Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Persecution Watch: Catholic Church compared to Mafia

The European Parliament Platform for Secularism is accusing the Catholic Church of protecting criminals and is comparing the Mystical Body of Christ with the Sicilian Mafia. During a meeting on child abuse, the Platform for Secularism suggested that the European Union should establish an inquiry committee to monitor the Church.

What is the ultimate agenda of the European Parliament Platform for Secularism? To discredit the one institution - the Roman Catholic Church - which stands in the way of the Culture of Death. The EPPS has been engaged in a propaganda campaign against the Church, accusing her of hindering the "sexual and reproductive health rights" of women. See here.

Related reading here.


Nancy said...

I note that on June 6 in Warsaw, Holy Mother Church will beatify Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, the Solidarity chaplain who was murdered by the Polish secret police in 1984, as a martyr of the faith.

In Divine Providence there are no coincidences. If there is ever a role model for fidelity to the truth of the Gospel as the new world order comes upon us he is certainly a biggie. Fr. Jerzy, ora pro nobis

Cleghornboy said...

Well said Nancy. Maximilian Kolbe is another role model who comes to mind. A priest-prophet who pointed the way to the Civilization of Love.

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