Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homosexual Hate Movement: Transsexual strips naked and attacks priest during Mass

In numerous previous posts, some of which may be found here, here, here, here and here, I have documented the intolerance and anti-Christian bigotry of the Homosexual Hate Movement. Homosexual activist Paul Varnell has admitted that "..the gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not, is not a civil rights movement, not even a sexual liberation movement, but a moral revolution aimed at changing people's view of homosexuality."

And it is a revolution which has often relied on violence and intimidation to achieve its goals. Recall the attacks on Christian and Mormon Churches from homosexual activists enraged over Proposition 8 in California.


John Ansley said...

Referring to the "GLBT community," radical homosexual activist John Hosty has asserted that "We simply want equality from the government." And yet he has a post at his Blog showing how a Mormon Temple is being besieged by GLBT - Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered kisses:

You're 100 percent right Paul. This is a hate movement which is intolerant (and "in your face") when it comes toward Christian Churches and other religious-minded people like the Mormons.

Sanctus Belle said...

Methinks the evil one knows his time is short

Cleghornboy said...

Indeed Sanctus. He lies in wait for the heel which will crush his head, the seat of his intellect, his pride.

John, exactly. This is a spiritual war. Which is why homosexuals have targeted Christian Churches and Mormon Temples.

Derek said...

Persecution is mounting all over the world:

Priest beaten into a coma by police. Catholics Protest throughout Vietnam
by J.B. An Dang

Thousands of the faithful take part in demonstrations and prayer vigils in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The priest in a coma was beaten and then hurled from the 2nd floor of a hospital. Another was savagely beaten while 30 policemen stood by watching. The Diocese of Vinh publicly denounces the episode.

Hanoi (AsiaNews)-Two priests are in serious condition after they were savagely beaten by Vietnamese police and thugs, who tried in vain to stop the demonstrations held last July 26 in Vinh (300 km south of Hanoi) to demand justice for the violence used against the Christian community of the parish of Tam Toa (see AsiaNews 21/07/09 - Beatings and arrests of priests and faithful in the historic church of Tam Toa). As news of the priests conditions spread, a series of new demonstrations have been launched in several cities of Vietnam.

The diocesan office in Vinh issued a statement last night in condemning the attacks by police and gangs of thugs acting on police orders, on the two priests, Fr Paul Nguyen Dinh Phu and Fr. Peter Nguyen The Binh, whose conditions are very critical. Both have been admitted to hospital in Dong Hoi, the first with broken ribs and head injuries, the second was beaten into a coma and then hurled from the 2nd floor of the building.

The diocesan statement also denounces that police and gangs of thugs have been attacking anyone who dares to wear a Catholic religious symbol. In a particular episode, the thugs savagely beat a woman, Nguyen Thi Yen and her child of 9 years.

On 26 July morning, Fr. Paul Dinh Phu Nguyen, pastor of Du Loc, was attacked by a group of plainclothes policemen as he was travelling to the parish of Tam Toa, for the celebration of mass together with five other priests of the deanery of Trooc. The mass was to have started a peaceful demonstration to protest against the beating suffered by many faithful of the parish of Tam Toa, who were repairing the ruined church. Seven faithful were arrested.

The event was attended by 170 priests, 420 religious and about 500 thousand Catholics from the diocese of Vinh and other neighbouring dioceses, distributed across 19 deaneries. While making their way to Tam Toa, three women of the village of Dong Yen were beaten by a group of men. Fr. Paul Nguyen tried to intervene to save the women, but "before I could say a word - he said - they have left the women aside and they turned on me, beating me with brutality, having recognized me as a priest. There were at least 30 uniformed policemen nearby and who simply looked on with indifference while I was subjected to the attack. "

The beating left him with some broken ribs and injuries to the face and head. He was saved by a group of believers who freed him and took him to hospital. Afterwards, the gang which had beat him, surrounded the hospital building armed with clubs and other instruments of violence.

The diocesan Office of Vinh immediately issued a public complaint to the People's Committee of Quang Binh and asked a Fr. Peter Nguyen The Binh, pastor of nearby Ha Loi parish, to visit Fr Paul Nguyen, accompanied by Vice Governor Tran Cong Thuat. On arriving at the hospital, Thuat fled. An armed gang surrounded the priest left on his own, savagely beating him into a coma and throwing him from the second floor of the hospital building.

The news of the attacks to the two priests and other faithful of Dong Hoi has sparked a fresh protest. In Ho Chi Minh City, yesterday evening, more than 2 thousand Catholics attended a prayer vigil at the Redemptorist monastery, asking the Vietnamese government to immediately stop the persecution of the Church..."

Michael Cole said...

Obamacare: Forced Euthanasia for Seniors?

Obamacare: Will Seniors Have a Duty to Die?

By George J. Marlin

The national health care debate has elicited [Alleged] President Obama’s pledge that the proposed $1.3 trillion, 1,018-page government health insurance program is “not going to mess” with anyone’s current coverage. But this does not ring true.

If Obamacare becomes law, expect Medicare – which represents 15 percent of the federal budget, consumes 11 percent of federal taxes, and has a future unfunded liability of at least $60 trillion (yes, trillion) – to be cut immediately.

According to Medicare expert Dr. Thomas Saving of Texas A&M, if the “federal income tax remains at the 50-year average of 10.89 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product, the present value of all future federal income tax revenues from now to eternity is $99.3 trillion so that the Medicare debt of $61.6 trillion is 62 percent of all future federal tax receipts.” Since the feds will not spend that much money to meet this financial obligation, its only alternative is rationing health care for the elderly.

[Alleged] President Obama began to lay the groundwork for “messing” with Medicare when he publicly mused that perhaps his grandmother (who died last fall) should not have had a hip replacement in old age.

Obama’s top medical advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel’s brother) has called for denying treatment to senior citizens outright. “Unlike allocation by sex or race,” he recently wrote, “allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if twenty-five-year olds receive priority over sixty-five-year olds, everyone who is sixty-five years now was previously twenty-five years.” This amounts to a clever tap dance for throwing the elderly over the side.

Dr. Emanuel holds that health care should be denied to those “who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.” In other words, his vision of health care reform assumes the government possesses the power to determine a citizen’s worth. Medical procedures would not be determined by doctors who are sworn to do no harm but by bean-counting state and federal bureaucrats. Take my word for it: the exercise of such power will lead to government-sanctioned euthanasia programs.

Don’t dismiss my prognostications as Orwellian fantasies – health care that rationalizes abandoning the elderly and infirmed has been kicking around for a long time..."

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