Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Message from Mr. Russell Pond

I just received this message from Mr. Russell Pond of New Hampshire Right to Life:

After its return from the Independence Day recess the week of July 10th, the U.S. Senate will be voting on using our tax dollars to pay for embryonic stem cell research. Under the false claim of unproven research which suggests that embryonic stem cells will eventually cure many ills, Congress is considering using our money to fund science involving the destruction of human life.

ACTION: Contact (Judd Gregg) gregg.senate.gov/sitepages/contact.cfm and (John Sununu) www.sununu.senate.gov/webform.html and ask them to vote against HR810. You can mention adult stem cells have already proven to be capable of being a remedy for many ills.

A few of you getting this message live in other States and should contact your own Senators.


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