Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Communist infiltration of the Church...

Church Militant reports:

"As news spreads about former Cardinal McCarrick's 'open secret' lifestyle, even amidst highly questionable denials by the leading members of the U.S. hierarchy, the shock and flat-out rage by faithful Catholics is mounting to a fever pitch — rightly so.

Many are asking: How can this be? How can there possibly be this many homosexual men in the priesthood? How could they have possibly risen to such heights, to the level of archbishops and even cardinals?

The answers to those questions go back to a plan by Communist agents who were taking their orders from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in the 1920s. Almost three years ago, Church Militant conducted an on-camera interview with the notable Alice von Hildebrand, widow of the much-revered Dietrich von Hildebrand. The interview didn't get much attention then, but we think it will now.

Von Hildebrand shared with us the story of one Bella Dodd, a Communist agent with the American Communist Party from 1927–49. Dodd eventually converted to the Catholic faith under the direction of Abp. Fulton Sheen and became friends with the von Hildebrands.

Here is what Alice told us that Dodd told her and her husband in 1965:

Stalin, soon after he came to power, ordered his cronies to invade Catholic seminaries ... with young men that had neither faith nor morals. Now ... the ideal cases: homosexual. Obviously, you don't suppose that someone ... well, it's much more complicated, you know, to have an affair with a woman. But if you're a homosexual, and then it was a tragic mission ... .  [Dodd] declared publicly — I repeat, publicly — that in the course of the 20 years of activities for the Communists, she recruited some 1,100 young men.

Communist agents who were homosexual — of no faith or morals — being planted in the Church's seminaries in the 1920s and 1930s would explain a lot. And that revelation by Dodd, that she was the one who actually recruited these men — 1,100 of them over the years — begins to fill in a lot of the missing puzzle pieces of what has gone so horribly wrong."

Readers of this Blog will recall how I reported on this back in 2009.  See here

For more information regarding this conspiracy, consider purchasing this book.


  1. Cyn M8:12 AM

    A devout nun gave me a copy of AA-1025 a few years back. Chilling read...and I believe every word of itis true. We live in perilous times, pray hard,Remnant Church.God bless you Paul,for your faithfulness in spreading the unvarnished Truth.


    Though I am the Light
    you walk in the darkness
    Though I am the Might
    you follow the barkless

    Though I am the Truth
    you prefer the lier’s booth
    Though I am the Way
    you say it’s ok to be gay

    Though I am the Life
    you choose eternal death
    Where weeping and gnashing is rife
    and for sure there won’t be any Meth

    Oh you stubborn generation
    stop this horrific aberration
    You keep flirting with the seducer
    so don’t blame Me, blame the abuser

    Though I am the utter Merciful 
    I’m also the eternal Just
    Your behavior is extremely hurtful
    My patience you finally bust.

    Wake up and smell the coffee or it will be too late.
    Lord, please, hasten Your Coming

    Rita Biesemans, written May 13 2014

  3. I guess Rite nailed it.

    The only question probably left is, will we continue to support it.
