The Church in eclipse.
Breaking News: Francis gave Vatican apartment to priest who used it for drug-fueled homosexual sex orgies. See here.
The Third Secret of Fatima
Text in Portuguese:
January 4, 1944
Agora vou revelar o terceiro fragmento do segredo;
Esta parte é a apostasia na Igreja!
Nossa Senhora mostrou-nos uma vista do um indivi-
duo que eu descrevo como o ' Santo Padre ', em frente de uma multidão
que estava louvando-o.
Mas havia uma diferença com um verdadeiro Santo Padre, o olhar
do demonio, êste tinha os olhos do mal.
Então depois de alguns momentos vimos o mesmo Papa entrando
a uma igreja, mas esta igreja era a igreja do inferno, não há modo
para descrever a fealdade dêsse lugar, parecia como uma fortaleza feita
de cimento cinzento, com ângulos quebrados e janelas semelhantes a olhos,
tinha un bico no telhado do edificio.
Em seguida levantamos a vista para Nossa Senhora que nos
disse Vistes a apostasia na Igreja, esta carta pode ser aberta por O Santo
Padre, mas deve ser anunciada depois de Piu XII e antes de 1960.
No reinado de Juan Pablo II a pedra angular da tumba de Pedro
deve ser removida e transferida para Fatima.
Porque o Dogma da fé não é conservado em Roma, sua autori-
dade será removida e entregada a Fatima.
A catedral de Roma deve ser destruida e uma nova construida
em Fatima.
Se 69 semanas depois de que esta ordem é anunciada, Roma continua sua abom-
inação, a cidade será destruida.
Nossa Senhora disse-nos que êsto está escrito, Daniel 9 24-25 e Mateus 21 42-44
Translation to English:
January 4, 1944
Now I will reveal the third part of the secret;
This part is the apostasy in the Church!
Our Lady showed us a vision of some-
one who I describe as the ' Pope ', standing in front of a praising
But there was a difference with a real Pope, the evil
look, this one had eyes of evil.
Then after a few moments we saw the same Pope entering
a church, but this church was like the church of hell, there is no
way to describe the ugliness of this place, it seemed like a fortress made
of gray cement, with broken angles and windows like eyes, there was a beak on top of the building.
We then looked up at Our Lady who said to us
you have seen the apostasy in the Church, this message can be opened by The Holy
Father, but must be announced after Pius XII and before 1960.
During the pontificate of John Paul II the cornerstone from Peter's tomb
must be removed and transferred to Fatima.
Because the Dogma of faith is not preserved in Rome, her
authority will be removed and given to Portugal.
The cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and a new one built in
If 69 weeks after this command is announced Rome continues it's abomi-
nation, the city will be destroyed.
Our Lady told us this is written, Daniel 9 24-25 and Mathew 21 42-44
This dovetails with other significant Catholic prophecies.
Our Lady told Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests:
"I am weeping because the Church is continuing along the road of division, of loss of the true faith, of apostasy and of errors which are being spread more and more without anyone offering opposition to them. Even now, that which I predicted at Fatima and that which I have revealed here in the third message confided to a little daughter of mine (i.e. Sister Lucia) is in the process of being accomplished. And so, even for the Church the moment of its great trial has come, because the man of iniquity will establish himself within it and the abomination of desolation will enter into the holy temple of God." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 362, September 15, 1987, p. 572.)
And again:"The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy. This Masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church. If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 406, June 13, 1989, p. 649)
The false church Our Lady refers to was also foretold by Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun, stigmatist, and miracle-worker, who subsisted entirely on water and Holy Communion for many years. Venerable Emmerich received numerous visions of the future crisis in the Church and the infiltration of the Masons. In her visions, she describes men in aprons destroying the Church with a trowel, The Masons wear aprons and their symbol is the Mason's trowel. The following excerpts are from page 565 of the Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Vol. 1, by Rev. K.E. Schmöger, Tan Books, 1976:
"I saw St. Peter's. A great crowd of men was trying to pull it down whilst others constantly built it up again. Lines connected these men one with another and with others throughout the whole world. I was amazed at their perfect understanding." The demolishers, mostly apostates and members of different sects, broke off whole pieces and worked according to rules and instructions. They wore WHITE APRONS bound with blue riband. In them were pockets and they had TROWELS stuck in their belts. The costumes of the others were various."There were among the demolishers distinguished men wearing uniforms and crosses. They did not work themselves but they marked out on the wall with a TROWEL where and how it should be torn down. To my horror, I saw among them Catholic Priests. Whenever the workmen did not know how to go on, they went to a certain one in their party. He had a large book which seemed to contain the whole plan of the building and the way to destroy it. They marked out exactly with a TROWEL the parts to be attacked, and they soon came down. They worked quietly and confidently, but slyly, furtively and warily. I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered..."
