In a May 23rd editorial published in The Catholic Free Press which touched upon the recent announcement of parish closings throughout the Diocese of Worcester, readers were told that, "The Catholic Church is not dead or dying, but many of its members have moved to the suburbs." This almost sounds like the punchline to a terrible joke. While it is certainly true that the Church herself will never perish, Our Lord's promise in Sacred Scripture that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16: 18) is no guarantee that individual dioceses will continue to survive or that the faith will not be extinguished in certain regions.
How do we explain the lack of interest which is behind the intended closure [read here] of the Calvary Retreat Center in Shrewsbury? What excuse will be manufactured to dismiss this troubling development? Might there not be another explanation for the crisis which the Church presently finds itself in? There is. But this explanation is largely rejected by those who refuse to acknowledge the root of this present crisis.
On September 8, 1985, Our Lady told Fr. Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests: "The cause of such a vast diffusion of errors and of this great apostasy rests with unfaithful pastors. They remain silent when they should speak with courage to condemn error and to defend the truth. They do not intervene when they should be unmasking the rapacious wolves who, hidden beneath the clothing of lambs, have insinuated themselves into the flock of Christ. They are mute dogs who allow their flocks to be torn to pieces..."
The same editorial which appeared in The Catholic Free Press said that, "We the people...make up the Church...as we share, we can contribute to a revival which can fill the pews" and, "..the Body of Christ is healthiest when it has all its members, you included. Maybe, as you share your time, talent and treasure, you will help keep another parish from closing...More importantly, maybe you'll bring still more people to Christ and his Body - those who never knew him, those who've wandered away, or members of the next generation just waiting to learn of him from your lips and lives."
Nice words. But we must give more than lip service to them. Just recently, I attended a parish meeting in Fitchburg where I proposed the idea of creating a parish website with the aim of reaching out to young people [who spend much time on the internet] and those who have "wandered away" from the Church. The laity in attendance all applauded at this suggestion. The pastor asked me whether I would be willing to undertake such a project. I immediately responded in the affirmative and was given the green light to proceed with the pastor having assured all those present that he doesn't "micro-manage" when he delegates a project to be accomplished. Long story short, when certain individuals at this parish learned of my orthodoxy and commitment to the Magisterial teaching of the Church, a meeting was held [one which I was not invited to attend], the project was quickly scrapped and I was told in an email. When I wrote the pastor about this and a retired Deacon as well, I received no response. Charity is obviously a strong suit in their brand of Catholicism.
And two weeks ago today I wrote the following respectful letter to His Excellency, The Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, and received absolutely no response whatsoever:
May 16, 2008
The Most Rev. Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester
49 Elm Street
Worcester, Ma 01609
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you because every week The Catholic Free Press publishes a calendar of events which are held throughout the diocese. According to the publication, "The Catholic Free Press welcomes information on events from parish and diocesan groups for inclusion in the Diocesan Diary."
I belong to a Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle which is held every Thursday at 3 PM at ----------- in Fitchburg. As members of the Marian Movement, we commit ourselves to the experience of a life totally entrusted to Our Lady so that we may be assisted by her to remain faithful to our baptismal consecration thereby becoming witnesses of communion and unity, constantly striving for conversion through prayer and penance.
In Redemptoris Mater, No. 28, Pope John Paul II reminded us that, "As the Council says, ‘Mary figured profoundly in the history of salvation....Hence when she is being preached and venerated, she summons the faithful to her Son and his Sacrifice, and to love for the Father.’ For this reason, Mary’s faith, according to the Church’s apostolic witness, in some way continues to become the faith of the pilgrim People of God: the faith of individuals and communities, of places and gatherings, and of the various groups existing in the Church. It is a faith that is passed on simultaneously through both the mind and the heart. It is gained or regained continually through prayer. Therefore, ‘the Church in her apostolic work also rightly looks to her who brought forth Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin, so that through the Church Christ may be born and increase in the hearts of the faithful also.’" (Citing Lumen Gentium, No. 65).
And Mary is preached and venerated in a Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle. As explained in the book "To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons," "The MMP is a little seed planted by Our Lady in the garden of the Church....It is a work of love which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is stirring up in the Church today, to help all her children to live, with trust and filial hope, the painful moments of the purification." (XVI).
Can there be any doubt, Your Excellency, that we are living in difficult and painful times, times of increasing darkness? Witness recent events in California regarding same-sex "marriage."
