Friday, March 23, 2018

Father John Harrington and the Lavender Mafia in Massachusetts...

From Church Militant:

While abusive priests are kept in positions of authority, modernist clergy and prelates defame and use public outcry to sanction orthodox priests.

Father John (Jack) Harrington wants to return to his priestly ministry in the diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, but is being blacklisted by a group of clergy linked to an abusive priest inside the local seminary. Harrington believes he is being punished by a "cabal of homosexual bishops and priests" and stripped of his ministry and clerical garb for reporting sexual harassment he endured while in St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts.

"It is the result of my having had a confrontation with the homosexual clerics in the beginning as a seminarian and then, subsequently, after my ordination as a priest," he said.

Harrington had his first hearing in the Norfolk County Superior Court on March 7, saying, "I hope the judge will grant a motion for discovery so we can show the defendants did indeed conspire to defame me."

Harrington claims that Bp. George Coleman punished him by removing him from his assigned parish, withdrew his priestly faculties and evicted him from the diocese to silence him. Later, after publishing another false accusation about Harrington, Bp. Coleman forbade him from wearing his priestly collar.

"All of these actions are in keeping with the homo-lobby's agenda to weed out orthodox priests from the Catholic Church," Harrington said.

Harrington told Church Militant in an exclusive interview that he believes there are other men who were chased out of seminaries or persecuted by the gay lobby in the clergy and hopes his coming forward can help the Church. "It's a very powerful gay lobby out there," Harrington notes. He told Church Militant he agrees with Fr. Dariusz Oka who spoke out against the gay mafia in the church, saying, "To refuse to confront it is a sin of omission."

Claiming the 11 men named in the civil suit conspired to defame him, Harrington hopes that he can prove their actions were a result of his insistence that an abusive dean, Fr. John Farrell, be removed from the seminary.

"The evidence from research about homo men in church is that the homosexuals know and help support each other," Harrington said. "They cover one another's back. And if you challenge one of them, they come to the aid of the other person by intimidating the victim into silence."

The Lavender Mafia within the Church has grown very powerful.  But then this disease within the Church has been spreading for over seventy years. Writing about Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and his legacy, Catholic author Paul Likoudis, who has served as Editor of The Wanderer, writes: "The nurturing of a homosexual/pedophile network in the Catholic Church in modern times, which parallels similar networks in government, business and education circles, may, some suggest, date back to the late 1920s and early 30s when the 'Cambridge Apostles,' that elite clique of homosexual Marxists under the direction of Anthony Blunt ( and including such notorious spies as Kim Philby), determined to seize control of the major institutions, especially the churches, newspapers, cinema and radio (and, later, television), universities, museums and government cultural agencies.

If this strikes the reader as difficult to believe, all I can plead is that there is a tremendous aount of information that supports the theory. The late John Costello's masterful biography of Anthony Blunt, Mask of Treachery (William and Morrow, Co., 1988) provides copious documentation on how Blunt placed his friends, both Marxists and homosexuals, in some of the most important cultural agencies in the western world, and even gloated how many were totally unqualified for their positions. In addition, there is the Congressional testimony of former Communists in the United States, such as Manning Johnson and Bella Dodd, who told how they encouraged more than a thousand communists or fellow travelers to enter Catholic seminaries in the 1930s. Bella Dodd tesified: 'In the 1930s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within,' and the chief tactic devised, once these men came to power, was to label the Church 'of the past' as oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant and closed to the world.'

If the problem of a homosexual network in the Church is viewed in this larger perspective, one can understand more fully the remarkable role of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin in creating an 'American Church' that has become a trusted ally of all those various social, political and cultural forces promoting sexual libertinism...Bernardin, it must be recalled, at least briefly, was sponsored, tutored and promoted by a number of dubious characters, not only his clerical godfather and mentor, Archbishop Paul Hallinan of Atlanta, who served as a bishop in Bernardin's hometown, Charleston. Bernardin's other 'godfather' was Archbishop (later Cardinal) John Dearden, who would be responsible for the appointment of such notorious pro-homosexual bishops as Detroit Auxiliary Tom Gumbleton, Ken Untener of Saginaw, Joseph Imesch, of Joliet, and Springfield's Daniel Ryan....His closest friend from his South Carolina days, Monsignor Frederick Hopwood, had been accused of abusing hundreds of boys dating back to the early 1950s, when he and Bernardin shared a residence at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston - where some of the alleged abuse took place....