We have witnessed the gradual emergence of this false church within Christ's Church. And that which this false church proposes is a new religion in which man, and not God, is the object of worship. And all will be accomplished in the name of humanitarianism. Through one of his characters in his prophetic book The Lord of the World, Fr. Robert Hugh Benson describes this humanitarian religion:
" becoming an actual religion itself, though anti-supernatural. It is a pantheism. Pantheism deifies all nature, God is the world, but naturally, man above all is God since he is the highest expression of nature. It is a religion devoid of the 'super' natural, because since God is nature itself, there is no longer a distinction between Creator and creature. The creature is God* and hence arbitrator of his own destiny and establishes the moral law for himself. Nature, and man is its highest expression, has all the divine attributes. Humanitarianism is a religion devoid of the supernatural. It is developing a ritual under Freemasonry; it has a creed, 'God is man'; and the rest. It has, therefore, a real food of a sort to offer religious cravings: it idealizes, and yet makes no demands upon the spiritual faculties. Then, they have the use of all the churches except ours, and of all the Cathedrals; and they are beginning at last to encourage sentiment. Then they may display their symbols and we may not: I think they will be established legally in another ten years" (Introduction, p. xvii).
*Genesis 3:5.
We must watch and pray. Prayer [and especially Holy Mass and the Rosary] is the most fundamental weapon for the great battle of the end times. In the words of Fr. Livio Fanzaga, "When man will glorify himself and proclaim the Antichrist as God made man, the supernatural principle will be preserved only by those who cling to the divine presence in prayer....In the time of Antichrist, the power of suggestion will cloud reason. Only those who intimately experience the supernatural in prayer will have the strength to acknowledge God's existence, despite the apparent evidence to the contrary."
Friday, August 31, 2018
Third Secret of Fatima: "This one had eyes of evil."
Monday, August 27, 2018
Francis knew McCarrick was a serial predator...
Archbishop Vigano told the truth about Francis and members of the Church's hierarchy who protected Cardinal McCarrick.
The National Catholic Register reports that: "Aboard the papal plane, the Holy Father declined to confirm or deny that he knew about the U.S. archbishop’s sexual misconduct in 2013, yet reinstated him in ministry."
Such comes as no surprise. Writing for The Spectator, Damian Thompson notes that, "Pope Francis stands accused this morning of covering up the crimes of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, one of the most senior and sinister sex abusers in the history of the Catholic Church.
The allegation comes from the Vatican’s former apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, who has called on the Pope to resign.
In a devastating 11-page written testament, Viganò says Francis lifted severe sanctions imposed on McCarrick for sexual wrongdoing by Pope Benedict XVI, the existence of which has not been made public until now.
Viganò writes that he told Francis in person in 2013 that McCarrick ‘had corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance’.
But, says the former nuncio, the new Pope decided instead to cover up for the retired Archbishop of Washington – and made him one of his most trusted advisers.
‘He knew from at least June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was a serial predator,’ writes Archbishop Viganò. ‘He knew that he was a corrupt man, [but] he covered for him to the bitter end.’
Only when the media revealed last month that McCarrick was suspected of the abuse of a minor did Francis take action ‘to save his image in the media.'"
The National Catholic Register reports that: "Aboard the papal plane, the Holy Father declined to confirm or deny that he knew about the U.S. archbishop’s sexual misconduct in 2013, yet reinstated him in ministry."
Such comes as no surprise. Writing for The Spectator, Damian Thompson notes that, "Pope Francis stands accused this morning of covering up the crimes of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, one of the most senior and sinister sex abusers in the history of the Catholic Church.
