Saturday, January 15, 2005

Pope Pius XII slandered again

Pope Pius XII, one of our greatest Popes of recent times, is again being slandered by The New York Times in an article which can aptly be described as demonic and which accuses the great Pontiff of instructing Catholics not to return Jewish children who had been hid from the Nazis during their reign of unspeakable terror. This truly saddens me since Pope Pius XII was such a loving man and so concerned with the welfare of the Jewish people. My father had an audience with Pius XII and was deeply inspired by the incredible holiness of this Vicar of Christ. I have a rosary which was blessed by His Holiness and a special blessing from him for our family which he gave to my father in April of 1958, some six months before he went to be with the Lord.

Link to the article covering this whole hateful affair:


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