Friday, April 21, 2017

Pray this Rosary, especially for those possessed by the Devil.

John-Henry Westen has it right.  He writes:

Mayhem. That’s the only word to describe what is taking place in the Church today. Remember the archbishop who released a scandalous Vatican sex-ed program at World Youth Day in Krakow? He was appointed as the new head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family. Both institutions have now been stripped bare – the Academy of all its members and the Institute of its most conservative faculty.

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia recently gushed praise for one of Italy's leading proponents of abortion, same-sex “marriage” and restriction on religious freedom. More than that, prior to his Vatican post he commissioned a homoerotic mural in his cathedral church in which he had included an image of himself.

Another Vatican bishop in charge of two Pontifical Academies is responsible for bringing into the Vatican, to speak at his conferences, some of the most anti-life, anti-family people in the world. Those supporting forced abortion and forced sterilization are finding themselves at home in a new Vatican where the lovers of life and family are increasingly alienated and ostracized. A Vatican where fear among the orthodox rules and in the words of retiring Archbishop Luigi Negri – the only Italian bishop to go to the Rome March for Life – those who are normally papal critics, “for a time have become hyper papists for their own ends.”

The only solution to this mess is Divine intervention. And in this year of the 100th anniversary of Fatima, it is time to beg for that intervention and to do what we can to bring it about.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI himself hoped that such an intervention would happen shortly. “May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity,” he said in a homily on May 13, 2010. “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete,” he said.

To be sure.  More than ever, Catholics need to intensify their prayer.  We must all have recourse to the Rosary of Our Lady.  When an Archbishop attacks Holy Mother Church on Easter Sunday, things are dire.

I recommend as well the Rosary of Our Lady of Tears.

Our Lady of Tears said to Sr. Amalia: "Through this rosary the devil will be conquered and the power of hell will be destroyed."

Our Lady spoke to Sister Amalia: "Do you know why I wear a blue mantle? To remind you of heaven, when you are feeling weary from your labors, and carrying the cross of your tribulations. My mantle reminds you of heaven, to give you indescribable joy and eternal happiness , and this will give courage to your soul and peace to your heart, to continue the struggle until the end!" Do you understand the significance of my purple-violet tunic? I will tell you that you should remember, as you stand before the image of Tears, of the colors I wear, purple signifies pain. The pain the Jesus felt when they beat him, barbarically, on his body. My mother's heart and my soul were also lacerated by pain, on seeing Jesus.""My child, I will explain to you why I wear this white veil , around my breast and covering my head. White signifies purity, and being the white flower of the Holy Trinity, I could appear without this whiteness. The sweet smile you see traced on my lips is for the immense happiness to be able to give mankind such a precious treasure!"

"I will explain to you the reason I appear with my eyes inclined downward. Inspired painters have recorded my eyes looking upward to sing the glory of my immaculate conception. Then why are my eyes inclined downward in this apparition, into which you entrust yourself to my blessed tears? It signifies my compassion toward humanity, because I have come from heaven to alleviate your suffering. My eyes will always be directed to your sorrows and afflictions, whenever you ask my Son through the tears I shed. And as you are near my image, see that I gaze at you with eyes of compassion and tenderness."

"My child, I will tell you about the rosary in my hands. I have named it the Crown (chaplet) of Tears . When you are near me, seeing this chaplet in my hands, remember that it signifies mercy, love, and pain... this chaplet of my blessed tears signifies that your Mother loves you. Use all its privileges, resort to it with confidence and love."

(Source: Catholic Devotions)

Get this chaplet here, pray it often as a powerful spiritual weapon against the devil.

How to Pray the Rosary of Our Lady of Tears

The rosary transmitted to Sister Amalia by the Mother of God consists of forty-nine white beads, which is divided into seven parts by seven larger beads of the same color -- similar to the rosary of the seven sorrows of Mary. At the end, there are attached three more small beads and a medal of our dear Lady of Tears. Through these instructions we are directed to honor Mary our Mother on account of her sorrows, for which she shed many tears. The medal of our Lady of Tears is an essential part of the rosary, but it must be the way it was revealed to Sister Amalia by the Mother of God on April 30, 1930. In Germany, this medal is made with the specified inscription in all the European languages.

On the Medal to Jesus

(flipside of Medal of Our Lady's Tears)O crucified Jesus, we fall at Your feet and offer You the tears of the one, who with deep compassionate love accompanied You on Your sorrowful way of the Cross. O good Master, grant that we take to heart the lessons which the tears of Your most holy Mother teach us, so that we may fulfill Your holy will on earth, that we may be worthy to praise and exalt You in Heaven for all eternity. Amen+

In Place of the Our Father: (and on the final three beads) V. O Jesus, look upon the tears of the one who loved You most on earth,R. And loves You most ardently in heaven.