The allegation comes from the Vatican’s former apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, who has called on the Pope to resign.
In a devastating 11-page written testament, Viganò says Francis lifted severe sanctions imposed on McCarrick for sexual wrongdoing by Pope Benedict XVI, the existence of which has not been made public until now.
Viganò writes that he told Francis in person in 2013 that McCarrick ‘had corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance’.
But, says the former nuncio, the new Pope decided instead to cover up for the retired Archbishop of Washington – and made him one of his most trusted advisers.
‘He knew from at least June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was a serial predator,’ writes Archbishop Viganò. ‘He knew that he was a corrupt man, [but] he covered for him to the bitter end.’
Only when the media revealed last month that McCarrick was suspected of the abuse of a minor did Francis take action ‘to save his image in the media.'"
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Saint Mary's Church in Orange, Massachusetts: Homosexual agenda?
As Church Militant notes:
"Dan Schutte, a former Jesuit and active homosexual..composed a number of hymns that were included in the Gather hymnal, commonplace in Catholic parishes in the Unites States. Traditional-minded Catholics often criticize Gather for being sappy and secularized.
Among his best known songs are 'Here I Am, Lord,' what some have described as the 'gay anthem' of LGBT Catholics. The 70-year-old composer is himself widely believed to be an active homosexual after leaving priestly formation with the Jesuits. According to a 2004 article by Dr. Brian J. Kopp, Schutte is 'a partnered gay man.'
Schutte and a man named Mike Gale were named as 'partners' in Marie Schutte's obituary, Dan Schutte's mother. Further investigation revealed both men lived at the same address in San Francisco, and together formed the now-defunct group Pilgrim Music."
Saint Mary's Church in Orange, Massachusetts, the same Church which promotes Father Jonathan Morris, who has misrepresented Catholic teaching with regard to homosexuality, see here, regularly uses the song "Here I Am, Lord" in its liturgy.
Is Saint Mary's Church advancing a homosexual agenda? While the parish has banned me from its Facebook Page (I attempted to post articles defending the Magisterial teaching of the Church with regard to homosexual acts, citing No. 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the process). My posts were deleted and I was banned from their Facebook Page.
This is the same Church which never welcomed me and prohibited me from participating in parish ministry.
Could that be because I actually accept the teaching of the Catechism?
While Saint Mary's embraces Dan Schutte's music, faithful Catholics elsewhere have taken a stand against the homosexual composer. See here.
Breaking: Ex Nuncio on Francis' failure in the Cardinal McCarrick case. See here
"Dan Schutte, a former Jesuit and active homosexual..composed a number of hymns that were included in the Gather hymnal, commonplace in Catholic parishes in the Unites States. Traditional-minded Catholics often criticize Gather for being sappy and secularized.
Among his best known songs are 'Here I Am, Lord,' what some have described as the 'gay anthem' of LGBT Catholics. The 70-year-old composer is himself widely believed to be an active homosexual after leaving priestly formation with the Jesuits. According to a 2004 article by Dr. Brian J. Kopp, Schutte is 'a partnered gay man.'
Schutte and a man named Mike Gale were named as 'partners' in Marie Schutte's obituary, Dan Schutte's mother. Further investigation revealed both men lived at the same address in San Francisco, and together formed the now-defunct group Pilgrim Music."
Saint Mary's Church in Orange, Massachusetts, the same Church which promotes Father Jonathan Morris, who has misrepresented Catholic teaching with regard to homosexuality, see here, regularly uses the song "Here I Am, Lord" in its liturgy.
Is Saint Mary's Church advancing a homosexual agenda? While the parish has banned me from its Facebook Page (I attempted to post articles defending the Magisterial teaching of the Church with regard to homosexual acts, citing No. 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the process). My posts were deleted and I was banned from their Facebook Page.
This is the same Church which never welcomed me and prohibited me from participating in parish ministry.
Could that be because I actually accept the teaching of the Catechism?
While Saint Mary's embraces Dan Schutte's music, faithful Catholics elsewhere have taken a stand against the homosexual composer. See here.