Which brings me to the point of this letter. In the past, there have been attempts to have the Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle included in the Diocesan Diary but these have not been successful. And one has to wonder why this is. Is it that the messages contained in the book "To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons" are considered somehow dangerous or inappropriate? If so, it should be noted that His Excellency The Most Rev. Donald W. Montrose, Bishop of Stockton, has granted the book the Imprimatur signaling that there is nothing contrary to faith or morals in the manuscript.
Is it devotion to the Holy Rosary which is considered problematic? Just last week, our Holy Father Benedict XVI said that: "Today we together confirm that the holy Rosary is not some pious practice relegated to the past, a prayer of distant times to be thought of nostalgically. Indeed, the Rosary is experiencing what is almost a new springtime.."
And, speaking of those who attempt to dissuade others from praying the Rosary or who attempt to hinder the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort has this to say: "It is very wicked indeed and unfair to other souls to hinder the progress of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. Almighty God has severely punished many of those who have been so benighted as to scorn the Confraternity and who have sought to destroy it. Even though God has set His seal of approval on the Holy Rosary by many miracles, and in spite of the Papal Bulls that have been written approving it, there are only too many people who are against the Holy Rosary today. These freethinkers and those who scorn religion either condemn the Rosary or try to turn others away from it. It is easy to see that they have absorbed the poison of Hell and that they are inspired by the Devil - for nobody can condemn devotion to the Holy Rosary without condemning all that is most holy in the Catholic Faith, such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Angelic Salutation and the mysteries of the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ and of His Holy Mother...to dissuade others from joining the Rosary Confraternity is to be an enemy of souls because the Rosary is a sure means of curing oneself of sin and of embracing a Christian life. Saint Bonaventure said (in his Psalter) that whoever neglected Our Lady would perish in his sins and would be damned: ‘He who neglects her will die in his sins.’ If such is the penalty for neglecting her, what must be the punishment in store for those who actually turn others away from their devotions.’" (The Secret of the Rosary, PP. 125-126).
It is tragic, Your Excellency, that The Catholic Free Press has published (just recently *) an article written by a Jesuit priest extolling VOTF (a known dissent group) as a positive good while advocating "structural change" in the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Many Bishops have actually referred to VOTF as "anti-Catholic." VOTF, unlike the Marian Movement of Priests, promotes dissent from the authoritative Magisterial teaching of the Church. This is a problem because, as Pope John Paul II reminded us in his Encyclical Letter Veritatis Splendor, No. 113, "Dissent...is opposed to ecclesial communion and to a correct understanding of the hierarchical constitution of the People of God."
By contrast, the MMP promotes communion and unity with the Church and a total obedience and filial devotion to the Church’s hierarchy.
It is my hope that The Catholic Free Press will include the Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle which is held at ---------- in Fitchburg in its Diocesan Diary - Calendar of Events. It is impossible to understand why devotion to Mary and obedience to the Church’s hierarchy should be relegated to the margins while dissent groups such as VOTF are so prominently promoted and extolled as a positive good.
Asking Your Excellency’s Blessing,
I am, Yours Respectfully
Paul Anthony Melanson
* http://lasalettejourney.blogspot.com/2007/10/what-must-change-structure-of-church-of.html
The Catholic Free Press editorial mentioned how, "...the little ones Jesus refused to exclude transform our parishes as they populate them." How true. Why then should Our Lady's "little ones" be excluded from parish life? Why should they be persecuted even within the Church? Why should the Marian Movement of Priests - made up of Our Lady's little cohort - be persecuted and excluded within the Church? Because members of the MMP pray an Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in which they promise the Immaculata, "..to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church."
In the words of Fr. Livio Fanzaga, "Only the 'little flock' headed by Peter will remain faithful [during the time of Antichrist]...the greater the Antichrist's and Satan's power of seduction, the greater the false splendor of human progress [read new life and vitality]...."
Fr. Fanzaga goes on to explain that in those times nobody will be able to resist the seduction except those who stand with the Holy Father. He writes, "Only those in the Catholic Church who cling to the rock [Matthew 16:18], against which the tides of evil break, will be able to preserve the faith." The Papacy represents the supernatural principle. It dares to oppose the new humanitarian religion of Antichrist [read here]. This is why it is scorned. This is why Our Lady's little cohort is scorned. Because this little cohort stands with the Holy Father against the humanitarian religion of the Son of Perdition, the Prince of this world.
