Friday, September 11, 2009

A question for Dianne Williamson...

Back in June, Worcester Telegram & Gazette columnist Dianne Williamson assured us that the murder of late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller was, "nothing short of far right-wing terrorism" (see here). I responded to this load of bovine scatology here. Now, a pro-life activist has been shot multiple times and killed in front of Michigan's Owosso High School (see article here).

Of course, this begs the question: Does the murder of this pro-life activist constitute far left-wing terrorism?

I look forward to a response from Ms. Williamson. Especially since she is such an expert on domestic terrorism and lunacy. Hopefully we will hear from her soon.


Ellen Wironken said...

Williamson isn't interested in objective truth. She's a partisan. Her column, and the T & G's stance on abortion, are what convinced me to drop the newspaper. If I want left-wing propaganda, I can read Commonweal, America, Time Magazine or The New York Times.

Cleghornboy said...

Of course, any sane person condemns the murder of Dr. Tiller. But that is not the point here (one has to spell things out for some). The point is that Dianne Williamson has labelled his murder "terrorism." I challenge that mindless assertion. But if Ms. Williamson (who can hardly be accused of being a thinker) is to be consistent at all, she must categorize this killing as terrorism as well. Or is an act of violence only "terrorism" when it is committed by someone who doesn't share Ms. Williamson's ideology?

Eric Levan said...

There is much incivility today. The president has set a poor example himself. I didn't appreciate his statement about moral opposition to homosexuality being based on "worn arguments." Or his remarks about Christians "clinging to guns and religion."

With such poor example from the Commander-in-Chief, is it any wonder that Pat Buchanan is asking if America is breaking up?

Ted Loiseau said...

I remember your Blog post dealing with the op-ed piece you wrote on same-sex "marriage" and the Massachusetts SJC and submitted to the Telegram & Gazette and which never saw the light of day. You mentioned how the paper didn't even acknowledge receipt of that piece.

That's how the paper operates. It's not really interested in presenting opposing views, especially when these effectively make a point. I know other Christians who have submitted pro-life letters to the editor which were not published.

That's why the Telegram doesn't represent the community. Only the views of elitist snobs with a liberal agenda.

Debra N said...

Owosso, MI – September 11, 2009 - The following is a statement by Personhood USA co-founder Cal Zastrow.

"This morning a violent man murdered a peaceful pro-life Christian, Jim Pouillon, my close friend. Jim was completely non-violent and never condoned using violence. I knew him very well and had prayed and ministered with him often.

He was praying and holding a poster of a newborn baby outside of Owosso High School. One of the students in the school was his granddaughter. His beating heart and measurable brainwaves are stopped. Also today, 4,000 American preborn children with beating hearts and measurable brainwaves are being murdered with suction "abortion" machines or drugs.

Their beating hearts and measurable brainwaves are stopped. We condemn both forms of murder. Don't shoot, stab, smack, slap, or suck the arms and legs off of children with suction machines! Stop the violence!
The last time I talked to Jim was this week, Monday. I prayed with him over the phone as he was preparing to go talk about Jesus and show pro-life signs in front of Owosso High School, where he was martyred this morning."

Contact: Cal Zastrow, Co-Founder of Personhood USA 989-859-4482, 601-454-4819

Marie Tremblay said...

Owosso, MI (

Local officials and state police are confirming that a pro-life advocate was shot and killed outside a high school in this Michigan town. The person, who is described as well-known but whose identity has not been released, was shot multiple times while protesting abortion outside Owosso High School. has learned that the pro-life advocate is James Pouillon and the local Argus Press newspaper in Owosso has confirmed that to be the case. He was reportedly shot multiple times.

In the spot where the Pouillon stood, a portable oxygen tank lay next to a sign with a picture of an unborn child and the word "Life."

Officials say the shooting occurred at 7:30 a.m. local time and most students were inside the school building at the time of the incident. The shooting did not take place on school property but officials locked down the school and taped off most of the front portions of the school grounds.

State police have confirmed they apprehended a suspect about 8:15 a.m. at the suspect's home in this small community northeast of Lansing.

Sara Edwards, the chief assistant prosecutor for Shiawassee County, has confirmed that Pouillon's pro-life stance was the reason he was targeted and said the suspect officials have in custody disapproved of his abortion protests outside the schools.

“There was some displeasure with how open he was,” she said. “He tended to carry big signs with very graphic pictures of fetuses.”

The suspect will likely be charged later today..."

Read the full article at Now the MSM are reporting that the shooter was not motivated by anger against the pro-life movement. Once again, they are engaging in falsehood.

Amanda said...

Memorial and Prayer Vigil Planned for Slain Pro-Life Hero


Owosso, MI, September 12, 2009 - Close friends of pro-life hero Jim Poullion will be gathering to grieve, pray, and remember the life of Jim Poullion. Media is invited to attend the memorial service for pro-life martyr Jim Poullion will be held on Sunday, September 13th 2009 from 3pm to 4pm at Owosso High School, where he was killed on September 11th.

What: Memorial service for Jim Poullion

When: Sunday, September 13th, 2009 3pm-4pm

Where: The public sidewalks of Owosso High School at 765 E. North St. Owosso, MI 48867

Who: Open to the public

"Violence and evil will not win in the end. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His peace and love will triumph. We're coming together to pray to God and honor the memory of my very close friend Jim Poullion," said Cal Zastrow, of Personhood USA. "May his life and tragic death encourage all of us to work for an end to all of the violence, particularly violence against the pre-born that Jim gave his life to defend."

For More Information Contact:
Cal Zastrow 989-859-4482

Personhood USA is a grassroots Christian

Eric Levan said...

Williamson most likely won't have a problem with this murder. The victim was a Catholic:

By John-Henry Westen

OWOSSO, Michigan, September 12, 2009 ( - Fr. John Fain, the pastor of St. Paul Catholic Church in Owosso Michigan has expressed his sadness at the murder of his parishioner James Pouillon who he described as "a good Christian and a faithful Catholic." In a message to, Fr. Fain said Pouillon "was deliberately targeted for his fervent pro-life beliefs."

"This Friday, September 11, 2009, was a very tragic day for Owosso and for Shiawassee County, Michigan," said the priest. "On behalf of St. Paul Church, Owosso, I wish to convey my deepest sympathy and prayers to the family and friends of James Pouillon and Mike Fuoss, the victims of today's violent murders."

Like many pro-lifers who decide to expose the reality of abortion with graphic images of the babies who were killed, Pouillon faced opposition even from within the Christian community. "While many in the Christian community in Owosso strongly disagreed with his approach, they admired his passion, zeal and determination to protect and preserve human life, at every stage, from conception to natural death," said Fr. Fain.

The priest concluded: "Jim wished that many in the Catholic community, and indeed, in all of the Christian Churches, shared his unwavering views on abortion and dignity of human life."

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