Breaking: Ex Nuncio on Francis' failure in the Cardinal McCarrick case. See here
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Francis: Blame for homosexual sex abuse belongs to "all of us"
See Francis' letter here
Got that? Catholics sitting in the pews are ALL to blame for predator priests who molest or sodomize minors according to Francis.
Thanks to Spirit Digest for posting this. Francis' attitude will not contribute to healing but, instead, will further anger Catholics who are outraged at how the Church has mishandled what is largely homosexual sex abuse against minors.
Breaking news: Building HomoChurch, Homosexual pipeline into the seminaries. Read here.
Monday, August 20, 2018
"Clergy will not respect the laws of the Church."
Catholic prophecy being fulfilled in our time
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser left us these words on the end times. Reading them, one cannot help but see that he is describing our own day with astonishing detail:
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (17th century, Germany)
"During this period, many men will abuse the freedom of conscience conceded to them. It is of such men that Jude, the Apostle, spoke when he said: 'These men blaspheme- whatever they do not understand; and they corrupt whatever they know naturally as irrational animals do. . . They feast together without restraint, feeding themselves, grumbling murmurers, walking according to their lusts; their mouth speaketh proud things, they admire people for the sake of gain; they bring about division, sensual men, having not the spirit.'"
"During this unhappy period, there will be laxity in divine and human precepts. Discipline will suffer. The Holy Canons will be completely disregarded, and the Clergy will not respect the laws of the Church. Everyone will be carried away and led to believe and to do what he fancies, according to the manner of the flesh."
"They will ridicule Christian simplicity; they will call it folly and nonsense, but they will have the highest regard for advanced knowledge, and for the skill by which the axioms of the law, the precepts of morality, the Holy Canons and religious dogmas are clouded by senseless questions and elaborate arguments. As a result, no principle at all, however holy, authentic, ancient, and certain it may be, will remain free of censure, criticism, false interpretations, modification and delimitation by man."
These are evil times, a century full of dangers and calamities. Heresy is everywhere, and the followers of heresy are in power almost everywhere. Bishops, prelates, and priests say that they are doing their duty, that they are vigilant, and that they live as befits their state in life. In like manner, therefore, they all seek excuses. But God will permit a great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly and unexpectedly; they will break into the Church while bishops, prelates, and priests are asleep. They will enter Italy and lay Rome waste; they will burn down the churches and destroy everything."(Yves Dupont, Catholic Prophecy,Tan Books and Publishers, 1973).
The dragon's tail is sweeping away a third of the stars. See here.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Dr. Richard Sipe and the systemic homosexual problem within the Catholic Church
A letter written by Dr. Richard Sipe to San Diego Bishop McElroy highlights just how depraved clerical culture has become throughout the Catholic Church in the United States (and beyond).
This letter, unlike the Francis style approach with its false compassion, is imbued with authentic compassion.
Pope Saint Pius X, in his 1910 Catechism, teaches us that sodomy ranks second in gravity to voluntary homicide, among the sins that "cry out to God for vengeance." According to this Catechism, these sins "are said to cry out to God because the Holy Spirit says so and because their iniquity is so grave and manifest that it provokes God to punish with more severe chastisements."
The Catechism of the Catholic Church published by the Vatican in 1994 teaches clearly that homosexuality is contrary to nature and that homosexual acts are among the "sins gravely contrary to chastity." (CCC, 2396). This Catechism teaches that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered," "contrary to the natural law," and that "under no circumstances can they be approved." (CCC, 2357).
There are those within the Church, both priests and laity, who would have us believe that Christian "compassion" for homosexual persons should leave such individuals comfortable in their sin.
Now while it is true that everything must be done to help sinners, this cannot include helping them to sin or to remain in sin. Because of human frailty, every sinner deserves both pity and compassion. However, vice and sin must be excluded from this compassion. This because sin can never be the proper object of compassion. (Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 30, a.1, ad 1).
