Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, You who enlightens me, who illuminates all things so I may attain my goal. You who gives me the divine gift of forgiving and forgetting the evil done to me and who is ever with me at all moments of my life. I wish during this short dialogue with You to thank You for everything and to confirm once again my wish to never be separated from You, even and in spite of all material attractions. I desire to be with You in eternal glory. Thank You for your mercy towards me and all who are dear to me. Amen.

- Recite this prayer three days in succession. After the three days the favor or grace requested will be obtained, even if it appears to be of a difficult nature. As proof of God's favor, publish this entire prayer as soon as possible.

Foundress of the Spiritual Children of Saint Rita

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