In Place of the Hail Mary: V. O Jesus, listen to our prayers,R. For the sake of the tears of your most Holy Mother.

On the Medal to Mary: O Mary, Mother of Love, Sorrow and mercy, we beseech you to unite your prayers with ours so that Jesus, your Divine Son, to whom we turn, may hear our petititons in the name of your maternal tears, and grant us, not only the favors we now ask, but the crown of everlasting life. Amen+


1. Jesus to Sr. Amalia: ""If you want to receive favors, ask me for the sake of My Mother's tears."

2. "My daughter, whatever people will beg Me for the sake of the tears of My Mother, I shall lovingly grant them. "

3. Later, My Mother will hand over this treasure to our beloved Institute as a Magnet of mercy." This took place on November 8, 1929

4. Mary to Sr. Amalia: "My Son wants to honor me in a special way through these invocations, and so, He will grant all graces that are begged for the sake of my tears."

5. "This rosary will provide for the conversion of many sinners, especially those possessed by the devil."

6. "Through this rosary the devil will be conquered and the power of hell will be destroyed. Get ready for this great battle."

(Source, Pamphlet Our Dear Lady of Tears.ImprimaturBuchweiser, Gen. - Bit.Munchen, 22. Marz 1935)


Unknown said...

Our Lady of Sorrows

O dearest Mother, Lady of Sorrows
crying for our todays and tomorrows
‘cause we, Your children don’t care
to listen to Your warnings to prepare
for the coming abomination
and possible eternal damnation
if we don’t return to the Lord
and throw our Salvation overboard
Even seeing You cry bloody tears
does not make us change any gears
but what else can one expect
when Church leaders misdirect
and transform a saintly Lucas
into a devil possessed Judas
betraying Jesus as did Iscariot
while they ride their fancy chariot
not pulled by a donkey but by a jaguar
using diversity and coexistence as an avatar
The days are approaching that the real Church
will have to hide, away from the vicious smirch
Jesus Your Son is being crucified again
by the pride and the ingratitude of men
I want to dry Your tears, my sweet Mother
your pain and sufferings I want to smother
by following Your Son our Savior
through an obedient and docile behavior

Rita Biesemans, September 15 2014
Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows, I love You so much, my Heavenly Mother

TLM said...

Where do we purchase this Chaplet? I have been looking, but not able to find one. This is the first time I have ever heard of this beautiful devotion, and would love to be able to find one.

Cleghornboy said...

Isn't it lovely TLM? The Chaplet may be purchased here:

Elizabeth said...

Madness..Francis appears in film with radical leftists to promote the climate change agenda. Co-opted by junk science and Hollywood hysteria:

TLM said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Paul!! I was drawn to it and fell in love with the prayers IMMEDIATELY. Just HAVE to find one along with the prayers so that I can pray it!! I felt the same way when I was introduced to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as well. Today, BTW, being MERCY SUNDAY. Am blessed and lucky enough to have a parish near by that H and I are going to that has Confessions first, then Mass and then Divine Mercy Holy Hour with Benediction. Cannot WAIT to go!! Blessings and thank you ever so much for this BEAUTIFUL and no doubt powerful devotion!


TLM said...

Thanks again Paul for the website info. I went immediately to the website and ordered the Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears. Blessings!

Unknown said...


When I pray the Rosary
to Jesus and His Mother, Mary
I think of all the happy histories
when I pray the “joyful” mysteries

I join her suffering and tears
and go with her thru the fears
of seeing her Son in agonizing pain
the “sorrowful" broke her heart in twain

But Heaven is always victorious
Mary’s life ended very “glorious”
back to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit
the title of “Heavenly Queen” She did inherit

Each time I pray my Rosaries
I’m collecting precious groceries
white, red, yellow roses bouquets
using my heart and soul as their displays

Mary, my Heavenly Mother keep us safely under Your Mantle.

Rita Biesemans, January 8 2015

Cleghornboy said...

I'm so happy TLM! God bless you..happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

Ana Milan said...

I have the Chaplet prayers but find It's difficult to say them on normal rosary beads. Is there a rosary especially made to pray this Chaplet? I tried the website you give but it takes me back to this article.

Thank you for any direction you can give in getting securing the beads intended for these prayers & for calling our attention to them.

Unknown said...

the Rosary of Our Lady of Tears : I pray this every day already for years. I pray it on my regular Rosary, I have my own tricks to do it on the regular chaplet and it works great without making mistakes. I don't know how to pray it in English, I still play it in Dutch even after being 22+ years here in the Country 0:) God bless you all and especially Paul Anthony M. for his blog !!!

CatholicNI said...

Can Bolshevik Martin give any soul safe passage to Purgatory?

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