At the time the Hopwood allegations became public in late December 1993, Bernardin was having trouble on another front. A former seminarian from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Steven Cook, filed a $10 million lawsuit against Bernardin and Cincinnati priest Ellis Harsham. The suit accused Harsham, when he was a priest at St. Gregory seminary in Cincinnati in the mid-19702, of numerous coercive sexual acts against him, and then delivering him to Bernardin, then Archbishop of Cincinnati, for the same purposes.

Several months later, however, in February 1994, Cook dropped Bernardin from the suit, saying he couldn't trust his memory. Cook never retracted his charges; nor did he say they were inaccurate - contrary to the accepted party line that Bernardin had been exonerated, which persists to this day. Four months later, Cook's suit against Harsham was conveniently - at least for Bernardin - settled out of court...

While Bernardin went on to have a very public (and filmed) reconciliation with Cook, showing the world what a generous man he was in forgiving a man who had accused him of sexual crimes, Bernardin's lawyers were involved in hushing up another case in which seminarians in Winona, Minnesota, had accused Bernardin and three other Bishops of participating in sexual/satanic rituals at the seminary. Among the facts that the plaintiffs in that case marshaled for their suit: Bernardin was frequently accompanied by Steven Cook.." ( Paul Likoudis, Amchurch Comes Out, pp. 136-139).

For more on the Bernardin legacy and the homosexual network, see here.

Related reading here.

Although I have had extensive psychological testing and screening for the United States military (as part of my security clearance for military intelligence) and have received glowing reports which indicate that I am free of any pathologies - including a homosexual inclination, when I contacted the Worcester Diocese (twice) to express my interest in discerning a priestly vocation, I received no response whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the Diocese of Worcester has ordained homosexual men to the priesthood.  For example, a psychological evaluation in 1977 prior to the ordination of Fr. Jean Paul Gagnon  indicated that the candidate had possible "sex role identification" problems. See here.


  1. I am wondering if the exact same thing is happening in CHICAGO with the outrageously 'over kill' treatment of Fr. Frank Phillips of the Saint John Cantius Parish by Cardinal Cupich. I have never heard of a priest being actually 'removed' (pretty much permanently from what I understand) from a parish for 'accusations' even before an investigation. Usually they are placed on 'suspension' until they can discover what was actually going on. And.....Fr. Phillips is in an 'undisclosed' location? Also, the Chicago Catholics have NO IDEA what these 'inappropriate behaviors' are. The only thing we know is that they involve AN ADULT MAN OR MEN. We don't even know if they are of a sexual nature at all!! (although I believe that is what Cupich is IMPLYING) All I know is that the 'Lavender Mafia' is EVERY BIT as much alive in Chicago as it is in Massachusetts!

    Our Lady of Fatima PRAY FOR US!!!

  2. Orange Catholic6:58 AM

    What an unfortunate mess:

  3. Susan7:07 AM

    And then there's Father Harrington's public opposition to the LGBT agenda:

  4. Orange Catholic7:23 AM

    Saint Mary's Church in Orange, Massachusetts has a Facebook page which contains links to articles and videos From Father Jonathan Morris. This is troubling to me. Father Morris has a sister who claims to be married to another woman. See this video for his strange reaction to being spit on by homosexual activists:

    1. Isn't it interesting that Mr. Melanson's articles weren't allowed on the St. Mary's Facebook Page but Father Morriss videos

      Gee, I wonder why?

  5. Meanwhile in Saginaw..

    Those of us who oppose the homi-agenda within the Church are treated as "the enemy" E. This is why Saint Mary's has blocked me from its Facebook page.

  6. Anonymous11:07 AM

    If the priesthood of St. John Bosco still exists, it is has been forced underground.

    Lord help me and those few who are truly called find this hidden and sacred seminary.


    Though I am the Light
    you walk in the darkness
    Though I am the Might
    you follow the barkless

    Though I am the Truth
    you prefer the lier’s booth
    Though I am the Way
    you say it’s ok to be gay

    Though I am the Life
    you choose eternal death
    Where weeping and gnashing is rife
    and for sure there won’t be any Meth

    Oh you stubborn generation
    stop this horrific aberration
    You keep flirting with the seducer
    so don’t blame Me, blame the abuser

    Though I am the utter Merciful 
    I’m also the eternal Just
    Your behavior is extremely hurtful
    My patience you finally bust.

    Wake up and smell the coffee or it will be too late.
    Lord, please, hasten Your Coming

    Rita Biesemans, May 13 2014

  8. susan3:08 PM

    Paul....have you looked at or inquired to other (more orthodox) diocese, like Arlington VA?