It is a false compassion which supplies the sinner with the means to remain attached to sin. Such "compassion" provides an assistance (whether material or moral) which actually enables the sinner to remain firmly attached to his evil ways. By contrast, true compassion leads the sinner away from vice and back to virtue. As Thomas Aquinas explains:
"We love sinners out of charity, not so as to will what they will, or to rejoice in what gives them joy, but so as to make them will what we will, and rejoice in what rejoices us. Hence it is written: 'They shall be turned to thee, and thou shalt not be turned to them.'" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 25, a.6, ad 4, citing Jeremiah 15:19).
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us that the sentiment of compassion only becomes a virtue when it is guided by reason, since "it is essential to human virtue that the movements of the soul should be regulated by reason." (Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 30, c.3). Without such regulation, compassion is merely a passion. A false compassion is a compassion not regulated and tempered by reason and is, therefore, a potentially dangerous inclination. This because it is subject to favoring not only that which is good but also that which is evil (Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 30, a.1, ad 3).
An authentic compassion always stems from charity. True compassion is an effect of charity (Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 30, a.3, ad 3). But it must be remembered that the object of this virtue is God, whose love extends to His creatures. (Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 25, a.3). Therefore, the virtue of compassion seeks to bring God to the one who suffers so that he may thereby participate in the infinite love of God. As St. Augustine explains:
"'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' Now, you love yourself suitably when you love God better than yourself. What, then, you aim at in yourself you must aim at in your neighbor, namely, that he may love God with a perfect affection." (St. Augustine, Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, No. 49, which may be found here:
Homosexual behavior is now a systemic problem within the Church. I've been writing about this since 1991. And I have been dismissed, mocked and ridiculed during those nearly 30 years.
Few are mocking any longer.
Thursday, August 09, 2018
Bishop Shawn McKnight: A change of culture among the clergy is needed
The Catholic Herald reports:
"The new Bishop of Jefferson City, Missouri has expressed his shock at the McCarrick scandal and 'the silence of so many bishops who knew about him.'
Writing on the diocesan website, Bishop Shawn McKnight said the reports were 'almost unbearable', adding: 'How could a brother bishop disrespect with such callousness the dignity of young boys, seminarians and priests over decades and no one called him on the carpet?'
'It is inexplicable to me. This cannot continue, and I hope with God’s grace there will be a change of culture among the clergy.'
The bishop, who was installed just six months ago, also urged any victim who has not yet come forward to do so now 'so that justice may be served and healing can take place.'
Bishop McKnight was ordained in 1994 for Diocese of Wichita, Kansas and has held teaching posts at Newman University and at the Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. From 2010 to 2015 he was a member of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.
His comments come as bishops call for an inquiry into the allegations surrounding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl suggested on Monday that a panel of bishops could investigate claims and rumours against their fellow prelates and report the findings to Rome.
However, two bishops have said any investigation must be independent. Bishop Timothy Doherty of Lafayette said the US Conference of Catholic Bishops could hire an outside investigator to find out 'who knew what, and when' over the McCarrick affair.
Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of Albany also said any investigative panel 'would have to be separated from any source of power whose trustworthiness might potentially be compromised.'
'While I am heartened by my brother bishops proposing ways for our Church to take action in light of recent revelations – and I agree that a national panel should be commissioned, duly approved by the Holy See – I think we have reached a point where bishops alone investigating bishops is not the answer,' Bishop Scharfenberger said."
A change in clerical culture is indeed sorely needed. We need priests and Bishops who are capable of being outraged at sexual abuse and perversion. See my post here.
It's time to fashion a whip and drive the filth out of the Church. Something Pope Benedict XVI called for years ago.
"The new Bishop of Jefferson City, Missouri has expressed his shock at the McCarrick scandal and 'the silence of so many bishops who knew about him.'
Writing on the diocesan website, Bishop Shawn McKnight said the reports were 'almost unbearable', adding: 'How could a brother bishop disrespect with such callousness the dignity of young boys, seminarians and priests over decades and no one called him on the carpet?'
'It is inexplicable to me. This cannot continue, and I hope with God’s grace there will be a change of culture among the clergy.'
The bishop, who was installed just six months ago, also urged any victim who has not yet come forward to do so now 'so that justice may be served and healing can take place.'
Bishop McKnight was ordained in 1994 for Diocese of Wichita, Kansas and has held teaching posts at Newman University and at the Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. From 2010 to 2015 he was a member of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.