How do we explain the lack of interest which is behind the intended closure [read here] of the Calvary Retreat Center in Shrewsbury? What excuse will be manufactured to dismiss this troubling development? Might there not be another explanation for the crisis which the Church presently finds itself in? There is. But this explanation is largely rejected by those who refuse to acknowledge the root of this present crisis.
On September 8, 1985, Our Lady told Fr. Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests: "The cause of such a vast diffusion of errors and of this great apostasy rests with unfaithful pastors. They remain silent when they should speak with courage to condemn error and to defend the truth. They do not intervene when they should be unmasking the rapacious wolves who, hidden beneath the clothing of lambs, have insinuated themselves into the flock of Christ. They are mute dogs who allow their flocks to be torn to pieces..."
The same editorial which appeared in The Catholic Free Press said that, "We the people...make up the Church...as we share, we can contribute to a revival which can fill the pews" and, "..the Body of Christ is healthiest when it has all its members, you included. Maybe, as you share your time, talent and treasure, you will help keep another parish from closing...More importantly, maybe you'll bring still more people to Christ and his Body - those who never knew him, those who've wandered away, or members of the next generation just waiting to learn of him from your lips and lives."
Nice words. But we must give more than lip service to them. Just recently, I attended a parish meeting in Fitchburg where I proposed the idea of creating a parish website with the aim of reaching out to young people [who spend much time on the internet] and those who have "wandered away" from the Church. The laity in attendance all applauded at this suggestion. The pastor asked me whether I would be willing to undertake such a project. I immediately responded in the affirmative and was given the green light to proceed with the pastor having assured all those present that he doesn't "micro-manage" when he delegates a project to be accomplished. Long story short, when certain individuals at this parish learned of my orthodoxy and commitment to the Magisterial teaching of the Church, a meeting was held [one which I was not invited to attend], the project was quickly scrapped and I was told in an email. When I wrote the pastor about this and a retired Deacon as well, I received no response. Charity is obviously a strong suit in their brand of Catholicism.
And two weeks ago today I wrote the following respectful letter to His Excellency, The Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, and received absolutely no response whatsoever:
May 16, 2008
The Most Rev. Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester
49 Elm Street
Worcester, Ma 01609
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you because every week The Catholic Free Press publishes a calendar of events which are held throughout the diocese. According to the publication, "The Catholic Free Press welcomes information on events from parish and diocesan groups for inclusion in the Diocesan Diary."
I belong to a Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle which is held every Thursday at 3 PM at ----------- in Fitchburg. As members of the Marian Movement, we commit ourselves to the experience of a life totally entrusted to Our Lady so that we may be assisted by her to remain faithful to our baptismal consecration thereby becoming witnesses of communion and unity, constantly striving for conversion through prayer and penance.
In Redemptoris Mater, No. 28, Pope John Paul II reminded us that, "As the Council says, ‘Mary figured profoundly in the history of salvation....Hence when she is being preached and venerated, she summons the faithful to her Son and his Sacrifice, and to love for the Father.’ For this reason, Mary’s faith, according to the Church’s apostolic witness, in some way continues to become the faith of the pilgrim People of God: the faith of individuals and communities, of places and gatherings, and of the various groups existing in the Church. It is a faith that is passed on simultaneously through both the mind and the heart. It is gained or regained continually through prayer. Therefore, ‘the Church in her apostolic work also rightly looks to her who brought forth Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin, so that through the Church Christ may be born and increase in the hearts of the faithful also.’" (Citing Lumen Gentium, No. 65).
And Mary is preached and venerated in a Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle. As explained in the book "To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons," "The MMP is a little seed planted by Our Lady in the garden of the Church....It is a work of love which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is stirring up in the Church today, to help all her children to live, with trust and filial hope, the painful moments of the purification." (XVI).
Can there be any doubt, Your Excellency, that we are living in difficult and painful times, times of increasing darkness? Witness recent events in California regarding same-sex "marriage."
Which brings me to the point of this letter. In the past, there have been attempts to have the Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle included in the Diocesan Diary but these have not been successful. And one has to wonder why this is. Is it that the messages contained in the book "To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons" are considered somehow dangerous or inappropriate? If so, it should be noted that His Excellency The Most Rev. Donald W. Montrose, Bishop of Stockton, has granted the book the Imprimatur signaling that there is nothing contrary to faith or morals in the manuscript.
Is it devotion to the Holy Rosary which is considered problematic? Just last week, our Holy Father Benedict XVI said that: "Today we together confirm that the holy Rosary is not some pious practice relegated to the past, a prayer of distant times to be thought of nostalgically. Indeed, the Rosary is experiencing what is almost a new springtime.."
