Mr. Tom Matson, a technology consultant who resides in Cheshire County and who frequently leaves comments at the SBC Watch Blog, has just reported the following: Stormfront, a notorious White Supremacist organization, has initiated a discussion thread at their website:, which begins with this lead:
"SPLC stirring up trouble in New Hampshire
A small sect of traditionalist Catholics have lived peacefully in rural Richmond, New Hampshire for more than twenty years. The group, known as the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, established a retreat in the quiet town during the 1980's, which they call the Saint Benedict Center, building a convent, a monastery, a church, and a school, raising families, going about their business and committed to leading spiritual lives in the bucolic, out-of-the-way village.
All that is about to change. Morris Dees, the nation's most notorious and successful barrator, has set his sights on the group. Dees may not be the wealthiest ambulance-chaser in the country - that distinction probably belongs to the well-married Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry - but he is very good at what he does. Like many shysters who sue people for a living, Dees operates a front corporation as a cash repository and tax dodge; Dees calls his the Southern Poverty Law Center, and at last report, the SPLC disposed of more than $175 million in cash. Admittedly, do-gooder Dees salaries himself at a piddling $275 thousand a year. That kind of money wouldn't keep Kerry in cufflinks, but at roughly $750 a day, every day of the year, including shabbot and Halloween, not a bad second income. That's just his base salary - there's lots more to his cut in perks, like his personal bodyguards; and Dees' personal fortune, while not known to us, is no doubt considerable. Remember this operation is 501(c)(3) - tax exempt.
Dees' hostility and contempt for decent people in general and Christians in particular is well established. He and his merry band of licensed legal weasels have filed lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit against Christians, hassling Christian organizations, Christian political figures, and Christian projects at every opportunity, always with his hand out to the Jews for "donations" and featuring his latest attacks as his product, and he has a very successful track record, recently unseating an Alabama Supreme Court justice, Roy Moore. In a 2006 version of his perennial fundraising brochure, the Intelligence Report, Dees targeted the traditionalist Catholics, skilfully skewering these particular Christians, their churches, and their clergy as hate criminals and loony cultists.
In the most recent update to his brochure, aimed at the Richmond church, Dees cleverly adds the charge of terrorist. When Dees' lackeys descended on Richmond a few months ago, the brothers and sisters of the Immaculate Heart church were wise enough to have nothing to do with them, but that didn't stop the SPLC hit team from engaging with the local busybodies and stirring up rumors of midnight machine gun practice and martial arts training at the "cultist compound". Dees raises the spectre of Waco and hints that another massacre at the hands of federal gunmen just might be in order for this church, too.
It appears that Dees' longtime hatchet-hag Heidi Beirich has a worthy understudy, one Suzy Buchanan, and Suzy ominously reports that the locals live in fear of the church members, who are "taking over the town". As proof, Suzy reports that three church members have been elected to local posts, and attributes a "hostile church voting bloc" imposed upon the townsfolk. Get a load of Suzy's hit piece right here: Kosher to the rotten core. Need I remind anyone that the Jews literally buy into this thinly veiled bushwacking, and they send Dees millions in cash every year, stoked by the SLPC's constant race-baiting drumbeat and stories of nazis under every bed. Dees' operation is in fact essentially a Jew operation, which he co-founded with a Jew, Joe Levin.
The president of his legal front is a Jew, one Richard Cohen; the "Director of Research" Heidi Beirich is a Jewess; his right hand hit-man, Mark Potok, is a Jew; his chief jackal's-bitch-at-law, Rhonda Brownstein, is a Jewess - a rancid bunch of Shylocks indeed, lousy with Jews from top to bottom. Are we surprised? Not at Stormfront we're not. (There is hardly a negro to be found at the Poverty Palace, by the way, excepting the cleaning staff, and of course Julian Bond's hallowed name on the letterhead.)
If the members of the Immaculate Heart community are a bit nervous now, they have good reason to be; as many a Christian can attest, when Dees sics his dogs on you, you have got serious problems. He will never allow them to add on to their school - they can just forget that, but he won't likely stop there. Life as they know it may very well be over. Almost certainly Dees has a team of flinty-eyed Jew lawyers researching legal maneuvers in New Hampshire law libraries right now, and they have the new approach to eminent domain in their arsenal.
We doubt the Immaculate Heart community can afford to defend themselves from Dees in court. The community and their church and school have been in Richmond for over twenty years, and nobody ever heard a peep from there until the SPLC lashed out at them. Now, as Suzy gloats, they find themselves at the center of heated controversy, hysterical allegations, rumors amok, and the glare of the State. It is a given that Dees will file suit if he possibly can. This is too juicy a target. He has a local proxy lined up, the village communist Paul Anthony Melanson, to gain standing in New Hampshire court. That's all he needs - that and a legal excuse, and no one can doubt that Morris Dees can conjure such an excuse in his sleep. The future is bleak for the traditional Catholics of Richmond, New Hampshire. It's entirely possible that their church and school property will be taken from them and plowed over, at Dees' behest - within just a few short years."
Source: so now I am "the village communist." An anonymous individual who posted a comment at this Blog would disagree with the bright lights at Stormfront. This individual, who used the name "Summer Dog," accused me of being "an empty capitalist materialist" who is a "traitor to all going to these anti-Christ Jews and joining them in a kvetch session."
Actually, I have been exposing the flawed theology and anti-Semitism of the SBC for years now. If I am a "traitor to all Christianity" for opposing anti-Semitism, then the Roman Catholic Church is also guilty of betraying "all Christianity." For Holy Mother Church condemns anti-Semitism as incompatible with the Gospel.
The hatred is mounting. At SBC Watch, another individual going by the name Sander referred to me as a "Jew-loving sh..bag."
Is this what the SBC means by "Holy Hate?"