His comments come as bishops call for an inquiry into the allegations surrounding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl suggested on Monday that a panel of bishops could investigate claims and rumours against their fellow prelates and report the findings to Rome.
However, two bishops have said any investigation must be independent. Bishop Timothy Doherty of Lafayette said the US Conference of Catholic Bishops could hire an outside investigator to find out 'who knew what, and when' over the McCarrick affair.
Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of Albany also said any investigative panel 'would have to be separated from any source of power whose trustworthiness might potentially be compromised.'
'While I am heartened by my brother bishops proposing ways for our Church to take action in light of recent revelations – and I agree that a national panel should be commissioned, duly approved by the Holy See – I think we have reached a point where bishops alone investigating bishops is not the answer,' Bishop Scharfenberger said."
A change in clerical culture is indeed sorely needed. We need priests and Bishops who are capable of being outraged at sexual abuse and perversion. See my post here.
It's time to fashion a whip and drive the filth out of the Church. Something Pope Benedict XVI called for years ago.
Friday, August 03, 2018
The Church in eclipse...
From Michael Brown over at Spirit Daily:
"Missed amid the growing and understandable uproar over sexual abuse in the clergy — and of late, among the hierarchy — is that it’s part of an overall intensification everywhere in all segments of culture and society of evil. Darkness is rising and deepening.
This is true in our families, at the workplace, on the road, on the internet, in stores, and yes in church. Discord. Dissatisfaction. Antagonism.
Where there are evil spirits, those spirits are gaining momentum — power.
It’s part of the test of the times in which we live and can largely be traced to the 1940s-to-1960s, when such spirits began to move through music, entertainment, academia, sexual mores, art, education, media, personal relationships, families, politics, science — especially science — and oh yes religions of humankind in a major way.
That intensification has been noticeably ratcheted up (in a big way) in the past few months and will continue to vitiate our institutions.
Its most overt manifestation is in pride — arrogance — which, in our dear, beleaguered, and targeted clergy, manifested as an elitism, a distance from the flock, a feeling of elevation, when it is the Host — not the priest — who should be elevated; it grew as a throne-like chair replaced the tabernacle behind the altar; it manifested in intellectuality; it manifested (this clerical superiority) in the feeling, at its incredible extreme, that Catholic youngsters (altar boys, seminarians) were there for sexual service.
Arrogance does not come in a much greater form than that — nor does evil — and the situation was widespread.
While many Catholic commentators now toss back and forth names of cardinals and bishops, of Vatican policies, of who knew what, of what new rules and regulations should be put in place, in how the matter should be adjudicated — discussing bishops as if this is politics — they miss the key wellspring: that simple invasion of demons.
There would be no such surprise — and no traumatic discouragement — if such folks had not dismissed the mysticism that predicted it.
One can take the example of Our Lady of LaSalette.
Virtually never mentioned by the Catholic “media” and “intelligentsia,” by the “pundits,” by the Church critics (a harsh sort, these days), the LaSalette revelations had foreseen that the day would come when “the Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay.”
She had said the “holy places” would be “in a state of corruption.”
She prophesied that “many convents are no longer houses of God, but the grazing grounds of Asmodeas [a major demon, especially of the New Age] and his like.” (Did not many nuns — many convents — turn modernistic and New Age?)
It warned, did LaSalette, that many people, “even priests,” would “not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is the spirit of humility, charity, and zeal for the glory of God.”
And what about that crisis: the rarity in even spotting a nun in habit in our time.
Churches, said LaSalette, “will be locked up and desecrated.”
Another crisis: closed parishes, with some churches turned into condos, museums, ballrooms, theaters, or even bars; in one case, a strip club!
Now, some of this pertained to what happened under Communism; some, what occurred under Hitler. Remember, it was uttered in 1846.
But it also clearly pertained to the long-term future and, it appears, our own era. At the root: the rise of a False Church within the True Church, one built not on the charisms of Christ but intellectual pretension.
Don’t you wish our Church would have heeded the Blessed Virgin Mary when she said, “May those in charge of religious communities be on their guard against the people they must receive, for the devil will resort to all his evil tricks to introduce sinners into religious orders.”
