Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Pope Francis, are you suggesting that Jesus is a liar or that He is confused?

In an article which may be found here, Pope Francis says that, God’s justice is his mercy."

Val Conlon notes that, "On Mercy Sunday, April 30, 2000, before some two hundred and fifty thousand pilgrims and the television cameras of the world, Pope John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina Kowalska, ‘the great Apostle of Divine Mercy’. In doing so, he also approved the Divine Mercy message and devotion by declaring the Second Sunday of Easter as 'Divine Mercy Sunday' for the universal Church. In one of the most extraordinary homilies of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II repeated three times that Saint Faustina is 'God's gift to our time.' She made the message of Divine Mercy the 'bridge to the third millennium.' He then said, 'By this act of canonization of Saint Faustina I intend today to pass this message on to the third millennium. I pass it on to all people, so that they will learn to know ever better the true face of God...'"

But Pope Francis is obscuring the true face of God when he says that "God's justice is His mercy."  This constitutes a direct contradiction to the message Saint Faustina was given by the Lord Jesus.

Sin brings destruction and death, and a terrible eternal death for the unrepentant, those who flaunt their pride and their resistance in the face of a Loving and Merciful God, those who are a continuous scandal to others.  The souls who have been slain for the Word of God are heard crying out from under the altar: "How long, O Lord, dost Thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth.  And it was said to them that they should rest for a little time till their fellow servants and their brethren, who are to be slain even as they, should be filled up." (Revelation 6: 10, 11).

Mankind is facing so many problems today. Sin has been enshrined as a good. As Father Albert Hebert, S.M., once said, even the "great pagan juridical systems admitted the fact of wrong-doing and their legal systems prescribed punishment for it. It is only in our day that there is such a widespread denial of the existence of sin and moral laws. This makes God appear as the Creator of evil, and God hates this blasphemy, pride and hypocrisy on the part of His creature man....Today, persons great and lowly commit sin, deny it and even blasphemously call it virtue. For example, active homosexuals and lesbians call their practices 'love' and demand the legal status of normal married man and wife.."

It is because sin has been enshrined as a good, because so many people have turned away from the Merciful Heart of Jesus, that there is no peace today. Many will argue that I'm being "too simplistic," or that there are other reasons for the breakdown of peace we are experiencing across our culture and throughout the world.

But when Faustina Kowalska's confessor told her to ask Jesus the meaning of the two rays in the image which she had previously been shown, Jesus spoke to her while she was in prayer:

"The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls...These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross. These rays shield souls from the wrath of My Father. Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him. I desire that the first Sunday after Easter be the Feast of Mercy...

Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy..." (Divine Mercy in My Soul, Notebook I, 299, 300).

If we want peace, we will only obtain it through Our Jesus of Mercy. We must confess our sins regularly and dwell in the shelter of the two rays which emanate from His Merciful Heart. There is no peace in attempting to legitimize sin. There is no peace apart from Our Jesus of Mercy.

The choice is ours. But not for much longer. "...before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice.." (Notebook III, 1146); "My daughter, Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy; let them profit from the Blood and Water which gushed forth for them." (Notebook II, 848).

We have two ways before us: Love and mercy which produce peace and tranquility or hatred, sin and unforgiveness which lead to despair, violence and war. The choice, as always, is ours to make. A way of life and a way of death as the Didache teaches.

Our Lord said clearly that, "He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy (through repentance within the Sacrament of Penance) must pass through the door of my justice." In the light of Jesus's clear words (approved by Holy Mother Church), we can see that Francis is not offering wheat but chaff.

God's justice is NOT His mercy.  He tells us, rather, that those who refuse His mercy will stand before His justice.  Does Francis mean to suggest that Jesus is confused or a liar?


If we were to accept Francis' assertion that God's justice IS His mercy, we would have to dismiss Jesus's words to Faustina as nonsensical.  For He would have been saying, "He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My mercy."



  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    We live in truly dark days:

  2. Peter4:39 PM

    Pope Francis is confused. I put it down to his 1970s Jesuit formation. I don't look very much to him for guidance on the Faith. As Cardinal Burke said, turn to the Catechism for authentic guidance.


    In this world so full of pride
    it’s all about ME, set God aside
    the pressure is on to collect fancy titles
    forcing others to listen to our recitals

    Man wants to live in his own perception
    twirling in a pool of vile deception
    following the voice of the great deceiver
    acting as satan’s true believer

    How can there be any peace
    how can the world’s fire cease
    if we see ourselves as the center of the earth
    which we cover with blood and dearth

    We’ve lost the sense of right and wrong
    we can as well sing our swan song
    and we dare to call her “MOTHER”
    while it’s her we try to smother

    “Mother” earth is taking revenge
    she shows her face as an avalanche
    “how can you do this to us” we ask
    “well simple, you didn’t fulfill your task”

    In maltreating her, we defy our Creator
    He placed us here to be her curator
    but even in the Garden we didn’t behave
    and chose to become satan’s slave.

    The Father begs us to open our eyes
    to turn back to Him and be wise
    if not, the dice will be cast
    die will “the dead hand of the past.”

    No greater blind than he who does not want to see
    No greater deaf than he who does not want to hear

    Rita Biesemans, July 31 2014

  4. Anonymous1:49 AM

    God’s justice is his mercy - bothered me as soon as I read it. Did not sound right. But as with Pope Francis' seemingly "out there" phrases, they serve a purpose. He [and his handlers] know[s] exactly what he[they] is doing.

  5. Even a Bear with a 450 gm brain knows that can't be right.

    1. Your brain is just fine. Love your blog. Keep up the great work. God bless bear!