And, speaking of those who attempt to dissuade others from praying the Rosary or who attempt to hinder the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort has this to say: "It is very wicked indeed and unfair to other souls to hinder the progress of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. Almighty God has severely punished many of those who have been so benighted as to scorn the Confraternity and who have sought to destroy it. Even though God has set His seal of approval on the Holy Rosary by many miracles, and in spite of the Papal Bulls that have been written approving it, there are only too many people who are against the Holy Rosary today. These freethinkers and those who scorn religion either condemn the Rosary or try to turn others away from it. It is easy to see that they have absorbed the poison of Hell and that they are inspired by the Devil - for nobody can condemn devotion to the Holy Rosary without condemning all that is most holy in the Catholic Faith, such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Angelic Salutation and the mysteries of the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ and of His Holy Mother...to dissuade others from joining the Rosary Confraternity is to be an enemy of souls because the Rosary is a sure means of curing oneself of sin and of embracing a Christian life. Saint Bonaventure said (in his Psalter) that whoever neglected Our Lady would perish in his sins and would be damned: ‘He who neglects her will die in his sins.’ If such is the penalty for neglecting her, what must be the punishment in store for those who actually turn others away from their devotions.’" (The Secret of the Rosary, PP. 125-126).
It is tragic, Your Excellency, that The Catholic Free Press has published (just recently *) an article written by a Jesuit priest extolling VOTF (a known dissent group) as a positive good while advocating "structural change" in the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Many Bishops have actually referred to VOTF as "anti-Catholic." VOTF, unlike the Marian Movement of Priests, promotes dissent from the authoritative Magisterial teaching of the Church. This is a problem because, as Pope John Paul II reminded us in his Encyclical Letter Veritatis Splendor, No. 113, "Dissent...is opposed to ecclesial communion and to a correct understanding of the hierarchical constitution of the People of God."
By contrast, the MMP promotes communion and unity with the Church and a total obedience and filial devotion to the Church’s hierarchy.
It is my hope that The Catholic Free Press will include the Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle which is held at ---------- in Fitchburg in its Diocesan Diary - Calendar of Events. It is impossible to understand why devotion to Mary and obedience to the Church’s hierarchy should be relegated to the margins while dissent groups such as VOTF are so prominently promoted and extolled as a positive good.
Asking Your Excellency’s Blessing,
I am, Yours Respectfully
Paul Anthony Melanson
* http://lasalettejourney.blogspot.com/2007/10/what-must-change-structure-of-church-of.html
The Catholic Free Press editorial mentioned how, "...the little ones Jesus refused to exclude transform our parishes as they populate them." How true. Why then should Our Lady's "little ones" be excluded from parish life? Why should they be persecuted even within the Church? Why should the Marian Movement of Priests - made up of Our Lady's little cohort - be persecuted and excluded within the Church? Because members of the MMP pray an Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in which they promise the Immaculata, "..to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church."
In the words of Fr. Livio Fanzaga, "Only the 'little flock' headed by Peter will remain faithful [during the time of Antichrist]...the greater the Antichrist's and Satan's power of seduction, the greater the false splendor of human progress [read new life and vitality]...."
Fr. Fanzaga goes on to explain that in those times nobody will be able to resist the seduction except those who stand with the Holy Father. He writes, "Only those in the Catholic Church who cling to the rock [Matthew 16:18], against which the tides of evil break, will be able to preserve the faith." The Papacy represents the supernatural principle. It dares to oppose the new humanitarian religion of Antichrist [read here]. This is why it is scorned. This is why Our Lady's little cohort is scorned. Because this little cohort stands with the Holy Father against the humanitarian religion of the Son of Perdition, the Prince of this world.
"There were among the demolishers distinguished men wearing uniforms and crosses. They did not work themselves but they marked out on the wall with a TROWEL where and how it should be torn down. To my horror, I saw among them Catholic Priests. Whenever the workmen did not know how to go on, they went to a certain one in their party. He had a large book which seemed to contain the whole plan of the building and the way to destroy it. They marked out exactly with a TROWEL the parts to be attacked, and they soon came down. They worked quietly and confidently, but slyly, furtively and warily. I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered..."
- Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), German Augustinian nun, stigmatist, and miracle-worker.
Related reading: http://www.oecumene.radiovaticana.org/en1/Articolo.asp?c=209293
Pope Benedict XVI: Rosary is a school of Mary