And so came the flood of homosexuals in clerical subterfuge — often, deceived themselves.
“The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity,” said Our Lady of LaSalette — her words falling upon far too many deaf ears.
No wonder some of the messages from LaSalette were officially approved and others — such as those above — held in limbo or dismissed.
“The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence,” said the Blessed Mother, so very wisely, with such prescience.
Have we not borne witness to this?
How many, inside and outside the Church, have been blinkered by the enemy — have developed a false intelligence (based on man, instead of God, Who is not theology but Spirit).
“Woe to the priests and those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying my Son again!” Our Lady said — while also offering great encouragement to the many good priests and followers of the Faith, for this great onslaught of evil will in the end be defeated — soundly.
So why the surprise? Scripture predicts the same.
Why the discouragement?
But now, said the prophecy, Enoch and Eli will come, “filled with the Spirit of God. They will preach with the might of God, and men of good will will believe in God, and many souls will be comforted. They will make great steps forward through the virtue of the Holy Spirit and will condemn the devilish lapses.”
The Mystical Church will supplant the False One that, in too many parishes, took over the altar. Piety will replace intellectualism.
And so it is: the great promise — and certainty — of the future is that as great as darkness is, greater will be the Light. No matter how dark, all it takes is a little illumination.
The darker it is, the brighter, in the end, one day, it will get. We are going through a good breakdown, a breakdown of falsity, a purification.
Oh, the Church, the predicted crisis, the dilemmas that are a surprise and shock only to those who dismissed prophecy.
The Church will survive, fully rebound, even prosper — once, after these trials (more to come!), it returns to the simplicity, prayerfulness, and humility of Jesus."
Related reading here
"Missed amid the growing and understandable uproar over sexual abuse in the clergy — and of late, among the hierarchy — is that it’s part of an overall intensification everywhere in all segments of culture and society of evil. Darkness is rising and deepening.
This is true in our families, at the workplace, on the road, on the internet, in stores, and yes in church. Discord. Dissatisfaction. Antagonism.
Where there are evil spirits, those spirits are gaining momentum — power.
It’s part of the test of the times in which we live and can largely be traced to the 1940s-to-1960s, when such spirits began to move through music, entertainment, academia, sexual mores, art, education, media, personal relationships, families, politics, science — especially science — and oh yes religions of humankind in a major way.
That intensification has been noticeably ratcheted up (in a big way) in the past few months and will continue to vitiate our institutions.
Its most overt manifestation is in pride — arrogance — which, in our dear, beleaguered, and targeted clergy, manifested as an elitism, a distance from the flock, a feeling of elevation, when it is the Host — not the priest — who should be elevated; it grew as a throne-like chair replaced the tabernacle behind the altar; it manifested in intellectuality; it manifested (this clerical superiority) in the feeling, at its incredible extreme, that Catholic youngsters (altar boys, seminarians) were there for sexual service.
Arrogance does not come in a much greater form than that — nor does evil — and the situation was widespread.
While many Catholic commentators now toss back and forth names of cardinals and bishops, of Vatican policies, of who knew what, of what new rules and regulations should be put in place, in how the matter should be adjudicated — discussing bishops as if this is politics — they miss the key wellspring: that simple invasion of demons.
There would be no such surprise — and no traumatic discouragement — if such folks had not dismissed the mysticism that predicted it.
One can take the example of Our Lady of LaSalette.
Virtually never mentioned by the Catholic “media” and “intelligentsia,” by the “pundits,” by the Church critics (a harsh sort, these days), the LaSalette revelations had foreseen that the day would come when “the Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay.”
She had said the “holy places” would be “in a state of corruption.”
She prophesied that “many convents are no longer houses of God, but the grazing grounds of Asmodeas [a major demon, especially of the New Age] and his like.” (Did not many nuns — many convents — turn modernistic and New Age?)
It warned, did LaSalette, that many people, “even priests,” would “not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is the spirit of humility, charity, and zeal for the glory of God.”
And what about that crisis: the rarity in even spotting a nun in habit in our time.
Churches, said LaSalette, “will be locked up and desecrated.”
