Monday, February 28, 2011

Deacon Paul Mello of Our Lady Immaculate Parish in Athol and Unitarian Universalists

Pope Benedict XVI has said that same-sex "marriage" and abortion are "among the most insidious and dangerous challenges" to society.  See here.  And the Unitarian Universalists promote both.  As this website notes, Unitarian Universalists have advocated for many decades for same-sex "marriage."  Unitarian Universalism, the article explains, "..advocates freedom for people to choose which sexual acts are morally and personally permissible, and to express one's sexual orientation and gender openly."

And as this Unitarian Universalist website makes clear, Unitarian Universalists have a long history of promoting and even celebrating abortion.

And yet, On November 21st of last year, Deacon Paul Mello of Our Lady Immaculate Parish in Athol, Massachusetts took part in an "Interfaith Thanksgiving Service" with M. Lara Hoke, a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and minister of the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian in Petersham, Massachusetts.

According to her Blog, Ms. Hoke is into the "earth-centered traditions" of Native Americans and heavily promotes "gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality." Her Blog also mentions that she lives in Worcester with her wife Emily Ferrara.

We have entered a period of diabolical disorientation, of confusion. And the darkness is spreading. Charity is growing cold and the Church herself is in crisis. This is not a time to lose heart. It is a time to pray and to place ourselves under Our Lady's mantle.

Mark Mallet was given the following messages recently:


August 24th, 2010: Speak the words, My words, which I have placed on your heart. Do not hesitate. The time is short! …Strive to be single-hearted, to place the Kingdom first in all you do. I say again, do not waste anymore time.

August 31st, 2010 (Mary): But now the time has come for the words of the prophets to be fulfilled, and all things brought beneath the heel of my Son. Do not delay in your personal conversion. Listen intently to the voice of my Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Remain in my Immaculate Heart, and you will find refuge in the Storm. Justice now falls. Heaven now weeps… and the sons of men will know sorrow upon sorrow. But I will be with you. I promise to hold you, and like a good mother, protect you beneath the shelter of my wings. All is not lost, but all is gained only through the Cross of my Son [ie. suffering]. Love my Jesus who loves all of you with a burning love.

October 4th, 2010: Time is short, I tell you. In your lifetime Mark, the sorrows of sorrows will come. Do not be afraid but be prepared, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man will come as the just Judge.

October 14th, 2010: Now is the time! Now is the time for the nets to be filled and drawn into the barque of My Church.

October 20th, 2010: So little time is left… so little time. Even you will not be ready, for the Day will come like a thief. But continue to fill your lamp, and you will see in the coming darkness.(cf. Matt 25:1-13, and how all the virgins were caught off guard, even those who were "prepared").

November 3rd, 2010: There is so little time left. Great changes are coming over the face of the earth. People are unprepared. They have not heeded My warnings. Many will die. Pray and intercede for them that they will die in My grace. The powers of evil are marching ahead. They will throw your world into chaos. Fix your heart and eyes firmly on Me, and no harm shall come to you and your household. These are days of darkness, great darkness such as has not been since I laid the foundation of the earth. My Son is coming as light. Who is ready for the revelation of His majesty? Who is ready even among My people to see themselves in the light of Truth?

November 13th, 2010: My son, the sorrow in your heart is but a drop of the sorrow in your Father’s heart. That after so many gifts and attempts to draw men back to Me, they have stubbornly refused My grace.

All of Heaven is prepared now. All the angels stand ready for the great battle of your times. Write about it (Rev 12-13). You are on its threshold, mere moments away. Stay awake then. Live soberly, do not fall asleep in sin, for you may never wake up. Be attentive to My word, which I will speak through you, My little mouthpiece. Make haste. Waste no time, for time is something you do not have.

Our Lady has spoken to Father Gobbi many times about the satanic pride which is crippling humanity and so dangerously threatening it. On December 8, 1993, she told Father Gobbi, "Satan has deceived this entire poor humanity, bringing it so far away from God and building for it idols of his own perversion: money, pride, egoism, amusement and impurity. And so humanity is today greatly threatened by violence, hatred, rebellion and war. During these years, you will see the great chastisement, with which the justice of God will purify this world, which has become a thousand times worse than at the time of the flood and so very possessed by evil spirits.....Satan has also entered into the interior of the Church and has succeeded in darkening her splendor. With the darkness of sin, he has obscured the splendor of her holiness; with the wound of division, he has made an attack upon the strength of her unity; with the spread of errors, he has stricken her in her proclamation of the truth.."

