Thursday, November 23, 2017

Liberally biased Facebook sends me a notification with a "fact-checking" website which is itself liberally biased...

We all know that Facebook has a liberal, anti-conservative bias.  See here.
Yesterday I received a notification from Facebook regarding an article I shared on Francis.  The notification read:

I responded on Facebook:

Within an hour or two, I couldn't post on Facebook.  Not a word.  Retaliation?  It wouldn't surprise me.  See here.


Cyn M said...

If this is indeed retaliation for expressing your opinion, then that's vile censorship.Freedom of speech is dying in America. Praying for things to get sorted out with them, and for your ministry. Hang in there Paul.

cjgruet said...

Keep it up, Paul. What we believe in matters most.

Cleghornboy said...

Thanks Cyn. They've done this before. On two prior occasions, I was prevented from posting for a period of time. It seems that orthodox Christians are treated with a certain hostility on Facebook.

Cleghornboy said...

Thanks CJGruet my friend. Our sad time.

Anonymous said...

Don't fret my brothers in Christ.
Neglected Truth is stronger than desired fiction.

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