According to the Sentinel & Enterprise, Mayor Wong said she would like to see more interaction between Planned Parenthood and the public. It's rather unfortunate that the mayor has no problem with Planned Parenthood. For, as Dr & Mrs. J.C. Willke explain in their book "Why Can't We Love Them Both: Questions and Answers About Abortion," Planned Parenthood "..is the largest, most powerful, most effective pro-abortion, anti-life, anti-family, anti-Christian force in the U.S. and internationally." (p. 340).
Planned Parenthood is virulently anti-life and anti-Christian. In one pamphlet, Planned Parenthood says: "In every generation there exists a group of people so filled with bigotry and self-righteousness that they will resort to any means - even violence - to impose their views on society. Today, such fanatics dominate a movement ironically called 'the Right-to-Life,' a movement which threatens the most basic of all human rights."
And, as Dr & Mrs. Willke explain, "Planned Parenthood has promoted a pro-abortion 'comic book,' geared for teenagers, entitled Abortion Eve. On the back cover is a caricature of the 'Assumption of the Blessed Virgin' depicting a pregnant Mary with the idiot face of Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neumann. The caption says, 'What, me worry?'" (p. 343).
Don Weintraub, Vice President for International Affairs of PPFA, has admitted that, "Planned Parenthood is not just a social or medical service agency. It is part of a cause, a movement.." (March 12, 1985). And what is the driving force behind this movement? Racism, eugenics and the destruction of Christian morality. See here.
Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood, was a prominent proponent of eugenics and forced sterilization. See here. She approved of Hitler's forced sterilization program. (See "Into the Darkness, Nazi Germany Today," by L. Stoddard, p. 196). Go here to learn more about Margaret Sanger by reading her own words.
Mayor Lisa Wong obviously views Planned Parenthood as something "positive" for Fitchburg. But what does this suggest about the mayor? That she has chosen sides in an ongoing spiritual war. That she cares little or nothing for the empirical evidence which proves conclusively that Planned Parenthood has failed on so many levels. As Catholic Blogger JayG put it:
"Planned Parenthood has had a generation to work to reduce sexually transmitted disease, and we do not believe their approach has worked. We believe the promotion of promiscuity, the mocking of monogamy, and the band-aid of safe-sex has been totally ineffective. Couple this colossal ineffectiveness with the fact that the Fitchburg Planned Parenthood office will be a feeder to the Worcester Planned Parenthood abortion center and you have all the reason Fitchburg needs to keep Planned Parenthood out of town." (See entire Blog post here).
Does Mayor Wong really believe that this belongs at Burbank Hospital?
Wong supports a bigoted organization which has no problem engaging in anti-Catholicism while advancing a Culture of Death. Fitchburg deserves better than her. Instead of addressing the real problems facing the city, Wong has chosen to advance a radical leftist agenda which is anti-life and anti-God.
John, she said she was "unaware" of PP's intention to come to Fitchburg. But Jesse Mermel from PP said she contacted Wong's office on Dec 21 and spoke with her assistant. If the mayor is telling the truth, then she is not "on top of things" in Fitchburg and we need a mayor who actually pays attention to the issues. If she's lying and Mermel is telling the truth, this is all the more reason for concern.
Either way, Lisa Wong has failed Fitchburg.
As the Life Research Institute article makes clear, "A racial analysis of abortion statistics is quite revealing. According to a Health and Human Services Administration report, as many as forty-three percent of all abortions are performed on Blacks
and another ten percent on Hispanics. This, despite the fact that Blacks only make up eleven percent of the total U.S. population and Hispanics only about eight percent. A National Academy of Sciences investigation released more conservative--but no less telling-figures: thirty-two percent of all abortions are performed on minority mothers."
I guess Wong has no difficulty with these facts. The question is: why?
Fitchburg has fast become a place where young families just don't feel safe. And now we can thank city officials for caving into Planned Parenthood, a racist organization which is deeply anti-Christian. I decided to move out of Fitchburg years ago because I didn't like the direction the city was taking. But things have gone from bad to worse. Instead of inspiring the youth to practice restraint and to remain chaste, the city of Fitchburg has opted to look the other way while abortion, contraception and sexual promiscuity are promoted. Fitchburg has officially become a moral sewer.
I never thought I'd say this, but I am ashamed of Fitchburg. I grew up and have spent my whole life here. The city has changed over the years. And not for the better. It used to be a city thoroughly infused with Christian values. A place where people actually cared for one another. A place where you could safely raise a family.
The Fitchburg I knew is almost dead now. It has a mayor who is out of touch with family values and simple common decency.
Things can still be truned around. But we need to ban together to accomplish this. I call upon area pastors to work with the laity to take a powerful stand for Christian values and a common sense approach to government.
Let's take Fitchburg back for the people!
There is something sinister in this. First Fitchburg gets the Tridentine Mass and next Satan vollies back with Planned Parenthood.
You know, I was thinking the very same thing. Often where there is an authentic Marian apparition, the Devil will also show up. You raise an excellent point and are obviously spiritually awake. This is a spiritual war and we need to treat it as such. Mayor Wong didn't show up for the city meeting for a reason. This whole affair has been shady and sinister.
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