On May 13, 1993, Our Lady told Father Gobbi, "The powers which are directing and arranging human events, according to their perverse plans, are the dark and diabolic powers of evil. They have succeeded in in bringing all humanity to live without God. They have spread everywhere the error of theoretical and practical atheism. They have built the new idols before which humanity is bowing down in adoration: pleasure, money, pride, impurity, mastery over others, and impiety. Thus, in these years of yours, violence is spreading more and more. Egoism has made the hearts of men hard and insensitive. Hatred has blazed up like a scorching fire. Wars have multiplied in every part of the world, and you are now living in the danger of a terrible world war which will bring destruction to peoples and nations, a war from which no one will emerge victorious. Satan has succeeded in entering into the Church, the new Israel of God. He has entered there with the smoke of error and sin, the loss of faith and apostasy, of compromise with the world and the search for pleasure. During these years, he has succeeded in leading astray bishops, priests, religious and faithful.."

Today we are living in the most decadent, violent and faithless period in the history of mankind. But many cannot see this because they have succumbed to satanic pride. Satan fell in love with his own beauty and wound up rebelling against God and leading other angels to do the same, drawing them to Hell. Today, bishops, priests, religious and laity, puffed up with satanic pride, have become enamored with themselves and their "intellectual prowess." And like their master, the father of all lies (John 8: 44), these too are now rebelling against God and His Holy Church. These sons of Hell spend much of their waking hours contradicting Sacred Scripture, denying dogma and popularizing immorality. These pseudo-intellectuals arrogantly divinize man's intellect while ridiculing the Word of God. Saint Paul spoke of these disciples of Lucifer in 2 Timothy 4: 1-4: "I charge you to preach the word, to stay with this task whether convenient or inconvenient - correcting, reproving, appealing - constantly teaching and never losing patience. For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but, following their own desires, will surround themselves with teachers who tickle their ears. They will stop listening to the truth and will wander off to fables."

In Romans 1, Saint Paul emphasizes the fact that there is a connection between a refusal to acknowledge and obey God and a subsequent degeneration of morality. And yet, with all the sex abuse scandals within the Church and all the sexual immorality and dissent, there has been very little discussion about this truth. False worship and pride in one's own intellect cause spiritual blindness and subject men to the destructive and degrading drives of fallen nature - most especially in the area of sex. Saint Paul tells us that people who fall into such spiritual blindness begin to encourage others to do so. And so infidelity spreads like a cancer.

If we are to remain steadfast in the faith, we must continue to rely only on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of His Mother. As Father Lorenzo Scupoli reminds us, "Distrust of yourself is so necessary in the spiritual combat that, without it, you may be assured that you will neither gain the desired victory, nor be able to overcome even the weakest of your passions. You must be firmly convinced in your mind that this is the case, for, through our natural conception, we are too prone to make a false estimate of ourselves. Although we are absolutely nothing, we persuade ourselves that we are something and presume without the slightest foundation on our own strength." (Spiritual Combat, p. 11, Sophia Institute Press).

Jesus has said it: "Without Me, you can do nothing." Do we really believe this? Do we remind ourselves every day that without Him we can do nothing, that we are nothing? We are like a puff of smoke, a blade of grass - here today and gone tomorrow. Do we, insignificant creatures that we are, dare to question or challenge Almighty God? Do we dare to contradict the Son of Man and His Church? If so, then we are either unbelievers or demoniacs.

And His Word is not in us.


BostonCatholic2011 said...

The local Bishop should throw out the clergy who are currently assigned to that parish (priests and deacons) and start from scratch. What a disgrace.

Ted Loiseau said...

How can we share an "interfaith service" with people who don't have faith? Unitarians, as your post makes crystal clear, are supportive of both the Culture of Death and the radical homosexual agenda in opposition to God's plan for marriage and family.

It's not without reason that people like "Deacon" Mello prefer to associate with people like Lara Hoke. They share the same distorted notion as to what constitutes "faith."

But Jesus' words remain firm: "If you love Me, keep My Commandments."

Michelle said...

Unitarian Universalists also embrace Wicca. In fact, they have published books promoting Wiccan spirituality. How does one reconcile pagan wiccan religion and the evils you cite with Roman Catholicism? Are these "interfaith" fiascos really nothing more than a cheap attempt to baptize pagan spirituality?

TheLastCatholicinBoston said...

The UU's are Yo-Yo's and not even loosely a christian church. Your Deacon probably needs a good kick in the groin at this point. How many times can somebody be offered fraternal correction?

Regarding the up coming 2nd coming...
"Pray, Hope, don't worry."
Padre Pio

Anonymous said...

who is Mark Mallet?

Cleghornboy said...

There is a link on this Blog's sidebar to Mark Mallett's Blog. His beautiful writing speaks for itself. It says better than I ever could who he is.

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