed to difficulties of various kinds, it is not out of place to speak of 'structures of sin,' which....are rooted in personal sin, and thus always linked to the concrete acts of individuals who introduce these structures, consolidate them and make them difficult to remove.  And thus they grow stronger, spread, and become the source of other sins, and so influence people's behavior."

Thirs parties and society are not affected by homosexual unions?  Really?

In No. 36 of Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Pope John Paul II continues: "The God who is rich in mercy, the Redeemer of man, the Lord and giver of life, requires from people clear-cut attitudes which express themselves also in actions or omissions toward one's neighbor.  We have here a reference to the 'second tablet' of the Ten Commandments (cf. Exodus 20: 12-17; Deuteronomy 5: 16-21).  Not to observe these is to offend God and hurt one's neighbor, and to introduce into the world influences and obstacles which go far beyond the actions and the brief lifespan of an individual."

Pope John Paul II developed this theme in his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, No. 16, saying that, "Whenever the Church speaks of situations of sin, or when she condemns as social sins certain situations or the collective behavior of certain social groups, big or small, or even of whole nations and blocs of nations, she knows and she proclaims that such cases of social sin are the result of the accumulation of and concentration of many personal sins.  It is a case of the very personal sins of those who cause or support evil or who exploit it; of those who are in a position to avoid, eliminate or at least limit certain social evils but who fail to do so out of laziness, fear or the conspiracy of silence, through secret complicity or indifference; of those who take refuge in the supposed impossibility of changing the world, and also of those who sidestep the effort and sacrifice required, producing specious reasons of a higher order.  The real responsibility, then, lies with individuals.  A situation - or likewise aninstitution, a structure, society itself - is not in itself the subject of moral acts.  Hence a situation cannot in itself be good or bad."


  1. Martin11:29 AM

    VERY disappointing and alarming, however, we remember what Our Blessed Lady said at La Salette and Fatima. I was disappointed to hear the Irish Archbishop Martin say:

    “The altar rails are not the place to be making a public statement,” on the issue.”

    Well this is just it. Abortion is not a political issue. It's a moral issue: good and evil. How can men committed to evil happily receive Holy Communion? Well they can and they are and the Bishop won't stop them or even very sternly warn them of their spiritual state and advise them NOT to present for Holy Communion.

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "Private," "civic," or whatever-you-wish-to-call-them unions: An idea whose time has gone--at least as far as "they" are concerned. They want the "real thing" (i.e., marriage), including ceremonies in churches and thus will try to force the Church to accomodate them.

  3. There are so many confusing and mixed signals coming from Pope Francis. What you have written here is very alarming, yet in October he is going to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Will he and the Bishops finally do what Our Lady requested at Fatima many years ago? I certainly hope so.

  4. Why does this pope Not open his mouth about what the Bible says in the Old Testament and New Testament as well (see what Saint Paul has to say about it) about homosexuality and bestiality, and why not talking about God's 6th&9th Commandment. Talk about it, explain it don't condone these despicable sins, explain it and invite the sinners to turn to God and help them to persevere !!!
    The Freemasons must be very very happy. Rome reacts exactly how they want it.
    Rita B.

  5. Why does this pope Not open his mouth about what the Bible says in the Old Testament and New Testament as well (see what Saint Paul has to say about it) about homosexuality and bestiality, and why not talking about God's 6th&9th Commandment. Talk about it, explain it don't condone these despicable sins, explain it and invite the sinners to turn to God and help them to persevere !!!
    The Freemasons must be very very happy. Rome reacts exactly how they want it.
    Rita B.

  6. Why does this pope Not open his mouth about what the Bible says in the Old Testament and New Testament as well (see what Saint Paul has to say about it) about homosexuality and bestiality, and why not talking about God's 6th&9th Commandment. Talk about it, explain it don't condone these despicable sins, explain it and invite the sinners to turn to God and help them to persevere !!!
    The Freemasons must be very very happy. Rome reacts exactly how they want it.
    Rita B.