Another crisis: closed parishes, with some churches turned into condos, museums, ballrooms, theaters, or even bars; in one case, a strip club!
Now, some of this pertained to what happened under Communism; some, what occurred under Hitler. Remember, it was uttered in 1846.
But it also clearly pertained to the long-term future and, it appears, our own era. At the root: the rise of a False Church within the True Church, one built not on the charisms of Christ but intellectual pretension.
Don’t you wish our Church would have heeded the Blessed Virgin Mary when she said, “May those in charge of religious communities be on their guard against the people they must receive, for the devil will resort to all his evil tricks to introduce sinners into religious orders.”
And so came the flood of homosexuals in clerical subterfuge — often, deceived themselves.
“The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity,” said Our Lady of LaSalette — her words falling upon far too many deaf ears.
No wonder some of the messages from LaSalette were officially approved and others — such as those above — held in limbo or dismissed.
“The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence,” said the Blessed Mother, so very wisely, with such prescience.
Have we not borne witness to this?
How many, inside and outside the Church, have been blinkered by the enemy — have developed a false intelligence (based on man, instead of God, Who is not theology but Spirit).
“Woe to the priests and those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying my Son again!” Our Lady said — while also offering great encouragement to the many good priests and followers of the Faith, for this great onslaught of evil will in the end be defeated — soundly.
So why the surprise? Scripture predicts the same.
Why the discouragement?
But now, said the prophecy, Enoch and Eli will come, “filled with the Spirit of God. They will preach with the might of God, and men of good will will believe in God, and many souls will be comforted. They will make great steps forward through the virtue of the Holy Spirit and will condemn the devilish lapses.”
The Mystical Church will supplant the False One that, in too many parishes, took over the altar. Piety will replace intellectualism.
And so it is: the great promise — and certainty — of the future is that as great as darkness is, greater will be the Light. No matter how dark, all it takes is a little illumination.
The darker it is, the brighter, in the end, one day, it will get. We are going through a good breakdown, a breakdown of falsity, a purification.
Oh, the Church, the predicted crisis, the dilemmas that are a surprise and shock only to those who dismissed prophecy.
The Church will survive, fully rebound, even prosper — once, after these trials (more to come!), it returns to the simplicity, prayerfulness, and humility of Jesus."
Related reading here
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Communist infiltration of the Church...
Church Militant reports:
"As news spreads about former Cardinal McCarrick's 'open secret' lifestyle, even amidst highly questionable denials by the leading members of the U.S. hierarchy, the shock and flat-out rage by faithful Catholics is mounting to a fever pitch — rightly so.
Many are asking: How can this be? How can there possibly be this many homosexual men in the priesthood? How could they have possibly risen to such heights, to the level of archbishops and even cardinals?
The answers to those questions go back to a plan by Communist agents who were taking their orders from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in the 1920s. Almost three years ago, Church Militant conducted an on-camera interview with the notable Alice von Hildebrand, widow of the much-revered Dietrich von Hildebrand. The interview didn't get much attention then, but we think it will now.
Von Hildebrand shared with us the story of one Bella Dodd, a Communist agent with the American Communist Party from 1927–49. Dodd eventually converted to the Catholic faith under the direction of Abp. Fulton Sheen and became friends with the von Hildebrands.
Here is what Alice told us that Dodd told her and her husband in 1965:
Stalin, soon after he came to power, ordered his cronies to invade Catholic seminaries ... with young men that had neither faith nor morals. Now ... the ideal cases: homosexual. Obviously, you don't suppose that someone ... well, it's much more complicated, you know, to have an affair with a woman. But if you're a homosexual, and then it was a tragic mission ... . [Dodd] declared publicly — I repeat, publicly — that in the course of the 20 years of activities for the Communists, she recruited some 1,100 young men.
Communist agents who were homosexual — of no faith or morals — being planted in the Church's seminaries in the 1920s and 1930s would explain a lot. And that revelation by Dodd, that she was the one who actually recruited these men — 1,100 of them over the years — begins to fill in a lot of the missing puzzle pieces of what has gone so horribly wrong."
Readers of this Blog will recall how I reported on this back in 2009. See here
For more information regarding this conspiracy, consider purchasing this book.
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