Saturday, December 25, 2004

A Thought

"As charity towards God has grown cold, the mutual charity of men among themselves has likewise cooled." - Pope Leo XIII, Mira Caritatis, May 28, 1902.

This is why Our Lady was seen weeping at La Salette and this is why she told the children "If my people do not obey, I shall be compelled to loose my Son's arm. It is so heavy that I can no longer restrain it."

Pope Leo XIII was right. Many people throughout our "modern" society no longer love God or their neighbor. Even within the Church we encounter those who pride themselves on being "Catholic" while displaying a cold indiference toward their fellow human beings. Vatican II had something interesting to say about this: "He is not saved, however, who, though part of the body of the Church, does not persevere in charity. He remains indeed in the bosom of the Church, but, as it were, only in a 'bodily' manner and not 'in his heart.' All the Church's children should remember that their exalted status is to be attributed not to their own merits but to the special grace of Christ. If they fail, moreover, to respond to that grace in thought, word and deed, not only shall they not be saved but they will be the more severely judged." (Lumen Gentium, No. 14).

Do we truly understand this teaching of Vatican II? If so, let's all begin to demonstrate our understanding (and acceptance of) this teaching by sincerely loving one another and by committing ourselves each and every day to those gestures of reconciliation which show our love of God (first and foremost) and our love of neighbor for the love of God. Let's not pride ourselves that we are "cradle Catholics" if we have no love of neighbor. Let's not take pride in the fact that we have a "ministry" within the Church. God can raise ministers (as well as sons of Abraham) from stones. No, let us humbly acknowledge our sinfulness and our inability to accomplish anything apart from Jesus. For He has said it: "Without Me, you can do nothing."

Shall we admit our total dependence upon God? If we do, Jesus will then be able to use us. If we continue in pride, He won't be able to accomplish anything through us. And our judgment, as Vatican II reminds us, will be all the more severe.

Lord Jesus, I am only a useless servant. I have only done my duty.

Until next time,
God love you all
Paul Anthony Melanson


Anonymous said...

"And that silent good which comes from the souls of those who are pure, it is the power which rules the world. In spite of many sins, there is still love"..words of Our Lady to a visionary...

Forgive me Paul...

Cleghornboy said...

Dear friend,

I don't know who you are. But be assured that I hold no grudge against anyone. If anyone has wronged me, I freely forgive them. How can I do otherwise? Sinner that I am? If I do not forgive, then I cannot hope to obtain forgiveness from the Lord Jesus for my wrongs, for my sins. God loves you. And know that I do too....

Pax Christi.

Teresa Perez said...

Merry Christmas Paul Anthony Melanson! I hope you still remember me? God bless you.

Cleghornboy said...

Merry Christmas Tess. God bless you. Of course I do.

Teresa Perez said...

Thank you so much Paul. Forgive me if it is only now. I just hope you are well and happy in the Lord. You are unforgettable :) This is a beautiful Christmas gift to me. God bless you. Take care always.

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