Thursday, July 18, 2024

The face of fanaticism


As shown here, a liberal supporter of Joe Biden explains why she believes Donald Trump is "dangerous" as she sports a Communist tattoo on her arm and wields a weapon - a pistol crossbow - at a political rally. When asked why she is carrying a weapon to a political rally she explains that she doesn't feel safe in that crowd. She neglects to explain why, if she feels so threatened,  she didn't just remain at home.

When asked about the assassination attempt against Trump, this unhappy soul declares that she's sorry the attempt failed because Donald Trump is "dangerous."

In his work of critical importance entitled "Man Against Mass Society," the French philosopher Gabriel Marcel writes, "..the fanatic never sees himself as a fanatic; it is only the non-fanatic who can recognize him as a fanatic; so that when this judgment, or this accusation, is made, the fanatic can always say that he is misunderstood and slandered...Fanaticism is essentially opinion pushed to paroxysm; with everything that the notion of opinion may imply of blinded ignorance as to its own nature....whatever ends the fanatic is aiming at or thinks he is aiming at, even if he wishes to gather men together, he can only in fact separate them; but as his own interests cannot lie in effecting this separation, he is led, as we have seen, to wish to wipe his opponents out. And when he is thinking of these opponents, he takes care to form the most degrading images of them possible - they are 'lubricious vipers' or 'hyenas and jackals with typewriters' - and the ones that reduce them to most grossly material terms. In fact, he no longer thinks of these opponents except as material obstacles to be overturned or smashed down. Having abandoned the behaviour of a thinking being, he has lost even the feeblest notion of what a thinking being, outside himself, could be. It is understandable therefore that he should make every effort to deny in advance the rights and qualifications of those whom he wishes to eliminate; and that he should regard all means to this end as fair. We are back here again at the techniques of degradation. It cannot be asserted too strongly or repeated too often that those the Nazis made use of in their camps - techniques for degrading their victims in their own eyes, for making mud and filth of them - and those which Soviet propagandists use to discredit their adversaries, are not essentially different though we should, in fairness, add that sadism, properly so called, is not to be found in the Russian camps." (pp. 135-136, 149).

Marcel explains that, "In fact, the greatest merit of the critical spirit is that it tends to cure fanaticism, and it is logical enough that in our own fanatical times the critical spirit should tend to disappear, should no longer even be paid lip service as a value."

I'm glad I wasn't at this same political rally. Witnessing my Ultra Maga shirt, this woman may have felt inclined to deliver an arrow into my chest to smash down my "dangerous" views.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, heal our troubled nation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Our Lady of Fatima and President Trump

 Do you not see the hand of Our Lady saving President Trump from assassination? The date of the assassination attempt is most significant.  July 13th.

It was on July 13, 1917, that Our Lady told the Fatima seers to come each month and exhorted them to, “Continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, because only she can help you.”

Pray your Rosary every day.

Pardon Prayer

The Angel of Peace gave this prayer to the children at Fatima during his first visit. The prayer is "My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. Amen".

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

This prayer asks Our Lady of Fatima to protect the human family and bring peace, freedom, truth, justice, and hope. The prayer includes the lines, "Take under your motherly protection the whole human family, which with affectionate love we entrust to you, O Mother. May there dawn for everyone the time of peace and freedom, the time of truth, of justice and of hope".

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima for Peace

This prayer asks Our Lady of Fatima to grant grace, strength, and guidance to the members of the Fatima crusade. The prayer also asks Our Lady of Fatima to inspire people to spread devotion to the rosary.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Bishops condemn political violence

In a statement issued in the wake of the attack, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, said, “Together with my brother bishops, we condemn political violence, and we offer our prayers for President Trump, and those who were killed or injured. We also pray for our country and for an end to political violence, which is never a solution to political disagreements.”

Archbishop Broglio invited “all people of goodwill to join us in praying for peace in our country,” and invoked the prayers of Mary, Mother of God and Patroness of the Americas.

Lying and homicide are marks of the Devil. See


RNC Commentary here

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The violent rhetoric of the left


Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

He got his wish.

Prayers for President Trump. Prayers for America.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Assassination attempt on President Trump

This represents a most serious prayer need and only serves to show that it's the radical left that resorts to violence.  The same people who agitate for abortion on demand.

Biden got his wish. See here

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Biden DHS: Country's greatest terrorism threat comes from Trump supporters

 CV News reports:

"Internal documents from the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) claimed that the country’s 'Domestic Terrorism threat' mostly comes from Trump supporters. 

The files also singled out people in the military and religious people as possible 'terrorism' threats.

The documents were released Friday by America First Legal, a conservative legal group founded by former Trump administration official Stephen Miller.

The group noted it obtained the 'internal files from the ‘Homeland Intelligence Experts Group’ via litigation with former Trump administration Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell 'against the Biden DHS.'

America First Legal wrote on X (formerly Twitter) Friday: 'The Brennan-Clapper intel group discussed how ‘most of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president.’

'There is a political backdrop to all of this,' the document alleged. 'It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years.'

John Brennan served as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Obama administration while James Clapper served as the DNI for most of Obama’s presidency. 

Both were reported to be members of the DHS advisory committee that produced the documents."

The Biden Department of Homeland Security  id engaging in what the French philosopher Gabriel Marcel labelled the "techniques of degradation."

In his work of critical importance entitled "Man Against Mass Society," Marcel explains, "I understand by 'techniques of degradation' a whole body of methods deliberately put into operation in order to attack and destroy in human persons belonging to some definite class or other their self-respect, and in order to transform them little by little into mere human waste products, conscious of themselves as such, and in the end forced to despair of themselves, not merely at an intellectual level, but in the very depths of their souls.." (p. 42).

Through the fanatical employment of such techniques, radical leftists hope to smash down their opponents, to categorize them as mentally ill or as hate-filled "bigots" who cling to "worn out arguments" based upon an "archaic morality" which is rooted in Divine Revelation and Natural Law, as superstitious and backward people who need to be re-educated in order to fit into the new Culture of Lies. Such people are "domestic terrorists" who pose a direct threat to the corrupt New Order.

Marcel writes, "Having abandoned the behaviour of a thinking being, he [the fanatic of any stripe who seeks to impose rather than propose] has lost even the feeblest notion of what a thinking being, outside himself, could be. It is understandable therefore that he should make every effort to deny in advance the rights and qualifications of those whom he wishes to eliminate; and that he should regard all means to this end as fair. We are back here again at the techniques of degradation.." (p. 149).

For the Biden DHS, folks such as those pictured above are "domestic terrorists" and a threat to America.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Can the Vatican ban the Traditional Mass? The Catechism says no

 From Crisis Magazine: Can the Vatican ban the Traditional Latin Mass? No. See here. A pope's authority is not magical.  See here.

Father Linus Clovis makes the point that,“Obedience is owed to the pope, but the pope owes obedience to the word and the apostolic tradition. We have to obey the pope, but the pope himself must obey the written word. He must obey the tradition. He must respond to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Obedience is owed to the pope, but it is the duty of the pope to give the character of possibility to this obedience. The pope has to facilitate our obeying him, by himself being obedient to the Word of God. Pope Felix III told us, ‘an error that is not resisted is approved. A truth that is not defended is suppressed.’ So we have an obligation to resist error, and we must do everything that we can to promote the truth.”  Father Clovis made this remark in response to the crisis in the Church and the role of Pope Francis in this crisis.  

This post,  like my previous post on the subject,  has been banned the Fascist Facebook organization. 

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