Monday, November 26, 2018

Francis condemns consumerism but doesn't appear troubled by clerical hedonism

Francis just warned that, "We must pray to the Lord 'to set us free' of that very dangerous evil that is consumerism, which enslaves us, makes us addicted to spending: 'it is a psychiatric disease.'"

Fair enough.  But what of the moral corruption found among so many within the Church's hierarchy?  A corruption which led to so many minors being sexually abused by clerics and to a staggering waste of financial resources - monies donated by good-hearted Catholics who gave freely (rather than spending these monies on material things) so that the Church could be built up she could minister to the poor?

Does this attitude of cover-up and homosexual enabling which led to countless victims and a squandering of vast resources not represent a "psychiatric disease"?

As this NPR article makes clear:

"Sixteen years after an investigation in Boston highlighted the dimensions of the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic priesthood, the financial and reputational cost to the Catholic church continues to grow.

Lawsuits by abuse victims have so far forced dioceses and religious orders in the United States to pay settlements totaling more than $3 billion, and at least 19 have filed for bankruptcy protection."

Yes Francis, excessive consumerism can indeed be an evil.  Perhaps even a psychiatric illness.  But what of hedonism?  Is that a psychiatric illness to your way of thinking?

You want us to believe you're concerned about the poor.  Then perhaps you should clean the filth and corruption from the Church so that those donations which continually come in from hard-working Catholics - many of whom live paycheck to paycheck - donations which very often result in real sacrifice, will no longer be squandered.

Three billion dollars wasted Francis. And you're worried about how many shoes we own?

Physician, heal thyself.


  1. Orange Catholic3:02 PM

    Imagine the good that more than 3 billion dollars could have done. And, rather than addressing the clerical abuse crisis and the homosexual problem which is at its root, Francis told the U.S. Bishops to delay their vote so that he could put people in place such as Blase Cupich to oversee his Synod next February.


  2. What I didn't care for is Father Shaun blaming the fact that so many Catholics have left the Church in disgust over the sexual abuse and poor leadership of Francis on the education level of such people. He asserted that such people have an "11th grade education." Granted there is no valid reason for leaving the Church and placing one's salvation in peril. But he needs to acknowledge the damage done by the scandalous conduct of priests who have treated children and minors as fodder for their sexual appetites.

    His response was both elitist and offensive.

  3. Andrew4:02 AM

    The Bishops are part of the problem...

  4. Cyn M7:09 AM

    Holy Mother Church needs strong, faithful leadership that upholds solid doctrine. Francis, Cupich, and their ilk, are undermining the Faith, confusing the flock, and causing untold damage to souls.Would love to see a deep investigation and housecleaning, starting at the very top. God, have mercy on your Church.

  5. Beacon Street Catholic3:31 PM

    See you at the prayer house this Friday Andrew. God bless!
