Friday, October 01, 2010

Father Thomas Massaro of the Cambridge Peace Commission and Mr. Sarav Chidambaram

Joe Sacerdo over at Bryan Hehir Exposed writes, "We’ve had it with the Archdiocese of Boston’s response to the dissent from Church teachings being permitted that continues to scandalize the faithful. An upcoming Boston conference is still featuring a backer of a pro-abortion politician. If you’re fed up also and want to let the Vatican know, we’ve made it really easy for you. (Click the “Fed Up” picture to take action immediately). This is the first move of what we’re calling the “Boston Catholic Tea Party.” The good news is that we now have a green light from the Boston Archdiocese to take our complaints to the Holy See!

On October 9, the archdiocese is sponsoring another Social Justice Conference, this time featuring Fr. Thomas Massaro, SJ from Boston College along with Fr. Bryan Hehir. Fr. Massaro, was one of 26 signatories to a public letter supporting the nomination of pro-abortion former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Obama administration. Three archbishops in Kansas City (see below for references) have rebuked her for her pro-abortion views that ran contrary to Church teachings, with Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann asking her to no longer receive Communion until she repudiated her stance and make a “worthy sacramental confession.” Our complaints about Fr. Hehir go back nearly 40 years, including his presiding over Catholic Charities of Boston when they brokered adoptions to gay couples and when they honored the pro-abort/pro-gay marriage Mayor of Boston, and his undermining Catholic teachings on abortion, Catholic conscience exemptions, women priests, and voting for pro-abortion politicians."

It should be noted that Father Massaro is a member of the Cambridge Peace Commission, an organization intimately linked with the GLBT agenda.  Recently the Cambridge Lavender Alliance honored Cathy Hoffman of the Cambridge Peace Commission for her "exemplary activism."  Additionally, this past May the Cambridge Peace Commission held its 12th Cambridge Peace and Justice Awards and an award was given to Sarav Chidambaram of the Cambridge GLBT Commission.  Mr. Chidambaram "was chosen for his work as an advocate and activist within the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community."  In a recent interview, Mr. Chidambaram said, "The kind of work I do is considered very controversial within our communities and I hardly get any acknowledgement for the work I do."  If he thinks his work isn't acknowledged, he should try defending the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church.  Such a task virtually guarantees pariah status.  He continues, "..I accept [this award] as a pat on the back and an inspiration to do more."  There you have it.  The Cambridge Peace Commission award has inspired Mr. Chidambaram to continue working to undermine marriage and family life within our communities.  Beautiful huh?  See the full interview here.
Oh and by the way, Mr. Chidambaram also serves on the Board of Directors for MassEquality, a radical GLBT activist organization which promotes same-sex "marriage."  And the logo above is from the website of the Cambridge Peace Commission.  Many know this as a symbol from the 1960s representing peace.  The symbol is actually used by occultists because it is an upside-down broken cross.  It represents for such people the hoped-for defeat of Christianity.  It is another way of mocking Christ.


Wendy said...

How does the CPC decide who to give an award to? Did Father Massaro vote to award Mr. Chidambaram for his pro-homosexual activism?

My God, it just keeps getting worse!

BostonCatholic2011 said...

The more I read about Fathers Hehir and Massaro, the more concerned I become. Is this "Social Justice Conference" going to be another venue for promoting abortion and homosexuality? For undermining the Church's teaching in other areas? At this point, I don't trust the Boston archdiocese at all. Where there's smoke there is fire. And I'm seeing a whole lot of smoke.

Cleghornboy said...

A quote from Mr. Sarav Chidambaram:

"I hope that the movement for LGBT equality will grow and support the needs of the people. Perhaps the LGBT movement in India will evolve into something unique rather than blindly adapting to a model from the West. None of our brothers or sisters should be forcibly married to the opposite gender. And ultimately, I hope that the future generations don’t need to run away to a foreign country to save themselves from the social obligations—like I did."


Your question is a good one Wendy. Did Father Massaro vote to award Mr. Chidambaram for his pro-homosexual activism? If so, how does he reconcile such an action with being a Roman Catholic priest who is supposed to demonstrate a submission of mind and will to the Magisterium of the Church (Lumen Gentium, No. 25).

Anonymous said...

Fr. Massaro is listed on the Peace Commission's website as co-chair. Do you give an award when the ch-chair objects? Maybe this is another example of the "privately oppose, publicly approve" philosophy that Bryan Hehir seems to favor. Someone should capture that web page in case they suddenly take the evidence down.

Anyone looking at Fr. Massaro's pro-union views?

Seems he is out in left-field there as well, though doctrinally that is not nearly as egregious a problem. I'd hate to imagine what he would say Catholic social teaching has to say about that one.

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