Monday, May 17, 2010

Why is America in such turmoil?

"For the hope of the wicked is as dust, which is blown away with the wind, and as a thin froth which is dispersed by the storm: and a smoke that is scattered abroad by the wind: and as the remembrance of a guest of one day that passeth by." (Wisdom 5:15).

Years ago, Father Albert J. Hebert, S.M., warned that because of abortion and homosexuality and "the many other sins that abound today, personal, familial, social and political, we can expect that there will be expanding natural disasters and new man-made ones. Such things as California fires and Florida freezes will increase. Hail, rain and river floods, tornados, typhoons, todal waves and the hurricane will continue increasingly to be God's cleansing tools. volcanos will spout red lava and hot ash, mud slides and avalanches will roar down mountain sides. Acid rain, chemical pollution explosions too will take their toll...

Depressions, financial collapses, hunger marches, strikes, panics and riots, all will come as also more Ethiopias of famine and deprivation. Satanic and occult cults, conspirators and secret society members will grow more active. Walls of prisons and jails will bulge even more. False philosophies and isms of all kinds [such as Socialism, my note] will flourish....

But there is the good side also, which, of course, is mainly for repentant people and the suffering good. A message from the Guardian Angel and Protector of the United States of America to Sister M., Aug 22, 1981, gives consolation and encouragement: 'If the people of this land carry out faithfully the instructions and pleadings of the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mother then they will be following me to the hour of peace. With this sword of the Divine white flame of Love and the lightning bolts of His Infinite Justice God will strike down His enemies and heal the repentant sinner. This nation and all who follow in the pursuit of peace will know the protection of God and the destruction of those, who fight and seek to destroy them through the evil powers of the infernal spirits of darkness and hate.'...

It is as simple as that!....This is a time for making great efforts that the Chastisement be mitigated. When the biggest catastrophes break it will be too late. For instance, Sister Rose Asdenti of Taggia (19th century) foretold: 'A great revolution will spread all over Europe...' (Rev. Albert J. Hebert, S.M., Prophecies: The Chastisement and Purification, pp. 141, 142).

Fr. Hebert's book was written back in 1986. How much of what he said would occur has come to pass? I am struck most of all by what he had to say about man-made disasters (think of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico) and volcanic ash - which is (once again) proving to be a major problem for Europe.

And what of Sister Rose Asdenti's prophecy of revolution spreading all over Europe? What is happening right now with the Euro? Witness the fear and discontent as economic problems continue to plague that continent.

Pray and work to mitigate the Chastisement. Offer your Holy Mass, your Rosary, your Mercy Chaplet. Prepare yourself now as the storm clouds continue to gather.


tess said...

The world is in deep trouble and we should hurry to be saved!

Robert said...

For a citizen of the US which is born of revolution, it ill behoves you to talk of "revolution " in Europe. This kind of fundamentalsit nonsense discredits Chritianity.

Cleghornboy said...

First of all, Sister Rose Asdenti of Taggia was not a "fundamentalist." And it was her prophecy that revolution would break out across Europe, not mine. Secondly, prophecy is not "nonsense." We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-21, "Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

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