Friday, October 29, 2021

Francis calls pro-abortion Biden "a good Catholic"

 As noted here:

"President Biden said he was told Friday by Pope Francis that he is a 'good Catholic' who should continue to receive Communion, even as some conservative U.S. Catholic leaders argue he should be denied the sacrament for his stance on abortion."

What more proof does one need that Francis is an anti-pope, a pretender to the Chair of Peter? A Masonic Manchurian Candidate in the Vatican?

Pope Saint John Paul II spoke authoritatively for the Catholic tradition when he defined that "direct abortion always constitutes a grave moral disorder, since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being" and that "no circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever" can ever make it licit (EV 62). He echoed the Second Vatican Council which had declared: "All offences against life itself, such as abortion... are criminal. They poison civilization, and they debase the perpetrators even more than the victims... Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes." (GS 27, 51)

Joseph Biden supports this crime against life.  Isn't it interesting that for Francis, the partisan, President Trump was "Non-Christiano" for wanting to build a wall, but Joe Biden,  the anti-life zealot who also promotes sodomy, is a "good Catholic "?


Orange Catholic said...

Bergoglio is a lying fraud. If you believe this masonic con artist is a Pope, you're a damned fool.

Dylan said...

How about pornographers? Are they good Catholics too? What about rapists? Bank robbers? Arsonists?

Bergoglio, stop play acting at being Christ's Vicar. Admit to the world you're a Freemason in service to the Luciferic GAOTU

Paul Anthony Melanson said...

Anonymous said...

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