Thursday, February 23, 2006

DOMINE Iesu Christe, qui neminem vis perire, et cui numquam sine spe misericordiae supplicatur, nam Tu dixisti ore sancto tuo et benedicto: Omnia quaecumque petieritis in nomine meo, fient vobis; peto a te, Domine, propter nomen sanctum tuum, ut in articulo mortis meae des mihi integritatem sensus cum loquela, vehementem contritionem de peccatis meis, veram fidem, spem ordinatam, caritatem perfectam ut tibi puro corde dicere valeam: In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum: redemisti me, Deus veritatis, qui es benedictus in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

LORD Jesus Christ, who willest that no man should perish, and to whom supplication is never made without hope of mercy, for Thou saidst with Thine own holy and blessed lips: "All things whatsoever ye shall ask in My name shall be done unto you"; I ask of Thee, O Lord, for Thy holy Name's sake, to grant me at the hour of my death full consciousness and the power of speech, sincere contrition for my sins, true faith, firm hope and perfect charity, that I may be able to say unto Thee with a clean heart: Into Thy hands I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O God of truth, who art blessed for ever and ever. Amen.


1 comment:

Marie Cecile said...

Dear Paul,

This is a beautiful prayer, and in Latin too, thank you for the English translation. Prayers do go a very long way when said in faith.

God Love You with a smile in your Heart,

Marie Cecile

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