Sunday, November 13, 2016

Father Peter Naranjo: I didn't vote for either candidate, cannot see any difference between the two, and question whether or not Trump is President-Elect

At Women of Grace, we read: is reporting on a homily given by Father George Rutler, pastor of the Church of St. Michael in New York City in which he refers back to a column he wrote eight years ago. The column was based on a book by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson entitled, The Lord of the World, which was a dystopian novel about the anti-Christ who imposed a new world religion with man as god. His only foe was Christianity, which he thwarted by using “compromised Catholics and compliant priests to persuade timid Catholics.” Benson’s book has been cited by several popes, such as Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis who said he read it several times.

“Since then, that program has been realized in our time, to an extent beyond the warnings of the most dire pessimists,” Father Rutler explains.

“Our federal government has intimidated religious orders and churches, challenging religious freedom. The institution of the family has been re-defined, and sexual identity has been Gnosticized to the point of mocking biology. Assisted suicide is spreading, abortions since 1973 have reached a total equal to the population of Italy, and sexually transmitted diseases are at a record high. Objective journalism has died, justice has been corrupted, racial bitterness ruins cities, entertainment is degraded, knowledge of the liberal arts spirals downwards, and authentically Catholic universities have all but vanished. A weak and confused foreign policy has encouraged aggressor nations and terrorism, while metastasized immigration is destroying remnant western cultures, and genocide is slaughtering Christian populations. The cynical promise of economic prosperity is mocked by the lowest rate of labor participation in forty years, an unprecedented number of people on food stamps and welfare assistance, and the largest disparity in wealth in over a century.”

The picture is indeed grim as we stand now upon yet another precipice – an election offering a choice between two of the most flawed candidates in American history – which has left many Catholics despairing over how to vote.

Father Rutler feels their pain – but not their confusion.

“It is incorrect to say that the coming election poses a choice between two evils. For ethical and aesthetic reasons, there may be some bad in certain candidates, but badness consists in doing bad things. Evil is different: it is the deliberate destruction of truth, virtue and holiness.

While one may pragmatically vote for a flawed candidate, one may not vote for anyone who advocates and enables unmitigatedly evil acts, and that includes abortion. “In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to ‘take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it’” (Evangelium Vitae, 73).

He goes on to remind that at one party’s convention, the name of God was excluded from its platform and a woman who boasted of having aborted her child was applauded.

“It is a grave sin, requiring sacramental confession and penance, to become an accomplice in objective evil by voting for anyone who encourages it, for that imperils the nation and destroys the soul,” Fr. Rutler says.

He goes on to direct his guidance to the clergy whom he encourages to speak the truth, regardless of how unfashionable it might be, and not to shrink from explaining the Church’s censures.

“Wolves in sheep’s clothing are dangerous, but worse are wolves in shepherd’s clothing. While the evils foreseen eight years ago were realized, worse would come if those affronts to human dignity were endorsed again.”

He then issues a dire warning: “In the most adverse prospect, God forbid, there might not be another free election, and soon Catholics would arrive at shuttered churches and vacant altars. The illusion of indifference cannot long be perpetuated by lame jokes and synthetic laughter at banquets, for there is handwriting on the wall.”

This homily was given prior to the election.  This morning, during Holy Mass at Saint Mary's Church in Orange, Massachusetts, Father Peter Naranjo, a liberal ideologue and partisan fanatic, asserted that, as as priest, he didn't feel he could vote for either candidate.

Father Naranjo then implied that it's a question as to whether or not Donald Trump is President-Elect because He won the Electoral-College and not the popular vote.  This even though Hillary Clinton has conceded defeat twice - in a call to Trump on the eve of the election and again on Wednesday in a speech.

Father Naranjo finished his asinine "homily" by suggesting that there is much violence because of the election results and asserting that he doesn't feel Trump will make it to the Inauguration and will be assasinated.

Aside from his irresponsible and partisan-fueled commentary, Father Naranjo's words highlight the fact that even within the Church, there are secret enemies of Christ who have no desire to see certain societal evils such as abortion and Same-Sex "marriage" defeated.  Nor do they care for the religious freedoms which the Democratic Party has been assaulting for years.

If Father Naranjo were really committed to Catholic moral teaching and religious freedom, he would have voted for Trump.

The fact that he doesn't see any difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump speaks volumes about his character.

And none of its good!


  1. Cyn M9:20 AM

    Yet another case of clergy neglecting (and even damaging) the flock they are supposed to be leading and protecting. I don't understand why men like this become priests, or why they even remain in the Catholic church. He is clearly not supporting the true teachings of the Catholic faith.To whom much is given, much is expected...and make no mistake:God is not mocked.

    1. Such are clergy who have lost the faith. Lost souls.

  2. The Colorful Race Called Humanity

    O my Lord, I really don’t understand
    all the hassle about race or skin color
    this hatefulness is going out of hand
    aren’t we all created in Your honor

    I grew up without any idea of racism
    meeting a different skinned person
    was exciting enriching magnetism
    it gave my soul a gentler version

    To live in a loveless egocentric world
    is more of a punishment than of a gift
    almost everyone in himself is curled
    my soul, O Lord, really needs a lift

    Different shades are more inviting
    than the boring one color only idea
    to love each other without fighting
    is far away from the forbidden tree

    We are born with a colorless soul
    spotless, impeccable and eternal
    without it the body is not whole
    let’s therefore strife to be fraternal

    Rita Biesemans, November 12 2016

  3. Athol/OrangeCatholic4:39 AM

    Naranjo is a clown. He should have voted against the Culture of Death. I guess it doesn't bother him that the anti-God Democratic Party embraces killing children...good to know!

    Stop tithing at this Church.


  4. "Naranjo is a clown" -> isn't he rather a new "Judas Iscariot" and they keep multiplying !!!!!

  5. This priest is a disaster. Bishop Rozanski, remove him. Show some love and care for the faithful.

  6. Fr. Peter is a closet supporter of the Democratic Party. That much is obvious. The parish Facebook page included articles critical of Trump because of his lockerroom banter in private but nothing about Clinton's radical support for the killing of children in the womb through all nine months of pregnancy.

    Interestingly, since your post, that Facebook page has deleted all of the anti-Trump posts - and all others - and currently has only six photographs from parish events.

    Saint Mary's Church is being used to advance the Democratic platform. Thanks for exposing this fact.

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Spot on Anne! Naranjo even implied that the recent murder in Orange was the result of the divide created over the election.

    He is irresponsible and should be removed over his engaging in partisan politics.

    Maybe the parish's tax exempt status needs to be reevaluated by the federal government?

  8. Athol/Orange Catholic9:31 AM

    This is exactly why Barack Obama was elected twice to the highest office in the land; because wolves in shepherd's clothing (like Naranjo) failed to remind parishioners that they cannot, in good conscience, Vote for pro-abortion politicians.

    I agree that Naranjo is a Judas.

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I have stopped tithing at St. Mary's. I'm done.

  10. I'm surprised Naranjo didn't place Clinton campaign banners in the Church. He realized he went too far when he said, "I shouldn't say anymore," after questioning Truman's victory.

    Another cleric serving as a Democratic propagandist.

  11. OrangeCatholic4:52 PM
