Thursday, January 01, 2015

Pope Francis, the examen, and Bonny and Clyde

In his book entitled, "Rise, Let Us Be On Our Way," Pope John Paul II writes that: "By his manner of life, a bishop demonstrates that the Christ as "Model" lives on and still speaks to us today. One could say that a diocese reflects the manner of life of its bishop. His virtues - chastity, a spirit of poverty and prayer, simplicity, sensitivity of conscience - will, as it were, be written into the hearts of his priests. They, in their turn, will convey these values to the faithful entrusted to their care, and in this way young people can be led to make a generous response to Christ's call." (p. 129).

And on page 66 of the same book, the Holy Father explains that, "It is very important for a bishop to have a rapport with his people and to know how to relate to them well...Interest in others begins with the bishop's prayer life: his conversations with Christ, who entrusts 'His own' to him. Prayer prepares him for encounter with others."

And so, a Bishop should be a man of deep prayer. And that prayer should motivate him to be a good "paterfamilias" to the faithful who have been entrusted to him by the Lord Jesus. As the Holy Father explains, every individual diocese is a reflection of its Bishop's manner of life. If a diocese is in near constant turmoil, what would this indicate about the Bishop's "manner of life"? If children are sexually abused while a Bishop merely shuffles the abuser from one assignment to another, would this not indicate that something about the Bishop's "manner of life" is gravely wrong? If a diocese is plagued with dissidents and other malcontents who lay siege to various parishes while insisting that the Church's teaching must change or that the very structure of the Church must change, what would this indicate about its Bishop's "manner of life"?

To be sure, not everything negative which transpires in a diocese may be laid at its Bishop's doorstep. However, as the Holy Father makes abundantly clear, "The responsibilities that weigh on a bishop's shoulders are many." (p. 93). He cites St. Augustine's long sermon "On the Shepherds" writing that, "With reference to the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, the bishop of Hippo strongly rebukes evil shepherds, who are concerned not for the sheep but only for themselves. 'Let us see how the word of God, that flatters no one, addresses the shepherds who are feeding themselves, not the sheep. You take the milk, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fatlings; but you do not feed my sheep. The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the crippled you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought; any strong one you have killed; and My sheep are scattered because there is no shepherd.'" (pp. 63,64).

Indeed, the responsibility of a Bishop is a grave one. This is why the great Saint Augustine (Bishop and Doctor of the Church) said that his vocation as a Christian instilled him with "great hope" but that his vocation as Bishop instilled him with "great fear." It was Jesus, after all, who said that: "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more" (Luke 12: 48).

Could this be why the normally gentle Saint John Chrysostom has been quoted as having said that the road to Hell is paved with the skulls of Bishops?

Troubling words coming from a gentle saint who was known not only for his great eloquence (his last name translated as "golden-mouthed") but for his pacific spirit.

In a previous post, I noted how Bishop Johan Bonny is calling on the Church to recognize same-sex "marriage." Can it honestly be said that Bishop Bonny is presenting himself as a model of Christ to the faithful entrusted to his care?

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its document entitled Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, warns that even where homosexual unions have been legalized, "clear and emphatic opposition is a duty." (No. 5). This important document stresses that, "any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws" and even any "material cooperation on the level of their application" must be avoided. "In this area," states the document, "everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection."

Considerations makes it abundantly clear that, "The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to considerations of homosexual unions." (No. 11). In other words, there can be no doubt that all Catholics have a moral duty to oppose the homosexual agenda.

Why hasn't Pope Francis thundered against Bishop Bonny and his insanity?  The Pontiff wants us to examine our conscience.  See here.

I call upon Christ's Vicar to set the example for the rest of us and to examine his own conscience, asking himself: "What, if anything, is my responsibility with regard to insisting upon the RIGHT OF THE FAITHFUL TO RECEIVE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE IN ITS PURITY AND INTEGRITY? (Veritatis Splendor, No. 113).

An orangutan cannot examine his conscience.  A Bishop, like any member of the Church, is called to the examen, both general and particular.  An orangutan cannot understand why homosexual acts are gravely sinful.  A Bishop is called to defend God's Revelation which condemns such acts as an abomination.

A Bishop is called to be something more than an orangutan.  Is that too much to ask from our hierarchy?


  1. W W J D

    Jesus, I’m coming to seeYou !
    “Impossible child, I’m busy
    I have so much to do
    and you are far too tizzy”

    Lord that doesn’t sound like you !
    “Of course not, child, I’m imitating
    the behavior of members of my crew
    it bothers Me it’s very irritating”

    Lord it’s urgent I’m in dire strait !
    “and I am in a meeting, child”
    the only thing for you is “to wait”
    Just “keep on trying” He then smiled

    “BTW you didn’t give Church tithing
    my representatives are really upset”
    Why ? oh Lord I’m barely surviving
    my job is gone, I’m in a lot of debt

    Your pastors, Lord, nowadays
    are consumed by worldly matters
    they put the needy in the sick bays
    far away avoiding nasty scatters

    “I know all to well what’s going on
    the day is close in justice I will come
    then they’ll long for times foregone
    Wanting it or not, they will succumb”

    Jesus You never needed a steeple
    Your word is not bound to a temple
    You preached in front of the people
    You’ve always been a living example

    “My child, just come to Me day or night
    I love you, I’m always there for you
    your future kiddy will be ever so bright
    pray for My pastors, only a few do”

    “I will never forsake you, My loved devotee
    I see everything, I know everything
    remember “nothing is impossible” for Me
    I give you my Royal Heavenly Blessing”

    Jesus, I offer you my pains and mishaps for the Church
    Rita Biesemans, September 18 2014

  2. Excerpt of the Message of Our lady of La Salette :
    "Mélanie, what I am going to tell you now will not always be a secret; you can publish it in 1858.
    "Priests, my Son's ministers, priests, by their evil life, by their irreverences and their impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, love of money, love of honor and pleasures, priests have become sewers of impurity. Yes, priests call forth vengeance, and vengeance is suspended over their heads. Woe to priests, and to persons consecrated to God, who by their infidelities and their evil life are crucifying my son anew! The sins of persons consecrated to God cry to heaven and call for vengeance, and now here is vengeance at their very doors, for no longer is anyone found to beg mercy and pardon for the people; there are no more generous souls, there is now no one worthy of offering the spotless Victim to the Eternal on the worlds behalf.
    "God will strike in an unparalleled manner. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His anger, and no one will be able to escape so many evils at once. The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds;
