Monday, May 11, 2015

Pope Francis welcomes a sociopath at the Vatican

Not many people, including Catholics, are aware of Raúl Castro's background. The brother of Fidel is in fact a sociopath who served as an executioner during the revolution as well as after his brother took power.

Raúl was known for his ruthlessness and brutality. Years after the revolution, the homicidal maniac, who quite possibly is demon possessed, suggested that his nickname should be "Raúl the Terrible" for his role in hundreds of killings. He even executed a close friend, Gen. Arnaldo Ochoa, on orders from Fidel in 1989.

Cubans who dare to criticize the government or the policies of this psychopath, have much to fear.  See here.

But the murderous psychopath found himself entirely welcome at the Vatican. As this article explains:

"Cuban President Raul Castro paid a call Sunday on Pope Francis at the Vatican to thank him for working for Cuban-U.S. detente — and said he was so impressed by the pontiff he is considering a return to the Catholic church’s fold.

“Bienvenido (welcome)!” Francis said in his native Spanish, welcoming Castro to his studio near the Vatican public audience hall. The Cuban president, bowing his head, gripped Francis’ hand with both of his, and the two men began private talks. The meeting lasted nearly an hour, as the Argentine-born Francis and Castro spoke in Spanish."

Is there any doubt where Francis is taking the Church?  I'm a devout Catholic, a loyal son of the Church, a cradle Catholic who accepts and defends the Magisterial teaching of the Church.  I live a chaste (celibate) life. I feel called to the ministerial priesthood. When I left several comments at the Pope's Facebook page highlighting the fact that my Diocese won't even acknowledge my requests to APPLY for the priesthood and to initiate a DISCERNMENT process, I received no welcome, no assistance, not even a bienvenido-  a welcome.

So, a Socialist psychopath who has executed so many people that he himself wanted to be nicknamed "The Terrible" finds a hearty welcome and a personal one hour audience.

And Catholics like myself who embrace the Church's Tradition or who (God forbid), have a devotion to the Latin Mass, get....well....relegated to the ghetto.

FrancisChurch: Loyal sons of Tradition need not apply.  Sociopaths welcome.

Got it....must pray many more Rosaries for the Church and her leadership.


Jonathan said...

From the Associated Press:

HAVANA -- The daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro sponsored a blessing ceremony Saturday for gay couples on an island where gay marriage remains illegal.
Nearly two dozen gay couples held hands or embraced, some crying, as Protestant clergymen from the U.S. and Canada blessed them as part of official ceremonies leading up to the Global Day against Homophobia on May 17.
Castro's daughter Mariela heads Cuba's Center for Sex Education, which has been pushing for gay rights in a country with a history of persecuting homosexuals.
While she was careful not to call Saturday's ceremony a wedding, the event had most of the trappings of matrimony.
Luis Enrique Mederos and his partner for 14 years, Alain Morales, approached clergyman including Troy Perry, founder of Los Angeles' gay-friendly Metropolitan Community Church, and held hands beneath a canopy while the pastors blessed their relationship.
"Luis, I give you my life," Morales said, as the crowd of 300 applauded and cheered.
"It's a step to strengthen our relationship because we're both religious, believers," said Mederos, a 47-year-old graphic designer. He said he saw the ceremony as an important step toward the eventual legalization of gay marriage in Cuba.
"It's a dream for the Cuban gay and transgender community that one day it won't be just a symbolic and we can get married, because we're also part of this changing world," he said, embracing Morales, 38.
Uruguay, Argentina and a string of U.S. states, along with several in Mexico, have legalized gay marriage or civil unions.

Mary B. said...

The Castro regime tortures and murders those who dissent from its insanity. Now this. What is going on?

Unknown said...

Paul, if it's God's Will, your days of being a priest are still coming, but only after the cleansing of the world and God's Renewal of the Church. Your most beautiful task as a priest lies in the future but it WILL COME TO BE. God has a reason why you are not ordained in these days !!!!
Age does not play a role : think of Abraham and Sara.
Keep living in purity and prayer so necessary in this world of disgusting impurity and Godlessness !!!
Think of all the souls you save by your lifestyle.
United in Christ our God and Savior.

Unknown said...


Mary, Mystical City
where Jesus, our Savior, resides
look down on us with pity
who are carried with the tides

Will we ever fathom
the greatness of Your being
satan spitting his venom
to prevent our souls from healing

But You, Gods living Tabernacle
are constantly pointing to Your Son
to prevent us from sudden debacle
to bring us the Victory already won

We cry out to You, Oh Mystical City
to pull us out of the dangerous sinkholes
we are willing to be gritty
to save our eternal souls

Mary, our Mother spread Your Mantle over us to keep us safe in Your City.

Rita Biesemans written 11-29-2013

Cleghornboy said...

Thank you for your comments. Especially yours Tiki. Most encouraging....God love you!

Jif Frommer said...

Armando Valladares spent 20+ years in a Cuban prison on widely regarded trumped up charges. He wrote the book "Against all hope" which is one of the most inspirational books I have read, that's almost a cliche to use but to survive as he did is about human endurance, the indomitably of the human spirit. I was probably pretty neutral on Cuba until I read that about 20 years ago. Thanks.

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